The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts

stillidealistic's picture

Brooksley Born Should Be A Household Name...Why Isn't She?

It is amazing how much there is going on out there in the world that gets missed. Or at least I miss it. Is it that way with everyone? And I'm even TRYING HARD to pay attention now. I wonder...
stillidealistic's picture

Is It Possible The Insurance Companies Stepped On Their Wangers?

Hmmmmm. It appears that the worm may be turning...Seriously, did the insurance companies step on their wangers?A few days ago the public option was on life supports, seemingly just days, or moments away from time of death being called.Then the...
stillidealistic's picture

Being An Ostrich Is Pretty Cool Until People Start Eating Them...

I was born of and raised by ostriches. Then I married an ostrich, and gave birth to and raised more ostriches. Therefore it has been difficult to pull my head out of the sand and pay attention to what is...
stillidealistic's picture

My Hair Is On Fire, Too...

Well, I just got back in after seeing "Capitalism: A Love Story" and like FlowerChild, my hair is on fire.In the space of 2 hours and forty minutes I went from the "baby steps" I was encouraging earlier today to...
stillidealistic's picture


I am unable comment this morning on anything but my own past blog-posts. So, I'm troubleshooting as well...interesting morning at TPM....
stillidealistic's picture

This Is What Is going On in Countless Households Across The Country. Really. You Can't Make This Stuff Up...

It is happening in homes all over the and friends at odds over the current situation. I would think we all know someone like this. It comes under the heading of truth being stranger than fiction. You just can't...
stillidealistic's picture

Whose Cafe Is It, Anyway?

Tensions are running high at TPM this weekend. There is a lot of conversation about what the Cafe is and who should be here and who shouldn't. Whether there is more value to some posts and posters than others...I find...
stillidealistic's picture

As Much As I Love This Place, Sometimes I hate It -or- "The Sky Is Falling! The Sky Is Falling!" -or- The More Things Change, The More They Stay The Same

Jeez, Louise...It's been awhile since I've heard this kind of caterwauling...In fact, the whining and sniveling about Obama not fighting hard enough (over a year ago) is what brought me here to begin with. And, yeah, it's a little like...
stillidealistic's picture

Take A Moment Away From The Yucky Stuff

I found this in my in-box this morning. I've seen it before in several different forms, and have always thought it was a sweet story, but for some reason, today it hit me as something that I wanted to...
stillidealistic's picture

Obesity in America - a personal story

Yep, I'm obese. It's such an ugly word. It's hard for me to write it. I prefer overweight, but by definition, since I weigh more than 20% more than I should, obese is the correct term. At 5' 3" I...


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