The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts

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The Worst Thing the Repubs Ever Did

What was the first thing that came to mind? The war in Iraq? Tax cuts for the wealthy? Dismantling regulations? All good choices, but the worst thing they ever did, the one that I will NEVER, even if I live...
stillidealistic's picture

Wall Street Snark Alert!

I don't normally like to make posts that direct you to an article without taking the time to put together a synopsis and my analysis, but I'm in a hurry this morning, and want to make sure y'all see this...
stillidealistic's picture

Beating the TPM System

Bwak and Lis were having a conversation a few days ago about the screwed up dashboards and commenting, and at that time mine was functioning just fine. (she thought smugly.)Today, I finally got the disease (or whatever it is.)My dashboard...
stillidealistic's picture

Just in Case...

Just in case y'all are running out of things to blame Obama for, I've come up with some additional ideas for you:Jupiter is missing one of its stripes. I'm pretty sure he took it.Sonny and Carly had sex. I had...
stillidealistic's picture

Hold the Presses! Stilli is Frustrated With the Prez!

This is something that doesn't happen every day, so read and either talk me down, or gloat...I love my Prez. I won't go into all the reasons. You either know already (I haven't been shy on the subject) or you...
stillidealistic's picture

Before I was a Mom...

This tribute to Moms has found its way into my inbox a number of times. I have no idea who wrote it, but I thought today was a good day to pass it on to you guys.Before I was a...
stillidealistic's picture

Do We Need to Audit the Fed AND the "Powerful People" Whose Ire We Will Raise If We Do?

The article on TPMDC about the White House opposing the provision in the financial reform bill to audit the Fed has me concerned.Now I realize that there are probably many pros and cons to auditing the Fed. It seems a...
stillidealistic's picture

The Pitchfork Movement

I'd like to try an experiment, for the sake of seeing if a group as diverse as this can come up with some consensus, because I figure if we can do it here, it should be able to be done...
stillidealistic's picture

The Loss of a Friend

Today is the one we have been dreading for months. The one when we will lose our friend. Our companion. Our "furry" child. The one who loves us when we are our most unlovable. The one who is always there...
stillidealistic's picture

A Huge Thank You to American Dad!

By now everyone and their brother is aware that American Dad's post here is the buzz of the blogosphere!  The recs and comments are off the charts, there are diggs galore, and it is being linked to other major blog...


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16 years 1 month