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    The Not-So-Great Debates: The Politics of Fear and Self-Loathing




    Clearly the word "debate" doesn't mean anything anymore.

    To actually debate something, it helps to have people who have vast differences of opinions be the ones asking the questions. Also, it helps if those questions are a bit more probing than "wall or no wall".

    As it is, all we get from the current crop of GOP presidential "debates" is a look at which might be the lesser of 7 or 8 evils. We’re forced to peruse the political meat on the chopping block and decide which cut is furthest from its expiration date by the heady scent of disingenuous decay wafting through our TV screens. Unfortunately, their collective stench mingles into a festering potage; it’s impossible to determine where one stink ends and another begins.

    I suppose I sound jaded; angry even. And I fully cop to being a liberal, but you know what? I would welcome some diversity - would love to see a Republican contender who was close enough to the middle - where I honestly think the majority of Americans hover, politically - to give the Democrats a run for their money. Why? Because a good candidate from each side going up against one another in a fair fight is what this country deserves.

    I think we’ve earned it.

    We deserve better than a candidate who had a racial epithet painted on a sign outside his family hunting camp.

    We deserve better than a candidate who thinks “praying the gay away” is a viable option.

    We deserve better than someone who belittles the marriage discussion by using a pathetically moronic metaphor involving a napkin and paper towel.

    We deserve a candidate who doesn’t change his or her stance on any given topic with the regularity that they change their undergarments.

    We deserve honesty.

    We deserve to have a media that doesn’t follow faux candidates around and monitor their every word and self-promotional sound byte.

    Instead we get a plate full of crazy with a couple of self-serving teasers à la carte.

    As time goes by, it becomes more and more painful to watch these debates and whistle-stop stump speeches, particularly when you consider the reactions from the audience members - a throbbing mass of sign-toting hysteria permeated by fear and loathing.

    This kind of vitriol only comes from one of two places: fear and/or ignorance. I choose to believe these people are not all stupid. That wouldn’t be fair. So one can only assume that the candidates, as well as their “followers” are filled with a fear that is so absolute, so ingrained, they can’t see how truly self-centered it is to assume that everyone should think the way they do - that diversity is a bad thing, a blight upon the American existence, rather than what the Founding Fathers actually intended the American melting pot experience be.

    Based on some of the things these candidates have said (with a microphone present) it’s not hard to imagine what their inner monologue sounds like:

    Those gays want to drag American morality to hell in a frilly hand basket with all that marriage talk and… stuff they do to each other. Insert collective GOP shudder here. What about those horrible, scary, jihadist Muslims - evil, all of them, bent on our imminent destruction. And don’t even get us started on those filthy Mexican immigrants stealing all our jobs. Gays, immigrants, non-Christians, terrorists, liberals, women seeking to decide what they do with their own bodies, union workers, a middle class who insists on fair and balanced taxation - it seems the majority of America is the enemy of the GOP.

    The sad truth is, the grubby little not-so-secret psychology from which the wellspring of the New Right Wing originates is an omnipresent blanket of fear that envelops their entire agenda. Consumed with paranoia, intolerance and gluttonous self-indulgence - everything from the Muslim down the street who threatens the very fiber of their way of life, to their fellow (wrong-thinking) American who dares fight for their own nugget of the American dream - every imagined “enemy” endangers their inalienable rights given to them by God; their God.

    Any other God need not apply.

    It is a group simmering in a belief system that stems from Old Testament rage. One can’t be sure whether we should pity this new breed of Republican or declare the lot of them enemies of the state. It would be easy to feel sorry for them, and even easier to ignore them entirely, if it weren’t so dangerous to do so.

    So America is held hostage, rapt attention diverted toward debates that are a cross between a deranged carnival and a fifteen car pile-up where the audience rubbernecks its way past the collective mayhem.

    Where are the GOP members who would say, “Sorry, I’m not buying into this nonsense. That’s not what we’re about. That’s not what we stand for.”

    That’s the Republican I want running against Obama. I’m just not sure there are any out there anymore.

    I find myself thinking about that eternal line from Anne Frank, and the context within which is was written:

    It's difficult in times like these: ideals, dreams and cherished hopes rise within us, only to be crushed by grim reality. It's a wonder I haven't abandoned all my ideals, they seem so absurd and impractical. Yet I cling to them because I still believe, in spite of everything, that people are truly good at heart. I simply can't build my hopes on a foundation of confusion, misery, and death. I hear the approaching thunder that, one day, will destroy us too, I feel the suffering of millions. And yet, when I look up at the sky, I somehow feel that this cruelty too shall end, and that peace & tranquility will return once again.

    I am loathe to compare the politics of any party to an ideology that ended, historically, with the deaths of millions of people, but there is something to be said here for the comparison if it is used metaphorically and applied to what we are seeing played out, daily.

    If we can all agree on one thing, I would hope that it would be that the politics of fear and loathing have no place in America.

    I wonder, though, if we can even agree on that, anymore.


    Well done, Jeni! And spectacular photoshopping.

    Thanks! devil

    As my friend Kat will tell you, I'm ridiculously addicted to Photoshop, so every blog post is an excuse to "play".

    I really should be ashamed at how addicted to it I am, but alas... we all have our guilty pleasures.

    As for the post... I usually prefer writing about politics with humor/satire, but this one had been bubbling to the surface for a while and I couldn't get back to my "real" writing today till I got it out of my system.

    Enjoyed this lots.  Thanks!

    No, thank you! cool

    I'm enjoying reading the other blogs and comments on this site. It's not often that you happen upon a place with a bunch of people who have heck of a lot to say and do it in such a respectful, informative way. So, I think I'll stay a while!

    I don't see this at all. There are lots of difference between the Republican candidates. Some of them want to return the country to the 1950s. Others are going for the 1900s. I suspect that Ron Paul has his eye on the 1790s. And Bachmann doesn't really know where she's headed, but it's definitely a galaxy long, long ago and far, far away.

    They should dress in a period attire for the debates, and it would all be much clearer.

    PS Welcome, Jeni

    They should dress in a period attire for the debates, and it would all be much clearer.

    Jeni's next Photoshop assignment...

    Oh see, now you're just feeding my addiction. I pegged you for a troublemaker right from the get-go! devil

    (*she slinks away and clicks open her Photoshop software, cheeks ruddy with shame*)


     That made me snort, aloud, in a very unladylike way... particularly Ron Paul in the 1790's and Ms. Michelle in a galaxy long, long ago...

    I suspect I'll have a picture to share tomorrow. I can already feel you guys judging me (and rightly so!) frown


    When you read the fiction of Ayna Rand, she refers to the general population as a mass mob feeding off the intellectually superior creators of jobs and wealth. The term "jobs creator" comes from her writings. Those who are bank rolling the GOP medicine show are convinced that there is nothing to debate about this pure ideology. They simply don't see the general population deserving more. So all it takes is more money and media spin to make us fall in line. Only most of us know we deserve more and beginning to understand how unfair and harsh these people will be in complete control of our government. Good me thinking.

    Yes and you know, there are so many unfair things about this whole topic.  First of all, by all recent studies/reports the supposed "job creators" aren't creating jobs at all - they're too busy laying people off due to the lack of demand. So that entire premise is faulty (or a lie, if you want to be blunt about it. A boldfaced, talking-point lie.)

    The other thing that's really unfair is how this paints all Republicans with a broad brush and I think most of us know that's not true. Most of the Republicans I know think the current crop of 2012 GOP contenders are just as batshit-crazy as the lefties do. It's not fair that they don't have a nominee that they can really get behind. It's not fair that what's being offered up for Republican perusal is so horrifying, I can only imagine what other countries think of us at this point.


    I don't know how everyone else votes, but I don't vote for a particular party.  Sure, I'm usually more inclined to vote for someone who is in line with the social policies I hold dear, but my first "judgment" of a candidate is about the actual person they are. How they move through the world and what kind of energy they put out there. An extremist on either side makes me nervous. And I tend to get really skeeved out when your whole political platform is based around religion/morals. Again, unfair, considering not everyone believes in the Bible or is Christian.

    I guess I have always believed that someone prone to hate and vitriol towards others must have a lot of it going on within themselves - toward themselves -  and I do think that stems from fear and ignorance.

    I guess I have to believe that or I'd go nuts. I really don't want to believe that it all boils down to money and control, though it certainly looks that way on its face, doesn't it?

    It is hard to take...the money and control. But it is there among all the social wedge issues. I live just accross the bay from Tampa. Most of my Republican freinds were embarrassed with the 2 debates in Florida because it reflected badly also on the residents here. Non of my Republican friends are callus and uncouth like the radicals in the audience shouting out. They don't seem supportive of these kind of politicians. I agree they deserve better.

    Excellent post, Jeni.  I bet I'm the only person on this site who has trudged to the political aisle in a bookstore to find books by every single one of these candidates for customers.  Apparently the key to being a successful writer is to be a nutjob politician first..

    Te-he.  I once suggested on Twitter that my followers should go to their local bookseller on the day Dick Cheney's book dropped and hide them behind copies of Tina Fey's "Bossypants."

    The subtle irony appealed to me. devil


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