Dan Kervick's picture

    She Did Her Job!

    Nancy Pelosi, that is.  That's why Republicans hate her.  That's why she sends them into litte boy temper tantrums.  That's why she gets so, so, so deeply under their skin.  It's because she does her job effectively, and Republicans hate Democrats who are successful and unafraid doers.

    She shepherded a massive amount of progressive legislation though the House, much of which the Senate then pissed away.   But from a progressive point of view, Nancy did her part.

    Take a Sentrist


    Tired of being too far left to make a difference?  Tired of the crazy Right having too many rights?

    Folks, step right up here (er, or, left up here) and join my new party.

    The Sentrist Party.  Stands for Sensible mixed with Centrist.  Get it?  If not, pay attention, folks, cuz you will.

    cmaukonen's picture

    Prosperity American Style

    pros·per·i·ty  –noun, plural -ties.
    1. a successful, flourishing, or thriving condition, esp. in financial respects; good fortune.
    2. prosperities, prosperous circumstances.

    Donal's picture

    Energy or Water

    Well that's a relief. At Forbes Magazine, Editor-in-Chief, former Republican presidential candidate, Heritage Foundation trustee and Fox News panelist Malcolm Stevenson "Steve" Forbes, Jr. proclaims that hydraulic fracturing will not only make money but will also solve US energy woes.



    I can't keep myself upset 24/7 for the next two years about this upsetting election.

    I think A-man nailed a couple of points, hope I represent them correctly. It's about Independents, this election and the next. The key to Independents was the economy, jobs, they didn't like the progress. There was no populist outcry against Wall St. And IMO it was the reverse of populism, cronyism by Summers, Geitner, and thus inescapably, Obama.

    Deadman's picture

    The Fed's ultimate hubris...

    So the powers that be on the Federal Reserve Board have decided to engage in round two of their little quantitative easing experiment, basically agreeing to purchase $600 billion in government debt over the next 8 months in order to keep interest rates artificially low and hopefully juice the economy in the process. 

    coatesd's picture

    The Morning After The Day Before

                The Monday morning quarterbacks are in full flow, and the post-mortem is already on. The alternatives are being immediately staked, and the relevant policy changes demanded. Depending on whom you read, the Democrats lost so many seats in the mid-term election because Obama wasn’t centrist enough or because he was too centrist.

    Michael Wolraich's picture

    Tell Us a Story, Mr. President

    "You'll notice a pattern in all stories: There are three kinds of characters: heroes, villains and there but for the grace of God go I." -- Glenn Beck

    Barack Obama had a story once. He spoke of hope and change, of restoring a distant government tainted by partisan infighting and corporate influence to the people it was meant to serve. But we have not heard that story since November 2008.

    It is not uncommon for presidents to change their stories after assuming office, either because the practice of governing demands adaptation or because they only said what they said to get elected.

    George W. Bush, for instance, ran for office as a "uniter" and a businessman who would restore efficiency to a bloated government; he quickly proved himself to be anything but.

    No matter, the tragic events of 9/11 soon presented him with a far more potent narrative: The swaggering avenger who delivers swift justice against bearded terrorists, mustachioed tyrants and irritating French people.

    Read the full story at CNN.com

    Doctor Cleveland's picture

    The Circular Firing Squad Next Time

    I guess I wasn't the only person who woke up this morning focusing on the next election cycle. Erick Erickson of Red State opened discussion of which Republican Senators to challenge in the 2012 primaries at 8 am this morning. (h/t DougJ) Erickson's post is titled "Potential Tea Party Targets for 2012."

    Which Republican Senators make his initial list? All of them.

    DF's picture

    Apocalypse When?

    Punditry notwithstanding, this remains true: The sky is not falling.  Aside from some specific details vis a vis Tea Partiers and ongoing demographic changes, there is pretty much nothing really surprising about what happened last night from an historical perspective.

    David Seaton's picture

    Tea Time 2010: Hope trashed, audacity smashed and change unbelievable

    "2008 answered the question,' Is America ready for a black president?' In 2010 we'll answer 'Are we ready for an orange speaker?'" — Paul Begala (hat Doonesbury)
    It seems that much of the fate of the Republic is presently in the hands of a tearful man, dyed orange, whose surname is a homophone for what the British call a "stiffy".
    Doctor Cleveland's picture

    My Election Night

    Tuesday morning was a beautiful day in Cleveland: crisp, clear and golden. I dressed up a bit, as I always do on Election Day. I heard a radio story a few years back about some college students who had put on ties because they were voting for the first time and it felt special, and I thought, Yes. It should always be celebrated. So now I do the same, even on days when my party is predicted to take some hard losses.

    Jamie Friedland's picture

    Ok, GOP, Let’s Talk About Compromise

    I made the mistake of turning on the TV this morning.  Ms. Generic Correspondent was interviewing triumphant supporters from John Boehner’s district in Ohio about what their win means for America.  What I heard floored me.  This was live and I was too stunned to think to record it, so I’m paraphrasing:

    OHIO RESIDENT:  “For the last 2 years, it’s been Obama’s way or the highway.  Finally we’ll get some compromise in this country.”

    REPORTER: “You really think this election will result in more compromise?”

    Barth's picture

    Wins and Losses

    There will be more from this corner this weekend, but it would be worth hearing from those who share my general views about these things:

    1. A “movement” built on the votes of young people will never succeed, since young people tend to vote for personalities before governmental operations and outlook and will not stick to it.

    2. The President was right to get what he could when he could get it. There would be no chance for health care reform if it was not done in 2009/2010.

    Thoughts on How to Go on Offense

    The modern-day GOP (since around 1980) has never had any reservations about interpreting Democratic victories in whatever the hell way they want to.  They have never ceded sole rights to defining any electoral mandate to the Democrats when the Democrats have won elections.  Nor have they felt any obligation whatsoever to concede a single thing to either a newly elected Democratic President or a recently elected Democratic Congressional majority. 

    Donal's picture

    Small Government = Rotting Infrastructure?

    Our bridges are collapsing, but the Infrastructurist notes that other countries are investing in their infrastructure, even in the face of austerity:

    Britain Cuts Spending While Investing in Infrastructure

    tmccarthy0's picture

    After the The Smoke Lifts, What Should Dems Do? Don't Be Shy, Tell Me

    I suppose there are a variety of reasons that Dems were massacred in the middle of the country, flyover country as  the pundits call it, but what happened and what do Democrats need to do to develop some sort of coherent message to present to Americans at the end of 2011, hell maybe they should start now! At this point it seems obvious democrats don't have a coherent message and they haven't for a while, and this seems to be their biggest problem.  I have to say, I am not sorry Blanche Lincoln lost, but I am not thrilled with Republicans having more power either.

    Dan Kervick's picture

    Free Political Advice

    Here’s some free political advice for Democrats:

    Donal's picture

    Worth Remembering

    From Ezra Klein at the Washington Post:

    The end of the 'do-something' Congress



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