Doctor Cleveland's picture

    The Short Lesson of the 2010 Elections

    So almost every op-ed page agrees that the lessons of the 2010 midterms are as follows:

    1) The Democrats should compromise more with the Republicans, because the Republicans now have about a 50-vote majority in the House.

    2) The Republicans should get to decide what counts as "compromise," because the voters are on their side.

    3) Obama should apologize to everyone, all the time, for everything he did in his first two years as President. He has been Rebuked by the People and should atone for his Sin of Pride.

    That's certainly one way to look at it. Here's another:

    tmccarthy0's picture

    Confucian Me: Regaining my Center In a World Gone Mad

    From the Desk of tmac... to the World

    Long ago, in the 1990's while I was in graduate school the first time I wrote my thesis on Confucianism and  Post-Modern Environmental Philosophy, especially in conjunction the musings of Aldo Leopold in The Land Ethic.

    Orlando's picture

    Dagbooks: Blowing Smoke

    I’ve been reading a terrific new book. Perhaps you’ve heard of it? It’s called Blowing Smoke: Why the Right Keeps Serving Up Whack-Job Fantasies About the Plot to Euthanize Grandma, Outlaw Christmas, and Turn Junior into a Raging Homosexual, by Dagblog’s very own Michael Wolraich!


    Three guys who seem to "get it"

    I've been a big fan of The Young Turk's Cenk Uygur for a while now, and this confirms for me exactly why.  I never agree with anyone all the time, but his world view is pretty close to mine on a lot of stuff. Ratigan and Greenwald tend to be more hit and miss.  But this segment ... the three of 'em together ... pure awesome.



    Should a President admit mistakes?

    Maybe if Obama could admit a mistake he would be able to turn the tables on this Republican Congress. Recently he kind of admitted a mistake, remember the "too much policy, not enough politics" gambit? Only in this case, I'm thinking too much "politics."

    tmccarthy0's picture

    INDIAGATE and Other Musings- The RNC Congressional Investigations Road Map


    From: Darryl Issa, Chairman, House Oversight and Government Reforms Committee



    Doctor Cleveland's picture

    There Is No Center

    Since the election, and in fact for some time before, pundits have been demanding that President Obama move to "the center." They don't have a lot of details, usually, about where that center is, and if they do suggest a detail it usually comes from one side of current debates, but they're all convinced that Obama needs to go there. But there's a reason that pundits can't describe this magical "center" better. It doesn't exist.

    Barth's picture

    Right and Wrong: The Post Election Edition

    When Edward R. Murrow and Fred Friendly were helping to define what news reported on television would mean determined that

    Decader's picture

    The Left Has No Foreign Policy

    I guess that's not a surprise.

    But after several years of blogging, with Dems in control for quite a bit of it, it's frustrating to see that we don't have an alternative to up-and-down in the Middle East.

    My biggest issue is NAFTA and China. Are they related? Kinda sorta. Mostly they're the swamp of our attention. (I saw House of Spirits last night, but won't bore you with where *THAT* takes me).

    Orlando's picture

    President Takes Page from Pope, Issues "Non-Apology" Apology

    I've been somewhat detached this political season, what with my commitment to stay away from the crazy for a while, but I have been reading the post-election blogs at Dag with interest. I have the same feeling now that I had in January 2008--Obama is going to be fine. Of course, I don't have a crystal ball and a lot is going to happen between now and then, including a sure-to-be nauseating 112th Congress.


    The Great Media Purge of 2010 - UPDATED

    The decision by MSNBC and its owner GE (Comcast is currently finalizing the purchase of MSNBC) to suspend Keith Olbermann without pay signals the start of a purge of liberal-leaning commentators.  With an activist right-wing Supreme Court, corporate media owners can, without fear of successful legal suits, prune from their trees anybody who speaks for limits on corporate power and against the redistribution of wealth upwards.  With a blood red House of Representatives, the masters of media know that no legislative response to their fiat will be forthcoming.  Some have questioned the decisio

    cmaukonen's picture

    Now What ?

    Sam Smith over at Progressive Review has some thoughts on what to do now. Give the whole thing a read. He has some good ideas.

    MSNBC: Worst person in the world.

    So, MSNBC decided to suspend Keith Olbermann. Why? Because he dared to participate in Democracy!

    I've made no bones about the fact that I think systemically the product produced by MSNBC is the same as all the other cable outlets in selling outrage over information - anger over reason. And as one of their flagship personalities, I've mentioned the way Olberman presents himself as an example.

    Michael Maiello's picture

    The Mighty, Mighty Fed

    Yesterday, under the cover of darkness, while I was drinking bourbon, Deadman called me a lunatic for suggesting that the U.S.

    Ramona's picture

    Give 'em Hell Harry's Mad Miracle

    For most of the 1948 campaign season, the only person who believed Harry Truman could win an elected term was Harry himself.  The politicians, the punditry, if not the entire country, thought poor Harry--who was not now and never would be FDR--was laughably unelectable. Not a chance in hell.

    Donal's picture

    Rasmussen Skews Red

    Nate Silver grades the pollsters and finds Rasmussen biased.



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