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    Cartoon: “The Newtinator”

    The Newt-inator is enforcing his brand of compassionate politics.

    Originally posted at

    Artwork 2012©

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    Great Cartoon!

    Some Hispanic interviewer hit Gingrich where it hurts.

    Oh I am not guilty of adultery like Clinton; I mean Clinton lied and was a felon and I have never participated in a felony!

    He is a liar, he is a cheat, he is a hypocrite, he is a corporate front, he is only interested in making more and more money and whether he wins or loses the presidency, he will make out monetarily and that is all he cares about.

    Thanks Richard.  Every time he opens his mouth I am reminded of this line, and I am paraphrasing,..... "When one's self worth comes from one's net worth then one is enslaved by the conditions that threaten that net worth."

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