The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts

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Obama Shifting Regulatory Course after Coakley's Loss (I won't say 'silver lining,' I promise...)

Simon Johnson, British-American economist, former Chief economist of the International Monetary Fund blogs at Huffpo this morning, announcing a Wall Street Journal report that today the President will announce a plan to be presented to Congress to restrict Mega-bank size,...
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Our Senate Not-Pecora Commission Laid an Egg

How many of us called for a modern-day Pecora Commission (whose report led to the passage of Glass-Steagal ) to suss out the true causes of the financial meltdown, and make recommendations toward re-regulation.  Given Congressional and White House love...
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Healthy Additions to Foods and Some Supplements to Explore

There have been so many blogs and comments about health care, food, healthy eating, pharmaceuticals, and so forth lately, I thought I'd add my two cents about common kitchen ingredients (and below that section some supplements) that can have beneficial...
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Some Small Hints for Meditation/Relaxation from a Dilettante

Life is fraught with anxiety for a lot of us right now; mild depression seems widespread.  We might be worried for ourselves, or for the hardships and suffering of our friends. Our nation seems to be in meltdown in many...
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Contractors in Afghanistan and Iraq: Two Reports; plus a bonus video from the BBC on Neocons and the Cold War

The Congressional Research Service report on military contractors came out last week, as well as Senator Claire McCaskill's Contract Oversight Subcommittee's hearings report on Afghanistan contractors.  Her committee reports that contractors make up an astounding 69% of the total Pentagon...
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Federal Judge Dismisses All Charges Against Blackwater in Massacre in Iraq

I just saw this at Jeremy Scahill's website.  This is about the 14 Iraqi civilians Blackwater guards accused of gunning down in Nisour Square in Bagdad in September 2007. The Judge's reasoning: In a memo defending his opinion, Urbina cited a...
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Sadly, the prizes will need to be changed out.    I got an ominous email late last night from Karl Rove warning me off the Mitch McConnell prize date.  He did not specify as to his interest in the...
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The NAME THE DECADE CONTEST! (prize update)

Lots of modern decades have been named, as in: The Roaring '20s, The Fabulous '50s, The '60s, The '80s ME decade, The Dotcom '90s...  Time Magazine is calling the almost-past one: The Decade from Hell....
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Strong Social Movements are Critical Now or: It's RUCKUS TIME!

This week Matt Taibbi and Robert Kuttner talked with Bill Moyers about health care reform and the President.  Both were dismayed by the hands-off approach of Obama, and discussed at length the ways that he has disappointed too many of...


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