MrSmith1's picture

    Retort to Tea-baggers: "We'll pick up the slack!"

    I just read a report about the tea-partiers planning a strike on January 20th, the first anniversary of President Obama becoming President. 

    I was thinking ... it might be a fun counter-offensive to have people on the Left stage a "Don't worry, we'll pick up the slack" rally. 

    Our motto could be something along the lines of, "When America needs us, we, the American people, will rise to the occasion and pick up the slack."  No more obstruction! Don't knee-cap America, Stop trying to bringing America down!  Work instead toward making America a better place by picking up the slack from those who want to drop-out, stage frivilous protests, rail against imaginary demons and scream at invisible foes.

    I believe that most Americans would rather participate in a positive way than drop-out in protest; rather make a postive show of pulling together than rally around the idea of obstructing things. 

    What do all you think? 

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