The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts

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My Name Is Stillidealistic, And I'm An Addict...

I resisted confronting that reality. As many of you know, I'm on an extended vacation. I never even considered going without my laptop. I need to stay in touch, I told myself. Week one, no problem. Just me and my...
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The America I Love

This is not the America I love. The acrimony, the partisanship, the "I'd rather we destroy the country than see this President be successful" attitude. The America I love is not filled with people who lie cheat and steal to...
stillidealistic's picture

Just How Screwed Are We?

I have for some time now been trying to get my arms around how big a trillion dollars is, without much success.John Allen Palous, a noted Temple University Math Professor has simplified it. If you had spent one million dollars...
stillidealistic's picture

Obama's Standards Too High?

I am watching Hardball and the question is being asked whether or not Obama's standards are too high, and that's why he is having problems getting his people through the confirmation process...Are you kidding me????His standards are not too high,...
stillidealistic's picture

On-line Dating Services (just pretend this is a liberal version of the eclectic WSJ)

I know...on line dating services....sorta plays into the contention by one unnamed person that the new demographics here are older, female and, from the Midwest, so the content is getting to be a little irrelevant, but since many of...
stillidealistic's picture

What Is It With Rich People?

Why is it that so many people with more money than God have a seeming inability to pay their fair share of taxes? It's almost as if when your bank balance reaches a certain level, the integrity portion of your...
stillidealistic's picture

Today Has Been An Awesome Day...

This has been an absolutely awesome day.I feel sorry for the people who couldn't share in the joy and the pride that we supporters have been able to. The Inauguration was inspiring. Imagine...Barack Hussein Obama is our new President. He...
stillidealistic's picture

What is it About Hawaii?

I'd been contemplating a blog about Hawaii, when I came upon an article in the Washington Post that says it better than I could.I have read criticism about the time our PE is spending in Hawaii, rather than getting down...
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Christians Aren't Going Away and Neither Are Gays

Preface: This post was started as a comment made on another blog. At Orlando's suggestion (with a cosign from Miguel and TheraP) I am making it into it's own post. For those of you are unaware of my journey...
stillidealistic's picture

How's This For An "Outside The Box" Idea?

Since we're in the mode of thinking BIG, and spending more magic money than will be repaid in a couple of generations, how's this for an idea?What if, instead of concentrating so much on creating new jobs, we decrease the...


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