The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Mitt Romney announces he now has a Black friend

    Mitt Romney shares a laugh with new Black friend "Herman."


    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Rick Santorum declares War on the Wheel, fire & sliced bread

    Coming off an impressive showing in Southern states, Rick Santorum is now looking to double-down on his conservative bona fides this week. After earlier stating that he would work to eliminate all pornography from America, Santorum has now come out and stated that such modern conveniences as the wheel, sliced-bread and fire all have to be banned, as well.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    City to use the homeless as public toilets, trash cans

    While much attention goes to the United States’ huge national debt, few spend time understanding the debt some cities are dealing with and the steps needed to take to balance these smaller but vital coffers.

    In cities like Needles, Calif. – which has a population of 15,000 and a debt of $450,000 – desperate times are calling for common-sense solutions. In it’s most controversial move, the City passed a law requiring the homeless to act as public toilets and trash cans to help defray costs.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Rush Limbaugh &’s Patrick Byrne: Misogynists getting their due

    Rush Limbaugh apparently isn’t the only one paying dearly for his misogynistic ways. boss Patrick Byrne, who has shown himself to be a first-class misogynist himself (“So, why exactly did you become a reporter?

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Dead people talking politics

    While they were busy writing endless columns on such things as Obama’s manliness, whether or not Americans should wear jeans or whether or not Monica Lewinsky would bring down the nation, America’s famed band of “conservative intellectuals” failed to notice that the

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Ahmadinejad has breakfast , proving he's a double-Hitler and Iran must be attacked

    WASHINGTON – Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad had breakfast today, leading most foreign policy experts to agree that Iran is now more dangerous than ever.

    Reports from Iran state that Ahmadinejad dined at 8 a.m. on pita bread, feta cheese and assorted fruits. Sources from within Iran have stated this breakfast is a sure sign that Iran now is fully nuclear capable and prepared to begin a full-scale nuclear war against the United States and Israel.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    A Straight White Man’s Burden

    Being a Straight White Male is great. It really is. I mean, the number of perks I get solely for being a Straight White Guy is just ridiculous. Did you know we Straight White Men get free ice cream on Tuesdays? Our choice of flavors. It’s fabulous.

    But life as a White Male is not all good jobs, unlimited rights and privileges and free ice cream on Tuesdays. It is mostly, mind you, but it’s not everything.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Women Having Sex? Outlaw it. Problems solved

    America has become Satan’s playground. It is a nation that dances with the devil and is seeing it’s greatness usurped by sin. And it is all because we allow American women to have sex.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Stop Animal Abuse in Brazil – Crueldade Nunca Mais – Sunday, Jan. 22

    On Sunday (Jan. 22), we’ll be attending the Crueldade Nunca Mais rally in Uberlandia, Minas Gerais, Brazil. This is not just a nation-wide rally, but an international one, dedicated to strengthen extremely weak laws in Brazil against animal cruelty.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Mitt Romney is just not very good at this

    If there’s one thing that’s glaringly apparent in the GOP nomination process, it’s this – Mitt Romney is just not a very good candidate for office.

    It shouldn’t be this way. Romney is very intelligent, attractive to the point it almost appears he was assembled by a crack team of human designers, and well spoken. Add to that the fact that he can afford the best campaign advisors money can by, and he truly should be a juggernaut of a candidate.

    But here’s Romney’s flaw in a nutshell – he is unwilling and unable to own up to who he is and what he has done.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Muhammad Ali & Martin Luther King Jr.: America is the better for them

    It is a wonderful coincidence that Muhammad Ali's 70th birthday comes the day after Martin Luther King Jr. Day. While the two essentially ran in different circles, as it were, both were amazing parts of a time that saw America change dramatically for the better.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Chael Sonnen's & soccer team Palmeiras highlight a dilemma for Anderson Silva & Brazilian fighters

    When Junior Dos Santos creamed Cain Velasquez to win the UFC Heavyweight belt, it codified something everyone knew - from top (Dos Santos) to bottom (Jose Aldo), Brazilians are a dominant force in the UFC and MMA.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Should William K. Wolfrum look at porn all day, or be a Work Vigilante?

    I’m looking for reader input on whether and when I, William K. Wolfrum, should actually do work, or whether I should just look at porn all day.

    One example mentioned recently by a reader: “Mr. Wolfrum, there have already been two GOP Primaries and several GOP Debates. You have written nary a word about these events. I wish you would stop spending your days looking at porn and instead try working for a change.”

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    #OurXmas - A Twitter celebration for those alone on Christmas - and everybody else

    I should be in San Francisco right now.  The plans had been made, tickets bought, room and board at the ready. A family Christmas vacation awaited. But then, life got in the way.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Christopher Hitchens lets Vanity Fair blow off his legs, kill his entire family, destroy his home; he writes about it

    (WKW Note: Following the death of Christopher Hitchens, many have spoken about his support for the Iraq War, as well as his Vanity Fair story on waterboarding. I wrote this piece on July 3, 2008 to express the conflict I felt over these two issues.)

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Racist and hateful words at William K. Wolfrum Chronicles? Stop blaming William K. Wolfrum

    Every few years, a group of mindless political operatives shriek loudly about how I, William K. Wolfrum, am a racist. This, my friends, is an exercise in futility, as I am obviously not a racist. Nonetheless, these hateful smear mongers continue to pursue these charges.

    These charges are baseless, and come from words that appeared at “William K. Wolfrum Chronicles” years ago, such as:

    “Opinion polls consistently show only about 5% of blacks have sensible political opinions.”

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    The Republican Race for the Presidency: The Greatest Book-Selling Scam in History

    The race to the GOP nomination has very little to do with actually winning the Presidency, and much more to do with selling books. Just about every GOP contender has a new book, or books out, as well as other Republicans connected with the GOP race.

    A quick rundown:

    Newt Gingrich: “The Crater” & “A Nation Like No Other”



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