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    Who Is the Biggest Hypocrite In This Picture?

    Mark McKinnon                                                

    Mark McKinnon                       


    John Ensign
    John Ensign

    Republicans are the gift that keeps on giving. No doubt about this. Senator John Ensign, one our most detested Senators from Nevada, at least from the perspective of my side of things, has been caught up in a web of deception and hypocrisy, as well as an extortion plot. Of course, old Ensign is the victim of the extortion plot and rarely are repubs victims of anything except voting machines recently. (Funny thing this, when you think about it; after all, most of the voting machines in this country are manufactured and distributed by repubs. Ha!! I love irony almost as much as hypocrisy.)


    Now, be it known, I detest Ensign for so much more than this.  I mean:


    He is against health care reform that does not put profit in pain and keep healing from the helpless.


    He is against a minimum wage for the lowly are merely the engine that keeps his contributors contributing.


    He is pro life as long as you have not been born yet.


    He is against workers organizing in their attempt to seek basic benefits and a wage that would enable them to eat regularly and have a place to live.


    But Senator Ensign is caught and this is the biggest shame that can face a repub in his prime.  I mean he has grey hair and looks the part of the senator, like Cronyn from Texas. But he was porking a campaign aide married to a Senate staffer, and somebody in the chain of intercourse decided he could make a buck on the thing. Ha!


    But who taketh away all fun in this matter? Why good old Mark McKinnon at the Daily Beast:


     John Ensign just crashed off our top 10 list for 2012 GOP presidential aspirants. Hell, in our view, he ought to crash his sorry ass out of the Senate.

    Having an affair is bad. Having an affair with a campaign aide is really bad. Having an affair with an aide who is married to Senate staffer is crazy stupid.

    Then McKinnon goes on to tell us of Ensign's history with such scandals in the past including his castigation of Larry Craig.

    He then goes on to find a wonderful quote by Ensign regarding the repub constitutional amendment to  humiliate Gay People:

     "Marriage is the cornerstone on which our society was founded. For those who say that the Constitution is so sacred that we cannot or should not adopt the Federal Marriage Amendment, I would simply point out that marriage, and the sanctity of that institution, predates the American Constitution and the founding of our nation."

    Then McKinnon goes on to speak about such thing as convictions and sanctity and what not; including the senator's his obvious habit of lying to his wife. Top 10 list. We hardly knew you.

    Now I ask you, what is a mother to do? What are the poor satirists in their pj's supposed to do when repubs castigate their own and make fun of the transgressions of  repub hypocrites? And he is good at it really. I mean he is funny.


    But Mark McKinnon is one of the strangest creatures I have ever seen on the political scene. You know he worked on McCain's campaign, got him nominated as promised.  And as also promised he removed himself from all campaign activities when Barack Obama won the nomination to run for president.


    Why?  Here is an excerpt from an older editorial of sorts written by McKinnon in 2005, in praise of Karl Rove:


    So that shaped a lot of my thinking in the mid-'90s. But that was a point where I said "I've had enough, I'm getting out of this game. [I'm] burned out; I want to spend more time with my family." And so I did that. And I was quite happy out of politics.

    And then what happened is that there was this new governor in Texas named Bush, who was a Republican. And because I'd been drinking the Democratic Kool-Aid for years working in those trenches, my predisposition was not to like him. And I tried very hard not to like him, because he was a Republican. ...

    But this Gov. Bush was doing some things that really got my attention. He was talking about education reform. He was talking about immigration reform. He was talking about issues that had typically been Democratic issues. He was talking about them in a really compassionate way. And this was so completely different than the old-style [House Speaker] Newt Gingrich politics that I had associated with the Republican Party, which was "Burn government down." George Bush was saying, "No, let's not burn it down; let's make sure there's an appropriate, limited role for government, but let's be proactive about this and make it work for us." That was something really different and really got my attention.

    And so then, through an odd collision of circumstances and timing, I got to know him personally. We became friends, and he asked me to help him in his re-election in 1998 for governor, which I did after some period of discussion with my friends and family about my history. It was not an easy decision to make at the time. It was one I've never regretted for a second.

    But this George Bush was doing some things that really got my attention.  Well, w was sure doing some things that got my attention before and after this guy wrote this praise to Karl Rove:

    He presented legislation giving repub corps a lot of money to Xerox meaningless tests and manuals and distribute them to public schools all over the country.

    He presented legislation giving repub corps billions of dollars in funding for drugs that would cost a small percentage of what they could receive in this country, without worry of Federal regulation.

    He lied us into a war we had no business waging.

    He made sure that the Masters of War made a bundle during his entire tenure in office.

    He put foxes in charge of the hen house, lumber interests in charge of the Dept of Forestry, Racists in charge of the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department, Corporate whores in charge of the SEC, Anti Union people in charge of the Department of Labor, why go on.

    He is personally responsible for the worst economic downturn in 80 years.

    He shredded every single provision of the Bill of Rights that he could get his bloody teeth into.

    We can, in fact, point to McKinnon as one of the dirty bastards that kept this country under a fascist dictatorship for eight long years.

    We must beware of  smooth talking repub/fascists in 'moderate's clothing.

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