Blog Posts

A Crude Injustice

What does it cost to negligently damage a pristine ecosystem, to kill off wildlife by the hundreds of thousands, blacken 1,300 miles of coastline and cripple the livelihoods of more than 30,000 people for decades to come?Why, it's hardly worth...

James Dobson's Radical UnChristianity

James Dobson says Barack Obama doesn't understand the Bible. He's wrong and you can match Dobson's statements against those of Obama at jamesdobsondoesn', a web site started by a group of theologians including the Rev. Kirbyjon Caldwell, a Methodist minister...

McCain's $300M Battery Prize: Dumb & Dumberer

John McCain has proposed a $300 million prize at taxpayer expense to stimulate development of a more efficient, long-lasting battery to power electric vehicles.Dumb.Automakers and battery researchers, including those in the U.S., already have plenty of incentive to develop a...

The Media Conspiracy REVISED

Imagine your job is to smear a front-running black candidate for president who was schooled overseas and has a funny name. You objective: to encourage as much distrust of the candidate as possible among as many voters as possible.What lie...

The Media Conspiracy The Media Won't Touch

In a story for tomorrow's Washington Post, writer Eli Saslow reveals that white supremacist groups opposed to Obama are attracting new members online. The story frustrates me to no end, because it is one small facet of a much larger...

Yes or No: Will Lieberman pull a Zell Miller?

We all remember how the Repugnicans wheeled Zell Miller to the podium at their '04 convention and, through a diabolical apparatus consisting of an implanted larynx bullhorn and an air bellows plugged into his lungs through the back of his...

Supreme Court Ruling Today Rebukes Bush Administration on Guantanamo Detainees, Allows Civilian Appeals

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled today that the Constitution affords basic legal protections, including the right of appeal in civilian courts, even to detainees held at Guantanamo Bay.This is a HUGE victory for civil rights, the rule of law and...

Obama Veep: Lt. Gen. Claudia Kennedy (Ret.)

I don;t know that much about retired Lt. Gen. Claudia Kennedy, so I'm soliciting your comments.What I do know is that she was born in Frankfurt, Germany, in 1947 and became the first woman to attain the rank of three-star...

The Lieberman of Oklahoma

Barack Obama will not get the endorsement of an Oklahoma  superdelegate who expressed his concerns today about Obama's voting record.U.S. Rep. Dan Boren, D-Okla., told the Tulsa World: "I still remain very concerned about the (Obama) voting record being the...

100 Reasons McCain is Unfit to be President

CAUTION: Rated R for Graphic Sexism and Republican StupidityThere may be a million reasons John McCain shouldn't be president. I'm going to list 5 and challenge you to fill in at least 95 more.1. McCain is a misogynist. From his...



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