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    Donal, who is confidently pussy-whipped (according to the gossip running around this town anyway!) cited a new war upon nuns by El Papa!

    I mean everyone knows that Papa knows best!

    Now women, you know have all the rights of course, I mean they can shop!


    When El Papa gets writhed he knows what to do.

    Send the best and the brightest to lead his Christian Soldiers in battle against the anti-Christ.

    Hitler and Stalin, at their better moments, would just barely tolerate some churches remaining open, but would not tolerate any competition with the state in education, social services and health care," the (Peoria) Journal Star and Chicago Tribune quoted Jenky as saying during the homily. "In clear violation of our First Amendment rights, Barack Obama – with his radical, pro-abortion and extreme secularist agenda – now seems intent on following a similar path."

    When the Blackshirts start advancing, the best defense will be the Roman Catholic Intelligentsia; that's for sure!


    Hitler with Cesare Orsenigo, nuncio to Germany, in 1935.

    So now, when the lowly women who only pretend to give their lives and their hearts and their souls and their private parts to Jesus, Mary & Joseph; what is a mother to do; or rather what is El Papa to do?

    Well HE is going to send as his emissary a man dressed in women's clothes with a funny hat to take care of the situation!

    The Vatican has appointed an American bishop to rein in the largest and most influential group of Catholic nuns in the United States, saying that an investigation found that the group had “serious doctrinal problems.

    The Vatican’s assessment, issued on Wednesday, said that members of the group, the Leadership Conference of Women Religious, had challenged church teaching on homosexuality and the male-only priesthood, and promoted “radical feminist themes incompatible with the Catholic faith.”

    The sisters were also reprimanded for making public statements that “disagree with or challenge the bishops, who are the church’s authentic teachers of faith and morals.” During the debate over the health care overhaul in 2010, American bishops came out in opposition to the health plan, but dozens of sisters, many of whom belong to the Leadership Conference, signed a statement supporting it — support that provided crucial cover for the Obama administration in the battle over Health care.


    Why does this remind me of some vision of times past?




    No one ever realizes what a challenge to our culture these women might represent!



    But thanks to this licensed transvestite, we might realize freedom after all!

    By the way, this article by Ms. Nadeau at the Beast is wonderful!

    I read of a wonderful homage to Mr. Hitchens today.

    And that is all well and good.

    But I would ask my readers (all five of them) to consider the good that Roman Catholic Devout Women of Faith have done for this country sans rulers!

    They have given up sex, they have given up money, they have given up fashion, they have given up a middle class life, they have given up success, they have given up any semblance of individual freedom, and they have given up 'ego'. They have given up 'ego' for something greater then themselves!

    They, instead, have chosen to give their labors to the poor, to the disenfranchised, to the underlings, to the hopeless, and to Christ as they perceive him!

    I shall never attempt to denigrate this ideal.

    I will say this.

    If there is a revolution coming to western civilization (I mean why capitalize since I am sure of no civilization coming from the new corporate oligarchy), these wonderful women are going to be a part of that revolution!



    THE END!




    I don't share their faith, but they have my respect.



    Here are these fearless women who attempted to do right all of their lives in a lowered egocentric belief;

    I am less than others!

    And they have been blasphemed in a a thousand manners.

    And all they wished for was to do good!

    Atheist, we have a thousand enemies.

    And they are not the nuns!

    oh, the end!



    I guess the Catholic Doctrinal is like the UCMJ, special rules for a special group of volunteers protecting freedom, or The Doctrine as revealed by God to The Infallible Bishops.

    If found in violation, you are excommunicated instead of Court Marshalled, and also sentenced to life at hard labor.....or is that what nuns are already doing?

    They are precocious they have

    BETTE DAVIS EYES. hahahahaha

    These women have dedicated themselves to otherworldly aims!

    And how the frick? is the establishment to right this situation?

    I dunno.

    I find the struggle wonderful!

    I find these women who have found their numbers down by five times when I was born; to be unimaginably wonderful!

    We are not discussing a barely literate portion of our society for chrissakes!

    These are learned people with aims and souls and hearts and minds and hopes....

    So what is left?

    A wonderful society of givers.

    55,000 strong.

    I hope for them, I wish them the best, and I pray for them.

    And I am an agnostic.


    Nuns, Oy, don't get me started.  I was raised Catholic and went to Catholic school for the 5th grade. (We moved the following year, thank-you-know-who.)  I was the kid with the endless hypothetical questions that drove the nuns crazy. I was really uncomfortable even as a 9-10 year old with absolutes; the absolute assertion that the Catholic church is the "one true religion", the you're good and going to heaven or bad and going to hell, etc.  I got fed up when I was about to graduate high school and a priest in the pulpit one Sunday told the congregation that we needed to, in effect, impose our will on everyone else, make everyone believe what Catholics are supposed to, (and mostly don't), believe; like no birth control or abortions.  I figured it was perfectly fine for a priest to tell me that it was a necessary part of my religion to belief something, I just could never figure out what gave the church the right to impose their thinking on non-Catholics.  It still doesn't make any sense to me.  

    I agree with you about the nuns, and I think Lenny Bruce agreed with you too.  He used to do a routine about 'giving it up for the Lord' and how the most holy person in the tribe was the one who willingly gave up sex for the Lord.  Hallelujah, say amen.

    P.S.  Remember Sister Mary McCallister?  (I think that was her name) She was involved with one of the Berrigan brothers during the anti-Vietnam war movement.  I couldn't understand how the church had a problem with a nun wanting to stop people from killing each other... 


    Oh Smith:

    Introibo Ad Altare Dei. ha

    I served Mass, and I attended Catechism.

    There is a cultural attachment! For sure!

    Life is not easy, otherwise anyone could do it!


    I just respect those who have some belief more than I ever had and work so very hard to achieve their goals.

    And the lowest of the low in this particular religious sect seek to make life better for those who are oppressed...

    How in the hell can I diss them?

    How can I not love these women?

    They try so hard!


    It just so happens that I myself was Catholic for a minute (yeah, the ballerina was involved...).

    Anyway, I always fancied Shirly McClain in A Mule for Sister Sara...does that count as nun-support?


    I gotta tell ya Jolly.

    And this has nothin to do with nothin. as they say! ha

    I got this flu/cold thirteen months ago.

    And I ended up on the couch for 12 days.

    So April came this year, and I felt free.

    Except, I ended up with this damn flu/cold attacking me a month late.

    It took me 6 days comin, and 6 days experiencing and 6 days recoverin anyway.

    Honest to God, i thought I was dead last year and now I experienced the same damn condition again!

    Life is not fair. hahahahahahahaha

    Oh it was because you are a tabacco smoker!

    Oh, it was because you believe in evilution!

    I don't know.

    I just crawled out of this mess due to natural causes. hahahahahahah

    It is terrible, but because of you and others with your nonbeliefs....

    That I have survived. hahahahahah

    unfortunately. I cannot click on the video.

    By dint of intensive healing, I have now recovered enough to reach perhaps the tenth or twelfth bar of Jerry's singing before I am disabled by grief.


    I used to collapse around bar four, so things are looking up...




    O yeah, sure, the one I used to sing to my daughter for a lulaby, that ought to be a real giggle...



    I never heard this one!

    I was never a dead head. Hell, I never really heard the Dead until the 80's on VH-1. I get off from work and hear Sting or Counting Crows or some such and then get the two Dead Head hits.

    That frickin nugent--whom I had never heard--will go on an on about hippies and deadheads and how they should all be killed. And I catch Bono dissing hippies with his hair and tats and earings...

    What exactly did Hippies do to anyone?

    The Wall Street protesters are really not a movement.

    The teabaggers are a joke. I have read several discussions how some members would diss wall street and Fox would excise all comments concerning coporate pigs from their presentations and keep filming signs saying that minorities suck...

    Oh well....

    I kind of like the lilt though!


    Not a deadhead either, but occasionally they had a line that hit me like fine ripple, such as Wharf Rat:

    "Half of my life, I spent doin' time for some other fucker's crime,
    The other half found me stumbling 'round drunk on Burgundy wine."


    In my youth I spent half my money on women and likker.

    The other half I wasted. Ba-dump.

    That's all right Peracles! ha

    I hereby render unto Peracles the Dayly Line of the Day for this here Dagblog Site; given to all of him from all of me. hahhahahahahahahah

    By the by, I have grown to just love the Dead. I mean I have caught the Dead doin Dylan and others and they had something!

    If music moves me it moves me.

    And you already know I just love to reprint lyrics that I like no matter where they come from!



    Cherry's eyes are sort of like Bette Davis', no?

    This sounds like some communism.

    Now I aint sayin you are a communism!

    I mean this sounds like some communism!


    But Bette Davis Eyes?

    Damn! hahahahahaha

    There is a serious question as to whether women belong anywhere in the Catholic Church. Particularly women who are literate. Of course, excommunicating them all would come with repercussions. Like the Bishops might have to stop spending all their time supporting Republican talking points, sending plate money around the country to deny rights to gay couples, fighting contraception and continuing the War on Family Planning. They might even have to deal with poor people, in person.


    So there are folks who believe in magic!

    And there are those folks who believe in magic and in God Almighty and who have dedicated their worthless souls to such an aim!

    So they help the sick, and they help the homeless, and they help those who have no food unless they come to the soup kitchens;

    Who is there prepared to help?

    Who is there prepared to offer the basic nutrients?

    Who is there prepared to give sustenance?

    I dunno.

    It aint me!

    It aint me you're lookin for!

    Half the nuns in this country are over the age of 60. Most of them quite elderly. I don't see any increase in the future. I am glad you are past your spring crud. I thought of you last weekend and was wishing for your talent in ranting and swearing while I dealt with a kidney stone. I was told by a nurse to focus on something and not the pain and nausia. So I did and thought "what would Richard say right now? " Oh I didn't forget the music. I am honored to be one of your five readers.


    You are one of my favorite five readers Momoe!

    And damn, I sure hope you are feeling better.


    You get better...Ya hear?


    Richard, I was reading on Democracy Now how the government is using George W. Bush's PATRIOT ACT to harass academy award nominated American citizen filmmakers and journalists, about how pens are a weapon, and that they can't take notes, and need to shut-up about stuff on Iraq etc., and I thought...... this is what the Bishops need, the JESUS ACT to get the nuns to behave like the old child molesting white guys want them to behave.

    J ust

    E xcommunicate

    S isters

    U nless they

    S hutup




    Do you think it would work, get the nuns to tow the Bishop's line?




    The True Sisters have known how to TOE the bishop's line for centuries!


    They know! And they have known for centuries!

    At least I would bet since Chaucer anyway!

    The Host tells the Nun’s Priest that he would have been an excellent rooster—for if he has as much courage as he has strength, he would need hens. The Host points out the Nun’s Priest’s strong muscles, his great neck, and his large breast, and compares him to a sparrow-hawk. He merrily wishes the Nun’s Priest good luck




    Perhaps because I'm feeling the overwhelming need to vent and looking for an easy target, here are the facts IMO:

    Nuns are simply women who don't have the 'balls' to live their lives and take responsibility for themselves.  They spend their lives hiding and submitting not to God, but to mortal men who consistently pervert and mangle the Bible to serve their own agenda.  The religious dogma of their church supersedes any faith in the God they profess to serve.

    They represent and support all the negatives assigned to women.  Cover your bodies, become sexless, submit to the male, don't think for yourself, like children to be seen and not heard, follow the rules or be punished, and on and on.....

    There is no glass ceiling for them to attempt to shatter and attain a higher standing in the Catholic Church hierarchy.  Truth is they first have to reach a much higher crest to even achieve equality.

    'Good works'.  Okay, sure.  Help feed the poor, tend to the ill, et al.  But, millions do that without going undercover and donning the mantle of servitude.

    I give them no accolades and hold them not up as symbols of good.  Quite the opposite, they embody all that I pray women will overcome.



    They are, iow, enablers.


    I am watching the second April blizzard in a week as I write this.

    I understand.

    Of course there are only 55,000 left and most of them are over 60 years of age!

    Kind of a dying class.

    sixty and a hundred years ago there would be ten kids in an Irish Catholic family and you would see one son become a priest and one daughter become a nun. This phenomena would bring pride to the parents.

    A little sad I should think; most oaths in the future will be given to corporations.

    Your little rant on nuns is frankly disturbing and doesn't reflect very well on you.  It is little different than any attack on a group or class of individuals, for their jobs, their religion, the color of their skin, their ethnicity or their immigration status.

    People are individuals, and to keep it short, they have individual personalities, weaknesses, ambitions, beliefs and goals. Tossing nuns under the bus because of what Catholic tradition leads them to wear, what sex they may or may not have, or who runs the Catholic Church has the acrid smell of intolerance and bigotry. Nuns have been excommunicated by the Bishops for saving the lives of mothers, been arrested for demonstrating at nuclear sites, and been strip searched for anti-war protests, and arrested at the RNC in 2009 for another anti-war protest, to name a few of the things they have done, not condoned by, and not following the orders coming down from the male hierarchy of the Catholic Church. They took personal responsibility for these actions of strong conviction, actions that few of us would venture to take. Aunt Sam, weren't you the one who said you wouldn't legally vote in the Michigan GOP (open) primary to upset Romney? That is conviction of an entirely different stripe.

    For as many nuns as there are, there are that many reasons why they chose that path in life. If some of them irritate or annoy the Bishops, too bad for the Bishops, apparently many of the nuns are quire assured that their role in the church is secure and subservient to no one but the God they believe in.


    It's their choice to enter the convent and become nuns. I have a right to my opinion and point of view just as you do. That said, consider:

    It is little different than any attack on a group or class of individuals, for their jobs, their religion, the color of their skin, their ethnicity or their immigration status.

    It is very different! No one gets to choose their skin color or ethnicity or gender or parentage. Immigrants, whether legal or illegal, do not all share the same choices either as to their convictions, the paths they travel in life or even why they immigrated here or elsewhere. Few other groups walk in lock step in their lifestyles and actions as nuns choose.  

    .....apparently many of the nuns are quire assured that their role in the church is secure and subservient to no one but the God they believe in.

    Really? How about their choice to go by the church's doctrine and hierarchy instead of sticking to the bible as opposed to the Catholic addendums?  Pretty sure the bible doesn't declare God gave all that power to a human being like the Pope and his male cohorts to judge and make declarations in His name.  They are subjecting themselves to the rule of man, not God!

    Aunt Sam, weren't you the one who said you wouldn't legally vote in the Michigan GOP (open) primary to upset Romney?

    You'll have to refresh my memory on this, as not clear what you are referencing.

    I didn't throw nuns under the bus, to be clear - I'm not seeking any to support my views. I'm not encouraging stoning or condemnation of nuns. I do stand by my statements, but they are only mine that I declare. (It's that damn free speech right, just encourages me to speak out.)

    Condemnation of individuals as a group, for a life choice they made, is OK because they weren't 'born that way'? Sounds like gay bashing, union busting, communist hunting.  People who do not see others as individuals, but as members of a group,  may not care whether people were 'born' one way or another, they just attack them for whatever reason they choose. That is bigotry and intolerance.

    If these nuns were following orders from the Pope they wouldn't have been called 'radical' by the Vatican.  BBC:

    American Bishops saw the Obama administration's Affordable Care Act as backing state-funded abortion. The nuns disagreed.

    The Vatican said that the mandate to carry out reforms of the nuns' leadership "will be for a period of up to five years, as deemed necessary".

    Archbishop Sartain said, "I hope to be of service to them and to the Holy See as we face areas of concern to all."

    But Sister Campbell suggested a difficult time ahead: "It's totally a top-down process and I don't think the bishops have any idea of what they're in for."

    Condemnation of individuals as a group, for a life choice they made, is OK because they weren't 'born that way'? Sounds like gay bashing, union busting, communist hunting. People who do not see others as individuals, but as members of a group, may not care whether people were 'born' one way or another, they just attack them for whatever reason they choose. That is bigotry and intolerance.

    Hey, stick with the topic and quit trying to expand on my statements. I'm not trying to take away their rights or wish them any ill,  just stating my opinion.  Do not attempt to assign any more to it.  You disagree, that's okay.  I respect your right to do so.   

    Good for the nuns who are standing up and speaking out.  Long overdue. 

    But, still feel the same way about their choice to become and remain nuns.  It's not a mortal sin for me to have the stance I do.  I think we've both made our positions on this topic known and obviously neither of us are going to change our positions.  Again, that's okay.  

    Richard is the best at 'venting' around here, on Republicans and their ilk, we can all learn from his expressions of intolerance of their subterfuge and deceptions!

    This is too late to be recognized.

    But damn, that is one of the nicest things anyone ever said about me.

    No kidding!

    Having not been raised Catholic, I have actually known one nun in my life.  She lived next door to me in small triplex when I just had moved out my parents' house . She spent half of her time down in central America working with the indigenous populations, and although she tried to keep her politics to herself, she was pretty leftist in her outlook.  I only had a few long conversations with her, but she came across to me as also pretty cool, which was quite the accomplishment since I was a arrogant little 17 year old atheist at the time, who was bent on informing everyone that religion was the opium of the masses.  And even though I had only a few conversations with her, she did a lot to open my eyes about making generalizations about people.

    There is truth in what you speak, a lot of truth.

    I would generalize all the time; that is a mechanism that helps us survive.

    So let's assume I find Buddhists as ignorant from a scientific standpoint.

    But when you meet a Buddhist, it is all different.

    I want to know all about you!

    There were priests whom I have met and they were fascinating; I could learn something as long as I could keep my damn mouth shut and listen!


    My Mother was a nun, goddammit.

    Hi Q,

    No wonder you're such a saint.

    Good to see ya.  


    Reminds me of the joke where the Nun got puppies....

    Richard, no one can rant on this topic like the bishops' uber she-devil enemy, Maureen; here's her conclusion

    Church leaders behave like adolescent boys, blinded by sex. That’s the problem with inquisitors and censors: They become fascinated by what they deplore.

    The pope needs what the rest of us got from nuns: a good rap across the knuckles.

    Just wanted to make sure you didn't miss it wink

    I get so frustrated with Maureen from time to time; then she hits one out of the park.

    I rechecked her bio:

    Dowd graduated from Immaculata High School in 1969.

    Five kids in her family just like mine; probably from a good Catholic family.

    Thanks for the link, for sure!

    Kind of reminds me of critiques of Santorum around here; I mean the guy has an obsession with the ole in and out as they say.

    All is well, as American Catholics, like Maureen, have got the gals' backs,  in keeping with their  longstanding Vatican-bashing tradition; from Nick Kristof's April 28 column, "We Are All Nuns":

    Since the papal crackdown on nuns, they have received an outpouring of support. “Nuns were approached by Catholics at Sunday liturgies across the country with a simple question: ‘What can we do to help?’ ” The National Catholic Reporter recounted. It cited one parish where a declaration of support for nuns from the pulpit drew loud applause, and another that was filled with shouts like, “You go, girl!”

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