oleeb's picture

    Direct mortgage relief for average Americans FIRST! Bailout the rich LAST!

    The average homeower in America is being asked to bear an increasing burden in terms of home mortgage costs at the family level.  The same people are being asked to bailout the rauds and con artists of Wall Street which means the same folks who are to expect no relief for themselves are being told they will shoulder the burden of keeping the rich as rich as possible.

    I smell a rat!  A big, fat, corrupt, Republican rat.

    If these idiots had provided direct mortgage relief to homeowners they could have paid off those outrageous ripoffs they had agreed to pay during refinancing and averted this entire problem.  But God forbid the government should help the people who are not rich!  Seems to me rather ridiculous and not in the interest of the American people to bailout the rich guys andleave the normal, average homeowners to fend for themselves at the same time they protect the investments of the wealthiest Americans.

    There should be no bailout at all without first providing American homeowners direct, low-interest mortgages.  We could freeze all foreclosures and establish a program where any American can qualify for a fixed rate, low-interest mortgage backed by the United States.  Why not?  If it's good enough for the rich, why isn't it good enough for those of us who actally pay our taxes?

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