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First the "Birthers," now the "Deathers." Seriously.

Here is an editorial from yesterday's Washington Times explaining how "Obama's" health plan equals euthanasia.  It is evil to scare so many old people this way.  Obama even got the question at a health care event on Wednesday. Thank you,...
we are stardust's picture

Deep thought: Will Rep. Thaddeus McCotter (R-Mich) now offer a bill that Sergeant Crowley needs to offer an apology to Lucia Whalen?

McCotter wants there to be checks and balances in the Gate-gate affair, and wants the President to apologize to Crowley.  He scolded the President for not having his fact-ducks in a row before he castigated Officer Crowley and maligned the Cambridge...
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This is Chauncey deVega's (wearerespectable interview with Patrick Buchanan

Some commenters at the site wonder if it is a spoof; I think not, as Pat and Sister Bay have said almost all of the same things on the air.  I had to cut and paste it, I was unable to...
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Watch the International Space Station for a much-needed mental health break!

Here's a link to find viewing times and the sky area to scan for your area: Under configutations, choose either register and login, or select from data base; they will allow you to select your town for viewing times...
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Think you are in favor of the "public option?" Not so fast...

Last night on Bill Moyers Journal, two helathcare journalists,Trudy Lieberman and Marcia Angel, M.D., discussed the current plan, and expressed great skepticism about the true results of a plan based on the current system.  Angell's position was that throwing money...
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Please. Start with the understanding that we all have biases.

And there is evidence that the biases and bigotries we hide from ourselves may be the worst.  For one reason, if they remain hidden to us, we won't work to change them.  For two, we act on them, even while...
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Answers I wish Judge Sotomayor could have given:

  To Senator Graham:  "Did you know that on many gay blogs you are known either as "Miss Pittypat" or "Aunt Pittypat" and that it's just not working for you to be so adamantly anti-gay-marriage?  Are you the Senator who...
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David Brooks has his inner thigh fondled by a Republican Senator at a dinner party.

In his MSNBC interview, he tells that part of the story, then says he was "like eww; get me out of here."  Now I have read some of the online comments about it, and mainly they are sick jokes claiming...
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These new Palin poll numbers indicate it's almost head-in-the-oven-time.

A new USA Today/Gallup poll (post resignation presser-by-the-lake) shows a whopping 71% of Republicans polled say they would vote for Palin in 2012!  Also scary, 51% of Independents polled say they would not vote for her.  For President!  Even now! ...
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Help fund health care public option with an increase in alcohol taxes.

I am having trouble finding accurate national alcohol sales numbers, but one site claimed that americans spend $77.8 billion on take-home alcohol.  More, obviously, is consumed in restaurants and bars. Tobacco has taken a huge federal tax increase, and some...


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