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    F*ck Bill Maher and his indifferent response to right wing lies

    Tonight's Real Time with Bill Maher show was one of the most infuriating hours I have ever seen on TV.  I rarely scream at TV, but I was screaming tonight.   Maher's two Conservative panelists, that lying sack of shit Andrew Breitbart, and  Amy Holmes, ran roughshod over Bill, Seth McFarland and Carl Sagan's soft-spoken widow, Ann Druyan. 

    McFarlane and Maher both sat on their duffs, completely willing to let lie after lie go unchallenged, as if they were totally afraid to assert themselves for fear of offending Breitbart and Holmes.  

    Maher's limp responses to the Conservative's full court press was dismaying to say the least. McFarlance was so meek, he looked mentally challenged. . He seemed to take it all in a state of amused disbelief while the Right-wing steamroller ran right over him.  In fact, both appeared much more eager to wait for an opening to throw in another lame joke, than to offer an actual alternative to the bullshit that was being slung from the Right. 

    And then there was Ann Druyan, a lovely woman, who tried to at least mix it up, and refute Breitbart's denial of Global warming, but who's reserve and lack of vocal strength left her almost unheard even by the other panelists sitting right next to her. The audio people on the show must have been going crazy.

    In a week with a LOT of news, that he could have talked about, Maher instead went for easy targets like idiot-girl Senate candidate Christine O'Donnell.

    I have, until now, been a fan of Maher, but his performance on this show was so inexcusably awful, and infuriating, I may never watch his show again. 

    Thanks, I needed to vent.




    I understand your reaction.  Wingnuts specialize in shouting down more polite, well informed types.  What I really wanted was for Bill to tell the two nitwits to shutup and allow Ms. Druyan to make her point but he let them shout her down.  I found Breitbart particularly distasteful and was taken by how obviously crazed the guy is.  The looks on his face, some of the genuinely weird statements he made and his well known previous questionable activities drew a picture for me at least of someone who's going to end up in big trouble of one kind or another.  But again, I think we would have actually heard some important things from Ms. Druyan and it is a real pity Maher wasn't more aggressive in protecting her right to say something.  I thought McFarlane, who is normally pretty aggressive was just so disgusted and sickened by the two to his right that he just wasn't bothering to work very hard at condemning them.  You'd have to admit that they really made themselves look like asses as they shouted down everyone else.

    Yes, that was very frustrating; watching this quiet, intelligent woman be bullied and talked over by these two idiots who simply refused to let her speak and make her points to refute their nonsense.  Maher should be ashamed.

    Never liked the man, frankly.

    And dont call me frank

    To paraphrase, I think it was, George Carlin ... Actually, the aluminum siding business is very much like show business...

    Ahoy DD!  Good to see ya!

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