The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Alec Baldwin shows American Airlines by quitting Twitter account

    For those following the silly drama between Alec Baldwin and American Airlines, the 30 Rock actor has now quit his Twitter account, saying he would start a new one.

    "Let's play a game called Mass Unfollowing. I want to crash this acct and start again. But, tonight at 10 PM, NY time, unfollow me," wrote Baldwin.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Newt Gingrich and Tim Tebow: Winning ugly and heading toward defeat

    As of this very moment, there are two men that are dominating the news – and both of them are just awful at their chosen professions. But amazingly enough, we are all witnessing mediocrity rise to incredible heights as a lousy NFL quarterback is leading his team to victories while a lousy politician is leading the race for the GOP nomination for President.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Libertarianism: The "Human Centipede" of political ideologies

    There are no great libertarian thinkers. Libertarianism is the absence of thought.

    Lately, libertarianism has gained some weird popularity in the U.S. Sort of like Garbage Pail Kids did, but more offensive and less intellectual. Somehow, a growing group of maniacs has decided that things like paying taxes and making sure their handicapped grandma doesn’t die is an affront to their personal liberty.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Chevron’s Brazil Oil Spill: What it looks like when no one defends oil company lies

    There is something odd happening here in Brazil. There is an oil spill – courtesy of Chevron – off the coast here. That’s not the odd part. In fact, it increasingly seems like a normal occurrence. Chevron has thus far lied about the oil spill and has shown a lack of preparation in dealing with it. But there’s nothing strange about that, either.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Men Stopping Violence: Helping Men Learn About Themselves And Stop Violence Against Women

    Acts of violence by men against women do not begin with the act of violence itself. But whether it be upbringing or societal factors, there is always one factor that remains the same in every act of male violence against woman – the presence of a man willing to commit said act of violence.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Land developer & GOP politician Packy Campbell - Mitt Romney thinks he's just like you

    Mitt Romney has put out a political ad about one Wayne "Packy" Campbell (or Wayne P. Campbell. Or Packy Campbell, etc.), a land developer in Rochester, N.H. and former Republican State Representative, who is struggling to deal with the complexities of not being able to take his kids to Disneyland because of Obama.


    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    The One where Cal Thomas, Judith Miller and James Pinkington admit they are paid Hackensteins

    Picking on Fox News stopped being fun a long time ago. It's a right-wing propaganda station, period. Hell, books have been written on the subject.

    But I do admit to enjoying seeing when Fox News "journalists" so plainly admit that they are hacks and paid shills. Like in this off-camera moment from this weekends Fox Show "News Watch," which did handstands to avoid mentioning Rupert Murdoch and News Corps crimes in the UK:


    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Planned Parenthood Blog Carnival gives a chance to tell the real stories & the truth about #MyPP

    Hosted by the blogs What Tami Said and Shakesville, today is a Planned Parenthood Blog Carnival. The purpose of the Carnival is for women or men that have been helped by Planned Parenthood to share their positive experiences.


    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Vote Chuck Cunningham for President!

    My friends, for 35 years we have searched for Richie Cunningham's older brother, Chuck.


    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Darrell Issa drops the act and goes full-on criminal

    A while back I wrote about Sam Antar’s decision to turn back to a life of crime due to crooked politicians like Darrell Issa and Michele Bachmann. Turns out, Issa may not leave anything left to steal:

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Shia LeBeouf - I tapped that

    When I saw that Shia LeBeouf told the media that he had "hooked up" with Megan Fox, I was not surprised. After all, I have hooked up with him, as well

    Yes, friends, I, noted comma user, William K. Wolfrum, have hooked up with Shia LeBeouf.

    The first time was on the set of Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. We both figured we'd never work again, so what the hell?

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Brazilians boiling, blaming Big Pharma for new FDA office in Brazil

    MINAS GERAIS — Brazilian officials are in Washington, D.C., today to speak with the Food and Drug and Administration to attempt to get them to change their minds about building an FDA office in Brasilia.

    In what Brazilian magazine Epoca is calling the first speed bump in President Dilma Rousseff’s dealings with the United States, the U.S. announced on April 26 it’s plans to build an FDA office in Brasilia – a move Brazilian officials are saying was never discussed with them.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Thanks, Marcelo

    Note: Will Kohl over at Back2Stonewall asked me if I’d write him a guest post about some of my experiences in Brazil. Here is that post, originally posted at

    I can’t remember a time when I wasn’t Gay friendly. But it took coming to Brazil for me to become a full-fledged Gay ally. That change started almost immediately upon my arrival.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Wolfrum's Morning: Say it to Mitt's Face

    Wolfrum's morning has been spent running errands and not perusing current events. Thus, today's post is dedicated to allowing you - the discernible reader - to do what Tim Pawlenty just didn't have the courage to do at the GOP Debate  - say what you think right to Mitt Romney's face.

    I'll start:

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Wolfrum's Morning: Gingazzle!

    Newt gINGAZZLE 

    Newt Gingrich understands today's youth. Graphic via Blue Gal.


    The Travails of Newt Gingazzle: Seems the Newtster started a charity. For Himself.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    The Dallas Mavericks show the Left that the Team is the thing

    As the clock struck zero and the NBA Finals ended, the national sports media found itself forced to focus solely on the Dallas Mavericks. The time for analyzing and re-analyzing Lebron James and the star-studded Miami Heat had come to an end. There was a new champion in town, and the time had come to praise the victors.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Wolfrum's Morning: Newtered

    If Neuticals changes the name to Newticals, Gingrich may have a new career. Cause politics just ain't working out.



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