stillidealistic's picture

    This Is What Is going On in Countless Households Across The Country. Really. You Can't Make This Stuff Up...

    It is happening in homes all over the and friends at odds over the current situation. I would think we all know someone like this. It comes under the heading of truth being stranger than fiction. You just can't make this stuff up.

    The following is a series of e-mails exchanged with my know the one I introduced you to a few months ago. For awhile after the election he left me alone, but then he sent me a vile forward about one of the many crimes of Obama, the day of the health care speech. I sent him a link to debunking it, then in a separate e-mail, wrote  the following comment, then it was on. Interspersed with the direct back and forths was a barrage of 10 different know the ones, accusing Obama of everything but murder...

    I'm sure I could have handled it better, but my blood pressure was rising with each new shot...maybe you could critique the exchange, and give me some suggestions for handling the next one (and it is SURE to come, unless I have finally been COMPLETELY disowned!)

    My Comment:

    I hope you caught the President's address....What an amazing man...
    I can't remember the last time I was so proud of one of our Presidents. Ever.

    His Response:

    No I did not watch his speach.  Instead I watched his favorite invention {Acorn} make fools of themselves.  Had you read the last message that I sent you and the web site that verified it you would not be so happy with him, unless you want this country destroyed too. I took it one step farther and called my congressman to complain and he assured me that it was passed with only democrat votes.  Now we will be supporting Hamas terrorists in our own country.  They will even get Obama care.  Your right he is a good speaker and the only way you can tell he is lying is because his lips are moveing.  You can go on line and read the proposed health bill which includes illegals.  The supreme court has ruled that any gov't run program can not exclude even illegalls.  I can only thank God that I was born when I was and enjoyed freedom because it's all over now.  Don't you realize he is doing the same thing Hitler did to gain power.  His appointment of Csars reminds me a great deal of Hitlers brown shirts.

    My Response:

    I find it so incredibly sad that you have made the choice to be part of the closed-minded right-wing whackos...

    To not even LISTEN to the President's speech, just accept that the lunatics you are listening to are telling the truth. I cannot say w/ certainty that you are not a part of a government run health care plan, but my guess is you are on Medicare and possibly get some help from the VA. If government run health care is such a bad thing, I would think you would give it up and pay for your own care out of your own pocket...but I'm pretty sure THAT is not going to happen...And Social Security...Are you drawing that? Why? It is off the fruits of your own labor, or starve.

    You are saying the same things that the people who initially wanted Medicare and Social Security, and they were decried as Socialists, yet today, they are Holy one wants to see them go away. Thank you, Democrats for not listening to the Republicans then, and hopefully you will do the same now.

    If you have a better idea on how to make sure that the "lesser" of all God's children are cared for, you can get on line and make those suggestions to the President. What would Jesus do? I am pretty sure he would be lobbying for universal health care. Anything less shows a callous disregard for human life, AND ends up costing us more in the long run.

    Your willingness to shove these people off the cliff is an affront to my religion. Your willingness to disrespect "the office of the Presidency" is an affront to my patriotism.

    The hate you are helping to foment may end up in the assassination of our President...I hope you can live with that guilt.

    His Response:

    your right I do get medicare.  I pay $97.00 per month forit and seldom use it. I have been paying for it most of my adult life in payroll taxes.  I have VA benefits because because I was wounded in action.  I paid for that too.  Your president wanted to force wounded veterans to pay for their own insurance to cover their war wounds to but even his own liberal congress shot that down.  I am not to fond of the republicans either but I am proud to be a conservative.  I don't like government intrusion in my life.  Medicare does not not pay for preventative care thus a tremendous waste.  I pay for my own and as a result I am very healthy  Medicare is broke because it is run by the government, so is social security and the post office.  What makes you think they will do any better with government controlled health care?  As I said before I don't care what color the president is but I do care about his past and present associations.  For instance his late Czar that quit under pressure.  He was a card carrying communist by his own addmission.  Obama has racked up more debt than all the presidents from George Washington to George W,  I thought George was a complete idiot and a spend thrift but he is a penny pincher compared to this moron.  I would not advocate Obama's death but I would wait in line to defacate on his grave' Because you only watch the mainstream media you are uninformed about how deeply this clown was involved in the Chicago crime machine.  I hope that someday before it is too late you get your head out of the sand and smell the flowers. This man's policies is going to destroy our country.  Also if he really wants change he could insist on tort reform and save billions while lowering health care costs.  A government take over is not the answer. Acorn is one of his projects and it is totally coprrupt.

    My Response:

    When you went to war, did you do it for the specific President that was in office, or for OUR president? I am sick of all the whining and sniveling about YOUR President...Like it or not, he is OUR duly elected president. He won fair and square, he didn't steal it.

    You conservatives are nurturing an environment where some whacko is going to kill OUR President, and it will be on the heads of all of you who speak so viciously against OUR President. You have drunk about a gallon of the whacko kool-aid, and I hope YOU pull your head out of the sand and smell the flowers. Because you watch "faux" news, you get whacko-news 24/7... Glenn Beck??? Are you serious? Your mind is poisoned against Obama. It HAS to be because no one could possibly be wrong 100% of the time, but y'all give him no credit whatsoever. Even the end of life consultations that you guys labeled the "kill granny" bill was put into the health reform package by a repub, but somehow Obama gets to take the heat for it (and BTW it is a good idea! We have advanced medical directives ourselves so our kids don't have to make those decisions for us, we got to choose!)

    He inherited a seriously messed up country after 8 years of conservative neglect, in debt up to its eyeballs, a financial disaster of epic proportions which did not happen on his watch, 1 war we never should have waged and 1 we can't win (both courtesy of your beloved conservatives) good, middle class Americans (WITH HEALTH INSURANCE) losing their houses because of skyrocketing medical costs - did you know that 62% of the personal bankruptcies in this country are caused by medical bills??? and you can do is whine and snivel that we are headed for socialism...what a joke!

    I hope all of you have to answer to our Lord when he asks what you did to help those who died for lack of health or not. Something tells me He isn't going to be any too happy with you.

    You conservatives are making me ashamed of my country AND ashamed of my religion...I want my country back, and I want my religion back. AND I am appalled that MY UNCLE would defecate on the grave of ANY AMERICAN president. I am horrified beyond the ability to give words to it...and that is a first for me. A former Marine, and you would defecate on the grave of a President...that says it all. You have totally. lost. your. mind.

    His Response:

    No, I have not lost my mind.  I believe as do a lot of others that Obama was born in Kenya and therefor not qualified to be an american president.  He has spent over two million on lawyers to keep from showing a valid birth certificate.  If he in fact was born in this country it would be a very easy to put an end to the controversy by showing a valid birth certificate.  On october 5 in federal court the case will be heard and we will see if he is an american.  Bush was a big spender and a disgrace to the office but Obama has put our grandchildren in debt.  Obviously you are happy with the gov't running General Motors. Obama gave 50% of the company to the union to repay them for their support.  George Sorros contributed millions to Obama's election and now is being paid back by American taxpayers by giving Brazil 5 billion dollars for off shore drilling which is run by George Sorros.  Go to the web if you doubt this.  He cancelled off shore drilling and drilling the shale in Wyoming and Colorado in areas that are ugly.  He is unprecedented in his appointment of Czars.  This is very much like Adolph Hitler with his brown shirts.  Your mistaken about the death section in the health bill.  All suggestions made by republicans were rejected by the ruleing majority. Also I am not a republican, I am an Independant.  We will take our country back even if by force.  That will not happen with Democratic leadership. The Democrats are stomping on the constitution and I want people in there that will support the constition.  I have nothing against helping those that can't help themselves but I am tired of helping the freeloaders.  I don't cause people to go on drugs and cost our system billions.  Perhaps you overlook the fact that the precious illegals are costing us billions every year,and they are costing us in higher medical costs.  That plus the gready trial lawyers.  Democrats will never go for tort reform because most them are lawyers.  You once told me that you were well informed and could argue with the best of them.  I now see that you are uninformed and get your information from the Democratic propaganda machine and the left wing media.  If you feel like this health care bill is needed in it's present form I think you and those that feel that way should pay for it. I don't want my taxes spent that way.  You say George Bush started a wrongful war. I agree where Iraq is concerned but the taliban had a but kicking comeing. Closeing Gitmo is the product of a moron.  Giving them a jury trial is insane. These are people that would love to cut off the heads of all Americans.  People taken in combat are only entitled to a military trial before we hang them.  You were not around when we were fightin in Korea and you did not hear of the atrocities by the communists. That war was led by a Democratic president and concluded by a republican.  I don't blame Truman for getting us into war but I blame him for not letting us finish it.  You my dear have your head in the sand and god help us if democrats remain in power.  And yes, god will judge me and I beleive it will favorable.  I believe he will give us back our country.  I am sure he is not happy with the judges and the Democratic party who has taken him out of the schools and public buildings.  I hope God will bless you because the Democrats wont.

    My Response:

    There is no point in even attempting to have a reasonable conversation about this...A "birther." My uncle is a birther...Why am I surprised??? Have you seen his birth announcement in the Honolulu newspaper right after he was born??? I suppose that was a plant  because they knew 47 years ago he would be running for President of the United States and they would need cover?

    Can you even hear yourself? We will take our country back even by force??? What the hell?  For 8 years you sit quietly by and watch the republicans destroy our country and I don't get 10 emails libeling our President. Bush took a huge surplus and turned it into a massive deficit, and all of a sudden you are worried about fiscal responsibility. What a hypocritical joke that is!  He sends us off a financial cliff, Obama takes over (WE ELECTED HIM) and every leading economist in the country dem and repub alike, says we need a huge stimulus or the whole country will be thrown into a depression, but Obama is a wasteful spender? A Socialist? AND a does one go about being a socialist AND a Nazi? And the anti-christ, I suppose? And you're saying you're ready to go to go to war against our government? And I am supposed to think that is perfectly rational?

    I am a moderate, who is going further to the left, the more you lunatic wingnuts yap. You are not a patriot. You are dangerous. And I am seriously frightened about what you are doing to our country. Reading your e-mail is like reading Glenn Beck's talking points. You wouldn't know the truth if it bit you in the butt. You hate Obama, and somehow you have convinced yourself that that makes it okay to disrespect the office of the President.

    I am heartsick...

    Where in the Bible does it say that illegal aliens are not deserving of medical care? That just because one does not have a green card, they should just be left to die? Christ didn't draw a paycheck for years of His life. He depended on the kindness of strangers for His very sustenance...Something tells me if He showed up today, you'd turn Him away if He needed your help. Because He was just a freeloader.

    I will be praying for you...I'm pretty sure my God doesn't approve of people "hating" the way you do. I'm pretty sure my God wants us to be our brother's keepers. I'm pretty sure my God is weeping as He watches His children doing the things the Christian right is doing in His name.

    Call yourself independent all you sound just like one of the right wing sheeple that are going to follow the rush limbaughs and glenn becks of the world over the cliff, taking our country with them.

    ****Okay, so that's it, so far. I doubt that I advanced the cause one iota, but the time for keeping silent in the midst of this idiocy has passed as far as I'm concerned...

    Anything you would have said differently?

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