Apologies on the eve of my vacation

    I feel like a piece of warm taffy stretched along a roller-coaster track. I keep getting run over.

    Probably just like you. So I am disappointed in myself that I've lost a grip on civility in the past few days and gone on a verbal rampage against the folks who want to assist in what they perceive as the mercy killing of health care reform.

    I should have taken a vacation from TPM, as quinn suggested. Instead I've invented whole new four-letter words, perhaps even a whole new language based on four-letter words.

    To Libertine, qwerty, kgb999, oleeb, Kali Starr and others, I apologize sincerely for being out of bounds. kgb, you were right about my turning into a "sanctimonious prick."

    That much I can ashamedly apologize for, but not for my view that your attacks on the Democratic Party help anyone but the GOP or that killing health care reform doesn't kill actual people in the process.

    I am deeply disappointed, far from being a "conservadem" or "corporate lackey" or Obama-pologist, as some have accused me of being. No, in fact, I am sick to my heart about recent events and the disarray and setbacks of the past year. In some ways, 2009 has been more frustrating and disappointing than 2008, and perhaps that simple truth is why we saw the good people of Massachusetts vote so insanely.

    I am tired. Terribly tired. You are, too, very likely.

    Health care on its last legs. The Mass. vote and Brown's election. The loss of a filibuster-proof majority. The SCOTUS ruling today. The closing down of Air America. An economy slowly shaking off a knock-out punch before the bell rings. Wall Street barons laughing all the way ... to work. Two wars. Haiti.

    And this on top of being more than a little hungry myself today since my Food Stamps got cut last month.

    Mr. President, my Hope now verges on Despair. Unless you come up with the best State of the Union speech ever, please just shoot me. I don't have the energy to do it myself, and I understand Massachusetts requires a vote before killing the last hope.

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