The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts

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Strange Bedfellows: McCain and Cantwell to Team Up on Financial Reform

Newsweek reports that this week John McCain and firebrand Maria Cantwell will join forces to offer a bill in the Senate to restore Glass-Steagall, the Depression-era law that forced a firewall between Commercial and Investment Banking.  It was repealed in...
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Open thread on a George Will Remark on Obama's Nobel Speech

On This Week with George Stephanopoulos yesterday, George's guest panel talked about the speech.  George Will's remarks have been rattling around in my head;  I'd like to know what you think about these remarks.  ...
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Hidden Constraints on Presidential Power

Last week the Consortium News posted a blog here at the Cafe; it got no attention, possibly because many readers dislike cross-posts.  I found it really interesting. Grit TV's Laura Flanders interviewed John Perkins (Confessions of an Economic Hit Man...
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Slide Show of the the 17 Richest Members of Congress

  From CNBC: The Center for Responsive Politics recently analyzed the financial disclosures of Members of Congress.  They found there are 237 Millionaires in Congress.  The financial holdings for the top 17 are listed: Assets, for instance, include non-government income,...
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$1,000,000 per Soldier per Year. Afghanistan.

    The New York Times states that the White House internal figures use the One Million per Year per Soldier as a working number.  The 40,000 troops General McChrystal is asking for would cost $40-56 billion per year. ...
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Selling Moon Plots; Now with Beach-Front Locations!

    (Just joshin' about the Beach-fronts...) But:   An Indian company called Lunar Embassy has been selling Lunar property for the past 29 years.  The company's website details its right to do so:  Its owner, Dennis M. Hope...
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US Military Funneling $$ to the Taliban, or: Milo Minderbender Would Be So Proud!

        A recent investigative piece by Aram Roston in The Nation magazine digs into the story of  US contractors, paid by the US Military, funnel money to the Taliban for protecting US convoys transporting everything they...
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Bring Back Eliot Spitzer! Bring Back Eliot Spitzer!

Yesterday (Oct. 28) on Morning Meeting,  Dylan Ratigan had on Eliot Spitzer and Glenn Greenwald to discuss Banking Reform the lack of any meaningful Banking Reform  Spitzer was  on fire!  Everything Tim Geithner is doing right now on Capitol Hill, and Barney...
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Bird potraits, and some four-leggeds, as a mental health break

During this rather grim political period, I thought I would offer a brief interlude from my corner the natural world.   I put these and some others up on, but I have no idea how you access them, unless it's...
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OPEN THREAD: Dick' s 'Dithering' Speech/Mary's new 'Keep America Safe'

For all you Guys and Gals out there who just LOVE to twist Dick Cheney's knickers, I present you with an OPEN THREAD to have at it.  It will be tagged as "SPORT." PUT YOURSELVES ON IRONY ALERT! I can't...


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