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    Can You Feel It, Too?

    This election has done something to me.

    Ever since 8pm pacific time, November 4th when he went over 270, and it became real, life has been different. I spent several days in a high emotional state, breaking into tears over nothing in particular. Happy one minute. Profoundly sad the next. Thoughts swirling. An inability to concentrate. Going through the motions. Looking for any reason to avoid thinking. Realizing there was something going on inside that I couldn't quite put my finger on.

    At first I chalked it up to post-election depression. What do I do with myself now? How am I going to fill all the hours that for months have been spent obsessing over every aspect of the election?

    Tonight the thoughts, feelings, emotions are starting to gel.

    I realize that I really truly CARE about my country and what comes next. I'm anxious to learn what this man that we have put our faith in is going to want us to do to help him "right" this country. For the first time in, well, ever, I want to be a part of MAKING things right. I don't want or need anything. I'm doing really well. I don't want to wait to see how "they" are going to get us out of this mess we find our country in. I want to know what I can do to help.

    I don't think for one minute that "they" are going to be able fix everything. "We" are going to have to be a big part of it. I'm not exactly sure yet what form this is going to take. But the excitement is building...can you feel it, too? Are you finding yourself wanting to be a better citizen? A better neighbor? Are you trying to think of ways to make a difference? Are you trying to be a little more tolerant? Are you asking for less and trying to give more?

    I'm under no illusions that I'm going to do any hugely grandiose thing...I have a lot of obligations. I can't pick up and join the peace corps, or go on a mission, or save a village in Africa.

    But I can do a lot of little things. I can give more to charity. I can find ways to volunteer in my community. I can force myself to remember to take my own grocery bags to the store. I can turn out lights when I leave a room. I can take a little shorter shower and lower the temperature of the water some. I can toss a bit more money into the tip jar.  I can see if my neighbor needs me to pick something up at the market as long as I'm going anyway. I can throw a couple of cases of canned goods into my cart at Costco and drop them off at the food bank. I can do better at recycling. I can eat a little less. I can keep an eye out for needs that I can meet outside of my family.

    I know I'm not the only one. There must be others who are feeling like this. Can you imagine the power of everyone's little things? Can you feel it?




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