Republican candidates no good in bed.

    According to Matthew Dowd we have a "hot" electorate and the "temperature" of candidates is important. Especially in the Tea Party dominated Republican party, "Passion" is the watchword. "Cool" Presidential contenders just don't cut it. Republicans think the time is right. They see a chance to throw Obama out of the Lincoln bedroom but on the other hand they don't want to end up getting it on with the Manchurian candidate.

    So far I think each of the Republican presidential contenders have given the Republican base voters good reason to let the moment pass, change their front door locks, and sign up for another dating service. 

    Take Herb Cain, as Palin called him, "the flavor of the week". His staying power is at issue. But frankly any guy who thinks he's going to get laid after giving his date pizza for dinner is a loser whether or not he owns the pizza company. Stop him at the door.

    Ron Huntsman. Clean cut but Republicans are forewarned--he's the "tell-all" type. Huntsman jumped into bed with Obama in China but the first thing he did when he got back to the U.S. was post the gory details on the internet. Those odds are predictable and bad.

    Michelle Bachmann. Every male evangelical Christian in the country dreams about getting two Wild Turkey and Sprite's into this woman and leaving their plump wives back on the property. Ain't gonna happen. Those zombie eyes are there for a reason. No dice.

    Newt Gingrich. Seriously? I'm reminded of the Catherine Tate video in which after they return from a bar the guy is standing at her front door, pleading. She says, "I'm just not drunk enough". (see below thanks to tmccarthy)

    Rick Santorum. No sex at all in the military--right. And he didn't hear the gay soldier on active duty being booed by the Republican high spirited debate audience. Santorum can tell a lie with a straight face. Very dangerous in an age of STD's. Off the list.

    Ron Paul. On the off chance of insemination by this guy you have already seen the future and it is grim. Besides, he is so stingy and conservative he would probably strip the sheets off the bed and put on a rubber mat. Now that's a turn on!

    Speaking of sheets I knew a laundress who worked for a Mormon family and it's all true. But my purpose is not to denigrate a person's religion even though Mormons don't exactly believe in Christ as Savior. And I will not stoop to scatological humor.

    Oh, on Romney. Here's the thing. It's really hard to get past that story about the family dog and the poop running down the rear window of the station wagon. 

    Getting back to Matthew Dowd's comments about Passion and Temperature (what's up with that?) He brings these terms up quite frequently when referencing that other candidate, Rick Perry, whom he says he has known for 25 years-- or at least he said so before last week's debate in Florida. Certainly Perry is, or was, hot. But does Rick Perry have that certain passion which  will induce Republicans to jump into the sack? It's been said, by Dowd, that one of Perry's problems is that he has a thin skin. He does seem to be his own worst enemy. Right now Republicans are wondering if Perry does get between the sheets again will he ever come out.

    There is a certain expression used by our most penetrating financial journalists when describing the perfect economy. It's a "Goldilocks" economy, not too hot, not too cold, but just right for profits. I think the expression applies to Republicans' behavioral mood more than does, for example, describing them as passionate, or hot. Republicans are looking for a candidate who is perfect.

    Obviously, one would have to be desperate to hook up with any of the current crop of flawed Republican contenders. But the main problem, as Jon Stewart said, might just be the Republicans themselves. They might spend a night at home looking into the mirror. Do they see the prejudice, the hate, the vengeance in their faces? Before they reject the creatures they have brought into their own boudoirs they might just want to take a look at how attractive they themselves are.


    I would be very obliged if anyone could find and post the Kathryn Tate video, "I'm just not drunk enough".

    Nice one. It reminds me of one of my very first blog posts at TPM, long, long ago in a blogosphere far, far away.

    Thanks. And I really enjoyed your TPM post. Being a late comer to the crowd here I feel that I missed something special in those days preceding Dagblog. 

    Yeah, we walked with gods then. Or were we walking the dogs? Anyway, great post.


    There was a really amazing period leading up to the 2008 election when there a lot of great, hilarious writers, and a bunch of internet strangers began to coalesce as a community. I also enjoyed it because I used to write much more satire before I was such a serious and important writer. ;) Plus, it was fun to fuck with the trolls.

    But that's also a subjective judgment. Some of the real old-timers hated the Obama-Hillary wars and the technology changes at the Cafe. A few of them left. Some folks here, like artappraiser, Dan K, and bwakfat, came from that earlier era.

    Bruce (bslev) and me are among others who go back that far as well...I'm almost sure there are others as well, who might not see this.

    From my perspective it not only seems like an amazing transition but a very captivating story along human interest lines. 

    Some of the real old-timers hated the Obama-Hillary wars and the technology changes at the Cafe.


    I wanna just say a few meta words about that, because you're a tech person as well as a writer.

    That was ALL software-caused. There was no hate. There was frustration of not being able to access the audience that TPMCafe was invented for. TPMCafe was, to that point, a place for discussing policy and issues and not horse race. TPM Election Central was a separate section of the site, for discussing horse race and not issues. The latter had a much larger audience than the former, was more popular. (One can debate why that was, i.e., because of neglect of no longer getting good main posters and content, or because few are interested in such discussions, but that's beside my point.)

    TPMCafe was still operating on a software where you could track users and comments, which enabled long-term conversation over time on issues, and also allowed users to follow things they were interested in and avoid things they weren't, and also post diaries if they wanted (most didn't want, preferred discussions under headliner posts, for whatever reason.)   TPM Election Central until then had no such software and simply allowed for straight line commenting by the masses of people interested in horse race, and pandered to the one-line quipsters and political spats, the way TPMDC crowd does now. Fast moving quips on the hot politics story of the day, no long term conversation.

    What Marshall did when you started blogging, was not only introduce the ability to post diairies the huge TPM Election Central crowd, at the same time he took away Cafe members ability to track anything. The latter is the important part. If we old-timers could still track for something to talk about other than Obama vs. Hillary food fights, we wouldn't have been so freaked out. So the sudden flood of posts on Obama vs. Clinton 24/7  for months on end was all the content you could find to discuss, (especially before the rating of posts was instituted. )

    And I must say, mho, the Genghis types posting on the only subject suddenly allowed were few and far between. Perhaps you remember a golden era because you managed somehow to select out the people who later became Dagbloggers, and mostly only talk to each other. Somehow you ignored all the dreck (but even then, why did you start Dagblog, huh?devil)

    I can't unread this Oxy! So.Not.Fair!

    Hahahahahahah but thanks so much for the giant belly laugh.

    Oh and let me add this... ewwwww

    Is this the video you are looking for?



    You got it! Thanks. Thanks. That says it all.  However, I'm not sure which one of the candidates this bloke looks like. It's like Romney,Paul and Huntsman all "mated up".

    Every time I watch that clip I laugh so hard.. "I am sorry  but I am just not drunk enough, I tried, I really did, but I am just not drunk enough" hahahahahahahahahahaha... that is so spot on!

    Huntsman.? Hmmm, from a purely visual perspective, when he was dressed in his cute little motocross outfit for those funky commercials he looked pretty hot for an older guy. So on pure looks alone, he could bring crackers if he wanted.

    It really is one of the funniest skits ever. Thanks again. Huntsman reminds me of that old joke about the guy who was so meticulous, Harvard I think, that by the time he hung up his trou and lined his shoes up correctly the girl was gone.

    This is a riot, oxy.

    I for one will in all likelihood forever think of the dog-on-the-roof incident first whenever Mitt Romney's name or image comes to my attention.  Something indelible about that image where it just leaves you scratching your head (or, in the spirit of the post, some other body part) wondering what planet could such a creature have come from?  And what will the next round of visitors from there do to top that demonstration of other-worldliness? 

    Thanks, Dreamer. Sometimes when I see this motley crew on stage I think I'm watching a movie. But the Romney incident, unbelievable. I'm surprised he wasn't arrested before he got to Ontario. It was a 12 hour trip!

    Did you ever see the John Cusack movie "The Sure Thing"?  There's a scene in it where, not to spoil the plot or anything, but someone gets arrested for driving with a load not properly tied down. a "load" not properly tied down if its excrement winds up on the roof of the vehicle?

    I'll have to check that out. Definitely Romney's dog was not secured--the officer's line, Guess yer load wasn't tied down all the way, son, was it now?

    That was funny. The Republicans sure have a cast of characters in this election. I spent many a night reading TPM while rocking a cranky grandbaby in front of the computer. There was a lot of good stuff then.

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