The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts

stillidealistic's picture

Are we sure there was a single pay rally???

Did I miss something? Did anyone see anything on msm indicating there was a single pay rally yesterday? There's not even anything on the TPM front page is there? What is up with that?***Edit:  If you have seen or heard...
stillidealistic's picture

Uncomfortable Truths (things that make you want to cry)

This is one of those posts that requires a fairly long preface, so bear with me here. I will not make the egotistical assumption that all of you know my history, but to save those of you who do the...
stillidealistic's picture

A RANT - Stilli Style! (or...a case of the ass)

I am a born mediator. I don't know if this is a curse or a blessing. I can see both sides of most issues, and have few beliefs that are set in concrete. I put myself in the other people's...
stillidealistic's picture

Different Party, Same Crap...Whodathunk?

I can't begin to tell you how heartsick, frustrated and downright pissed I am over the wussy behavior of the Democratic Party. I switched parties to show the Republicans how pissed off I was that they screwed the country for...
stillidealistic's picture

Random Things I Love AT 57...

I am a scrapbooker (aka the family historian.)  I try to keep track as best I can of the "Days Of Our Lives"...little things that would be lost to us if someone didn't write them down. I keep a list...
stillidealistic's picture

AS LONG AS WE'RE ATTEMPTING TO RESHAPE THE COUNTRY: A Discussion About Food Stamps, Food Banks, Health Care, Responsibility, and Rights vs. Wouldn't It Be Nices?

We've had lots of discussion lately about health care, which has set my mind to wandering and wondering. As long as we're advocating for health care as a basic human right, shouldn't we be talking about our responsibilities to the...
stillidealistic's picture

Wake Up Liberal Christians!

Being a Christian around here can, at times, be a pretty humbling experience. For the most part I feel like most of you regulars accept me as being a little different than the majority of Christians you know.  I have...
stillidealistic's picture

Burning the Candle at Both Ends

My mother always used to say I burned the candle at both ends. I have been that way for as long I can remember, and I'm pretty sure it won't change for as long as there is breath in my...
stillidealistic's picture

Rebranding "Fox News" Chapter Two

You may have seen the post yesterday entitled "Rebranding Fox "News" Network - Responding To Propoganda, by Synchronicity. In it she began a campaign to educate people about Fox "News" and is asking for our help. She asked me to...
stillidealistic's picture

Torture Faux News Style (100 days of Obama Bashing)

We've been debating in great detail what is and isn't torture, did we torture, who authorized it, how harmful is it, etc., etc.Well, come to find out all the torture did not occur on foreign soil. Those of us who...


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