Dear Sen. Kyl, Are You A Clever Guy Or A Hypocrite? Did YOU Help Convince Sen. Lott To Step Aside? The Differences That Seven Years and Party Labels Make

    Sen. Jon Kyl (R-Arizona) seven years ago, when a Republican Senate Majority Leader was on the hot seat for his comments about Strom Thurmond and his subsequent explanations:

    ''I understand a lot of Democrats and liberals generally have had a hard time recently in trying to come up with an issue.... What is disappointing to me is that they are willing to pick something to try to smear somebody rather than engage in some legitimate debate about the economy or national security.''   --NYT, 12/11/02

    Sen. Jon Kyl (R-Arizona) yesterday, when a Democratic Senate Majority Leader was on the hot seat for his comments about Barack Obama's election: 

    "Whether Trent Lott should have resigned -- I think is... we should be reflecting on that now. If he should resign, then Harry Reid should.  My tendency is that when these people apologize, and you know what's in their heart, they shouldn't. But I'd like to see the same standard applied to both."  --Fox News Sunday, 1/10/10


    Now, Sen. Kyl, when you side-stepped explicitly calling for Reid to step down as leader -  while implying that Lott resigned his Senate seat (and not just the leadership post) - were you just being clever?  How come you did not clarify what "resign" meant? 

    But, more importantly and setting aside whether you really see no difference between Lott's and Reid's remarks, how can you justify a let's-discuss-real-issues statement in 2002 and NOT make the same comment yesterday when you had a clear opportunity to help put it in perspective?  Your comment seven years ago was reactive and after the story had started galloping down the lane, but yesterday you could have kept the horse in the barn.  How was that not completely hypocritical?

    And, while we are trying to figure out the relationship between the Lott situation and the Reid incident, can you PLEASE tell us whether you were one of the Republican senators who gathered behin Bill Frist and forced Trent Lott to relinquish the Majority Leader post?  (Of course, that would have been after you had pooh-poohed the controversy over Lott's remarks.)

    Actually, when it comes right down to it, all you REALLY have to do is tell us whether you thought Lott should step aside (at the time) and whether you think that Reid should step aside.  Please don't side-step.


    Paul (a constituent of yours)

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