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    $744 Billion Budgeted For War: Militarism Is Destroying America

    60 years of growing militarism in the United States has taken an extraordinary but rarely mentioned toll on what used to be the greatest democracy on earth.  The Cold War presented the Military Industrial Complex with the opportunity to institue a permanent war economy in the United States.  Their plans were disturbed in the early 90's when Gorbachev and the USSR demonstrated they had a better grasp on reality and survivial than the US when they decided to dismantle the totalitarian Soviet state and start anew.  They did the unthinkable and simply dropped out of the cold war.  That made our cold warrirors angry and sad.

    The US experienced a brief but extraordinary period of prosperity as the first steps were taken to downsize the military industrial complex to a more rational, sane level toward the end of the reign of Bush the First and then Bill Clinton.  The military industrial complex and it's enablers in the political system fumed and pouted at the downsizing but without "The Soviet Threat" to lean on no longer had any plausible or legitimate claim to an ever increasing share of US taxpayer's dollars.  That is until they won the lottery on September 11, 2001.  That horrendous event has served ever since as a license to throw money at the myth of a worldwide terrorist "threat". 

    This "threat" is, they tell us, fueled by the inexplicable and completely mysterious desire of people all over the Muslim world to suddenly become maniacal killers of innocent people, to plot against the United States because "they hate our freedom."  Being a rational and good people, represented by a government that would never engage in wars for conquest or commercial gain we must act wisely to protect our nation from these superhuman fanatics who will stop at nothing and who will do anything to try and harm you and your family.  You may wonder just what makes the terrorist tick?  Is there anything our country can do to minimize or combat this strange urge to just kill, kill, kill the infidel? 

    No, they tell us, there is no way to comprehend this irrational but very, very dangerous threat, nor is there any way to deal with this "threat" to our security except by using our military might to, well, er... kill them all.  We must hunt them down and kill them all or else the next thing you know there will be one of them hiding under your bed, driven by an insatiable hatred of our freedom here in America and waiting to randomly and wontonly kill you and your famliy.  So you must be afraid and you must do as you are told and you must not question the wisdom of our methods or our strategy because the only way we can be "safe" from the terrorists is to throw money at the military and to use increasingly intrusive methods of spying on our own citizens in an effort to thwart the nefarious and ubiquitous terrorists who threaten us all. 

    Lots of money is required from you in order to protect you from the freakishly powerful (and did I mention maniacal?) terrorists.  And more money will be required each year than the last.  In fact, if we don't continue to feed the military industrial complex's insatiable need for all the money in the world we will almost surey die at the hands of the villagers and peasants who are strapping explosives to themselves and killing their own countrymen as well as our occupation troops in order to threaten the lives of Americans. 

    It took us only 4 years to defeat both Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan back in the 40's yet we have now been fighting the superhuman Islamic terrorists for nearly 10 years and things are only getting worse.  How long before the greatest military on earth defeats the terrorists by killing all of them and bringing in Bin Laden, the superhuman Svengali controlling them all?  Well, the experts tell us that this is different and far more difficult than simultaneously beating Hitler and Tojo.  This war is going to last, well, probably forever.  And that is why we must spend, spend, spend on the weapons of war and on mercenary armies we call "contractors" and on preparing for doom.

    President Obama, who was elected in large part because he was seen as the candidate most likely to end the imperialist wars we are now engaged in has ordered the dramatic escalation of the war on Afghanistan and it's population because he says he means to "win" there.  He has never gotten around to mentioning what winning means in this context, but I digress.  The President tells us in order to win we must spend more on the military.  But not only that, our increased military spending goes far beyond the wars we are currently fighting.  In fact, the President proposed just this week to spend more next year on the US military than all the other countries on earth combined will spend on their militaries.  The US easily spends 10 times annually what the Chinese spend on the military and yet we wonder why the Chinese economy is rocketing ever upward and why the Chinese are able to invest more in education, housing, healthcare and just about every other human need than we are able to.

    The level of mlitary spending requested by the President for the coming year is so obscene, so totally unjustifiable that it is simply breathtaking.  There is nothing on earth, not terrorist group or nation that requires us to spend three quarters of a trillion dollars on war next year other than a corrupt leadership and a national government in the thrall of the munitions and arms industries and their associated suppliers,subcontractors and so forth.  The citizens of the United States, if they love their country and their children, must rise up and demand this obscene spending spree on war and death come to an immediate end.  We should end both open wars on the Muslim nations of Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan.  We should renounce our ongoing efforts to provoke a military conflict with Iran and we should slash the obscene military budget in half over the next few years.  By cutting the mlitary budget in half we will save a trillion dollars in three short years and can either devote those fund to deficit reduction or to spending on the long neglected human needs of the US population on healthcare, housing, nutrition, education and so on.  It simply must end or our mlitarism will destroy us.  The biggest threat we face in this country is allowing militarism to continue to control our political and economic future.  It's immoral.  It's a dead end. It hates our freedom. 


    I remember hearing in the media right after the fall of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of the USSR that even without the USSR that there were significant military threats facing the US. And the collapse of the USSR only made those threats more dangerous. So the case was being made right away why we needed to keep on 'feeding' the M-I monster.

    I can only imagine what good uses that money could be put to instead of the next generation weapons systems which we don't need. The amount of money we're spending in Iraq and Afghanistan. The amount of money we're spending with our permanent bases in Western Europe. Etc...

    We have been on a permanent war footing since WWII. With our government operating in almost police state like secrecy. With countless trillions of our national treasure being funneled into the defense industries coffers.

    Smart post. I agree.

    The problem I believe is that war is currently America's fastest growing industry. We are the world's weapons factory outlet, are we not? We'll sell stuff to anyone. No need for a background check.

    And since our society is run by extreme capitalists, how do we change that?

    We have to demand an end to the obscene annual expenditures first and foremost along with an immediate halt to the wars. If we reduce the current proposed budget by 50% we will be back down to pre-Bush obscene levels of military spending and still, by way of example, would be spending three times or more what the Chinese spend each year. Our federal budget priorities are so out of whack with the needs of the nation it is literally criminal.

    We must demand that our leaders respond to the needs of the people. That means withholding support for conservadems, that means putting pressure on the President and the Democrats to stop fiddling while Rome burns. For God's sake, we have 17 million officially unemployed people in this country! The real number is probably closer to 30 million but officially we are going under in terms of the employment situation in the US with little or no hope of re-employing the recently unemployed at or even near the same incomes they had previously. Our economy has collapsed and we are taking literally trillions and dumping those funds down a rathole that is the worst possible use of investment dollars: war and the machines of war.

    People must realize that only we can do this, that our political, civic, military and economic leadership is as corrupt and rotten as there has been in any empire that came before us. Their total mismanagement of the economy, our education system, our national security, etc... requires they be replaced with new, less corrupt or noncorrupt people who will carry out their responsibilities in the national interest.

    As the great Frederick Douglass said: "Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will!"

    Bomb 'em. Drone 'em. Show 'em who's boss. We're too big fail.

    We could also go with your cartoon and simply ask the military to take over all the functions of government. The military could run schools, hospitals, provide healthcare, etc. Instead of unemployment benefits, every person losing their job will be automatically enrolled in a the "seek and apply" brigade, a unit whose mission to is to find new jobs, and there would be standard pay and benefits while looking. The army can do urban planning (see Faluja!), manufacturing, universities (the hard sciences are already paid by the DoD. It's time they start paying for the literary criticism as well). Etc. Etc.

    Once we achieve all the about, we can have a new Chartist movement demanding the right to vote and elect the Joint Chief of Staff, and call ourselves citizens of the United Armies. And once we get that we will finally have a functioning democracy.

    That's seems to me a much easier job than cutting down the defense budget.


    War, n: A time-tested political tactic guaranteed to raise a president’s popularity rating by at least 30 points. It is especially useful during election years and economic downturns - Chaz Bufe.

    "Give Peace a Chance"


    any chance that citizens could be given the right to opt out of defense spending on their tax returns?

    Anyone in congress willing to bring that kind of idea to the floor?

    That's a helluvan idea! I'm for it!

    Then what about the people who don't want their taxes going to support the arts, or special education, or medicaid for people who can't afford health care at all, etc, etc, etc? Beware what you get started...

    We were told by activists to do that with our phone bill taxes in the early '70s; I did it, and the phone company never made a peep. Odd, eh?

    I'm not suggesting it would be easy. Maybe you can choose your own percentage breakdown--in other words, you can't opt out of anything, you can prioritize how your money is actually spent.

    I don't know.

    I'd love to hear a discussion about it.

    This war is not popular with the public, or at least it wasn't a month ago.
    It sucks, the war budget blows, the killing of innocents eats it, the hi-jacking of the poor and middle-class economic futures stinks, we have been left exposed on a deset isle with no sun-screen or water.
    But I swear, if Obama shut down the wars, tried to get Congress to decommission even half of the 900-1000 US bases world-wide, he would be assassinated. They killed Gandhi, MLK, Bobby and Jack (who were talking about peace), Sadat, tried to murder Sharon, etc.
    I know you don't believe it, and think that Obama was always a sell-out tool of the M-I-Congressional-Complex, but look at how incredibly strong a life the Dark Military has now, and how Obama got led into an almost-blockade of the Gulf; was he weak, terrified, or a true believer? It's worth asking, and none of really knows.

    I put up this blog on this subject in November:


    and you argued well for Obama to just grow a set, in effect. Aside fronm that, he has a wife and kids.
    I have just been incredulous that a man I like, really, hired Gates from the October surprise, McChrystal of Bagram torture, kept scores of Bush-era DOJ employees in place (knowing that they had to pass Bunny Whatever's loyalty tests), kept Bernanke, rehired the Clinton neo-liberal Goldman Sucks team; oh, hell; you know the rest. It just doesn't parse for me.

    It's only pennies at a time but I figure I've kept a few hundred bucks from the war mongers.

    Even if what you say is true, he is morally obligated then to resist them, to let the people know what is going on, what the stakes are and to lead them in an uprising. Despite all their power, the military industrial complex has on power we don't hand them via our obedience and complacency toward their criminal enterprises.

    Corporatism is destroying America. Militarism is just one of the ways they have found to suck the life blood from our nation.

    No chance for citizens being given anything unless they take it.

    I hear you; I always get stuck in the 'who the hell would ever want to be the President?' question. I get literally sick to my stomach imaging myself (or anyone, really) in the Situation Room, at a table with all the might of the US war machine represented by all the different bodies sitting at the table with me.
    (Shudder, cringe.)

    I know, not exactly the "team of rivals" he talked about appointing to positions during his campaign.

    I've given up on the Democratic Party particularly because of their healthcare fiasco but if there is one major reason why we need a 3rd party, it is foreign and military policy.

    Americans deserve to hear alternatives and there essentially are none given the existing parties. Americans deserve the chance to vote for a different set of priorities.

    Maybe we could call it the Canada Party. Healthcare. Peace. Regulated banks. And if the party thing doesn't work at least it would work as a platform for a secession movement!

    Corporate America started shooting up with a needle full of military spending during WWII and has been hooked on it ever since.

    The only cure is complete abstinence and the with drawl symptoms will be horrific.

    But is is what is needed.


    at the ballot box!


    ...join up, take part, DO SOMETHING!


    Good post Oleeb. Thanks for writing it. All one really has to know in order to understand our priorities in Foreign affairs is that we spend less than 1% of our budget on foreign aid, while 26% goes to "defense" and the "global war on terror". As an additional note, 9.2% goes toward servicing our national debt. We're apparently quite willing to go into debt to support the war machine, but never for peaceful ends.

    "The biggest threat we face in this country is allowing militarism to continue to control our political and economic future."

    Just had to repost this line, Oleeb, it sums the issue up very nicely.

    Most wingnuts think "leaving our children a better world" means no more than their kids should be in a higher tax bracket than mom and pop were. The same people rarely have anything but contempt for "the peace movement."

    Peace is not a "movement", it is our hope for the future. If there is one way to give our children a better world than the one we knew, it would be to make war obsolete.

    Agree, that is a great idea.

    It wouldn't take but a few minutes to fill out a "tax expenditure referendum" that goes with our inevitable income tax forms, designating how each individual thinks their tax money SHOULD be allocated.

    Would that it were binding!

    But even if it is just referential, it would go a long way towards giving the public at least a voice, if not a hand, in determining how our tax money is spent.

    No problem pal.

    Anytime you or your party want my vote, it is for sale. Tell me how much you are ready to give me for it. No words. No speeches. No promises. No "hope." You can keep the hope. Keep the fine speeches for folks like you who vote for empty promises. That way you can pay me more. I want cash, 50% on voting day, the rest on inauguration day, in non-consecutively ordered bills of fifties and twenties.

    Just how bad you want my vote?

    Don't forget almost all that "foreign aid" goes to Israel, Egypt, Colombia and Jordan, to pay for repression, and the rest is over 50% disguised help to corporations (like food help, which must be spent on US agribusiness).

    the best way the US can help people is to stay out of their lives.

    "This isn't "defense."

    The new budget from the White House will push U.S. military spending well above $2 billion a day.

    Foreclosing the future of our country should not be confused with defending it.

    "Unless miraculous growth, or miraculous political compromises, creates some unforeseen change over the next decade, there is virtually no room for new domestic initiatives for Mr. Obama or his successors," the New York Times reports this morning (February 2).

    It isn't defense to preclude new domestic initiatives for a country that desperately needs them: for healthcare, jobs, green technologies, carbon reduction, housing, education, nutrition, mass transit . . .

    "When a nation becomes obsessed with the guns of war, social programs must inevitably suffer," Martin Luther King Jr. pointed out. "We can talk about guns and butter all we want to, but when the guns are there with all of its emphasis you don't even get good oleo. These are facts of life.""

    Norman Solomon

    I was going to make this into a blog but I think it works right here. From Counterpunch

    Yet the ending of the imperial wars and the dismantling of America's global military empire -- and its global gulag -- would save trillions of dollars in the coming years. Not only from direct military spending, but also from the vastly reduced need for "Homeland security" funding in a world where the United States was no longer invading foreign lands, killing their people, supporting their tyrants -- and inciting revenge and resistance.
    This would release a flood of money for any number of "new domestic initiatives," while also giving scope for deep tax cuts across the board. Working people would thrive, the poor, the sick and the vulnerable would be bettered, businesses would grow, opportunity would expand, the care and education of our children would be greatly enhanced, our infrastructure could be repaired and strengthened, our environment better cleansed and cared for. In short, people could keep more of their own money while government spending could be directed toward improving the quality of life of all the nation's citizens.

    This is no utopian vision. Many problems, much suffering would remain. But it would be a better society -- more humane, more just, more secure, more peaceful, more prosperous than it is now. Such an alternative is entirely achievable, by ordinary humans; it would require no divine miracles, no god-like heroes to bring it about.

    But such a society is precisely what our elites cannot -- or, to be more accurate, will not -- imagine. Because, yes, it would "erode" their "influence" around the world to some extent. Although they would still be comfortable, coddled and privileged, they could no longer merge their individual psyches with the larger entity of a globe-spanning, death-dealing empire -- a connection which, although itself a projection of their own brains, gives them a forever-inflated sense of worth and importance.

    And on a more prosaic level, the end of empire would mean an end to the horrendous economic distortion wrought by our war-profiteering industries. Other businesses would inevitably come to the fore, economic activity would be spread more evenly across more sectors. And so, yes, those who have feasted so gluttonously for so long on blood money would not be quite as rich as they are now.

    'Nough said.


    the best way the US can help people is to stay out of their lives.
    Put your crack pipe down, and step away from the keyboard, evil one.

    Just how bad do you want peace?

    I think that is a fair response.

    Well, draft one up and post it!

    If "doppelganger week" can become a Facebook phenomenon, sending a sheet in with our taxes might just catch on. Protest we can believe in. Or, at least a start at protest. (hmmmm, how to attach it to a e-file?)

    And I think when a conversation digresses to this point, it illustrates how "un-peaceful" some people really are.

    Bitter hostility and hopeless complaining is certainly not the hallmark of peace loving people.

    OK! I'll make it into a blog (soon.)

    Modeled after the pie chart I linked to elsewhere in this blog.

    More from the TrueMajority pie chart page;
    "Even after trimming $60 billion (of outright waste) from the Pentagon budget, America would spend nearly as much on defense as does the rest of the world combined. We would spend more than triple the amount spent by Russia , China , and the Axis of Evil combined.

    Here's what America could accomplish with that $60 billion. We could:
    Provide health insurance to 9 million American kids who lack it
    Rebuild or modernize our public schools over 12 years
    Retrain a quarter million workers
    Cut our reliance on foreign oil in half over 10 years
    Restore recent cuts in life-saving medical research
    Invest wisely in Homeland Security by inspecting cargo containers entering our ports
    Save 6 million children who die of hunger-related diseases in impoverished countries annually
    Begin to reduce the deficit

    And see my blog here.


    Who cares? With all the money we'd be saving on the military it would be fine with me.

    But seriously Stilli, the point of something like this would be to put the assholes on the spot. It would certainly end their idiotic claims of not wanting to pay for abortion.

    Peace is our only hope for the future. There is no future with militarism and war.

    Excellent! Thank you!

    Moi "unpeaceful"? Sorry to rattle you so badly.

    What "peace" did you vote for? Pax Americana? Do you have any contact with reality at all? Sorry, of course you don't, that might make you bitter. Better take that oxycotin pill.

    But why despair? I'm more than happy to vote for your favorite candidate, Obama, Dean, Clinton, anybody YOU tell me to vote for. I want cash; You want "peace", "hope," etc. All I'm offering you is a fair trade.

    A little more music because I have nothing to add to what has already been written.

    "Sixteen Military Wives"

    Sixteen military wives
    Thirty-two softly focused brightly colored eyes
    Staring at the natural tan
    Of thirty-two gently clenching wrinkled little hands
    Seventeen company men
    Out of which only twelve will make it back again
    Sergeant sent a letter to five
    Military wives, his tears drip down to ten little eyes

    Cheer them on to their rivals
    Cause America can, and America can't say no
    And America does, if America says it's so
    It's so

    And the anchorperson on TV goes...
    La de da de da

    Fifteen celebrity minds
    Living their fifteen sordid wretched checkered lives
    Will they find the solution in time
    Using their fifteen pristine moderate liberal minds?

    Eighteen academy chairs
    Out of which only seven really even care
    Doling out a garment to five
    Celebrity minds, they're humbly taken by surprise

    Cheer them on to their rivals
    Cause America can, and America can't say no
    And America does, if America says it's so
    It's so

    And the anchorperson on TV goes...
    La de da de da de-dadedade-da
    La de da de da de-dadedade-da

    Fourteen cannibal kings
    Wondering blindly what the dinner bell will bring
    Fifteen celebrity minds
    Served on a leafy bed of sixteen military wives

    Cheer them on to their rivals
    Cause America can, and America can't say no
    And America does, if America says it's so
    It's so

    And the anchorperson on TV goes...
    La de da de da de-dadedade-da
    La de da de da de-dadedade-da

    From The Decemberists

    Steppenwolf: Monster/Suicide/America

    Once the religious, the hunted and weary
    Chasing the promise of freedom and hope
    Came to this country to build a new vision
    Far from the reaches of kingdom and pope
    Like good Christians, some would burn the witches
    Later some got slaves to gather riches

    But still from near and far to seek America
    They came by thousands to court the wild
    And she just patiently smiled and bore a child
    To be their spirit and guiding light

    And once the ties with the crown had been broken
    Westward in saddle and wagon it went
    And 'til the railroad linked ocean to ocean
    Many the lives which had come to an end
    While we bullied, stole and bought our a homeland
    We began the slaughter of the red man

    But still from near and far to seek America
    They came by thousands to court the wild
    And she just patiently smiled and bore a child
    To be their spirit and guiding light

    The blue and grey they stomped it
    They kicked it just like a dog
    And when the war over
    They stuffed it just like a hog

    And though the past has it's share of injustice
    Kind was the spirit in many a way
    But it's protectors and friends have been sleeping
    Now it's a monster and will not obey

    The spirit was freedom and justice
    And it's keepers seem generous and kind
    It's leaders were supposed to serve the country
    But now they won't pay it no mind
    'Cause the people grew fat and got lazy
    And now their vote is a meaningless joke
    They babble about law and order
    But it's all just an echo of what they've been told
    Yeah, there's a monster on the loose
    It's got our heads into a noose
    And it just sits there watchin'

    Our cities have turned into jungles
    And corruption is stranglin' the land
    The police force is watching the people
    And the people just can't understand
    We don't know how to mind our own business
    'Cause the whole worlds got to be just like us
    Now we are fighting a war over there
    No matter who's the winner
    We can't pay the cost
    'Cause there's a monster on the loose
    It's got our heads into a noose
    And it just sits there watching

    America where are you now?
    Don't you care about your sons and daughters?
    Don't you know we need you now
    We can't fight alone against the monster

    Just as true now as when it was released, if not more so.


    Yep...probably even more true now C.


    And the warning from a previous president.


    If for no other reason Ike's farewell speech puts him in the pantheon of the greatest American presidents who ever served C. And I think the president who followed, who was a military man like Ike, heeded what his predecessor had to say...and I feel he ended up dead because of it. And right after he was killed we just happened to jump into Vietnam with both feet.

    Oh, my god.
    When I was in high school, I used this song as a basis for an English essay. I thought I was going to have trouble from the teacher because we were supposed to use a poem and I figured this wouldn't pass muster. But, it did. I don't know if it was because the teacher didn't realize it was lyrics to a song by Steppenwolf or what. Whatever the reason, I got an A. ;o)


    I had the vinyl version back then....now, I will have to go look online and see if it's available on CD.

    I listened to it extensively in HS, but in my case it was the mid 70's, too flower...cursing the fact I was born 10 years to late to be involved in that movement. But while my interests in music have progressed with the times I tend to be fondest of the music of the 60's and early 70's. The Airplane, Quicksilver Messenger Service, The Doors, Yes, Neil Young, Frank Marino, The Allman Brothers, etc...

    You got an A? Outstanding. Great 'poem' to use. They really don't allow much timeless, socially important, music to be made anymore. Too dangerous, too subversive. And the stuff that is still being made is getting much play on the corporate, commercial radio stations.

    It is still available. I picked up "Steppenwolf's Greatest Hits" and it was included on it. And while I love most of what Steppenwolf recorded that track made it a 'must have'.

    I meant to say "isn't getting much play..."

    No, all you are offering is a bad attitude.

    Marx thinks you are a sham.

    So sad they stopped playing it on the radio, about the same time "War" and "What's Goin' On" got dumped from the airwaves.

    As the age of peace and love passed, I DJed for about 20 years, and NEVER saw those great songs, with even greater messages, on the standard playlists.

    We had to bring our own 45's or cassettes (this was in the distant, forgotten mists of the pre-CD era) to sneak it on the air, and then if the station owners happened to be listening in, we might get chewed out, or worse.

    I knew one fellow who played "War" on the eve of the FIRST Bush Gulf War, and he actually got fired for it.

    The other one that got removed from every playlist was "4 Dead in Ohio."

    Ohio? Great song. As are "War" and "What's Going On". Chamber Brothers "Time Has Come Today" and the 5th Dimension "Aquarius/Let the Sunshine In" too. Harry Nilsson's "Jump Into the Fire" also jumps to mind. Along with, although released a bit later than those other songs, Pink Floyd's entier album "Animals".

    So you DJ'd in real life JEP? I am only an amateur on-line one. It has become a pretty sorry business if the big things are the Britany Spears, Jonas Brothers and Miley Cyrus. I don't doubt you that people got fired for playing 'unapproved' and 'un-American' songs. Remember the heat the Dixie Chicks took and how they were not played for the comments on the latest Iraq War?

    We are being made to forget the past. They want a placated and titillated oublic that does not embrace social movements and just consume the crap that is offered them. Seriously what do you think the chances that this song could even be recorded, never mind played on the air, today?

    oleeb, the biggest problem with defense spending is the sheer lack of an enemy. Just who are we fighting? AL Quida? NOT! They're a rag-tag bunch of terrorist that scared the living shit out of Bu$h and the republicans. Notice every time they say Boo! the defense posture tightens up another notch and more money is needed to counter the terrorist threat.

    But we do have enemies that are a threat to us, but so far we've failed to address the subtle aggression or acknowledge there is an issue to be resolved. And I'm not talking about Iran or North Korea.

    We've failed to recognize the threat and take selective actions and counter moves to nullify any adverse actions. Instead we're too taken up with a bunch of islamic fanatics that are getting sheer enjoyment of annoying us and getting us to jump through hoops at the slightest provocation as if they're some formidable military force.

    Our military is exactly like your anti0virus software on your computer - it's only effective against known contaminants. Once something new pops up, it's an easy victim.

    Congress needs to really study the issue, minus the military-industrial-complex and decide who really is in a position to thwart us in the global economy. The answer is there, but too many people prefer to ignore it, and I'm not talking about Russia here. They have the same needs for raw materials and resources as do we. And it's there where we'll be confronted and realize we're not prepared to economically or militarily to confront the party and sue for peace.

    We need to spend on defense, but we need to know and understand with whom we will engage, for what reason and how to tactically engage and nullify their military with a quick shock and awe strategy with little loss of life and property.

    Keep in mind too, the F-22 Raptor has been pretty much scuttled due to it's cost and lack of an worthy adversary to fight. However, the Russians just unveiled their prototype version and are planning to release a version for the open markets. The program will be revived to counter this new threat.

    Face it, you can't win. So you might want to reconsider how to control it instead.

    'Bad attitude' is precisely what is needed to counter the idiotic servility of positive (non-)thinking in the face of our downhill rush.

    There is a slight problem in the argument.

    A society isn't rich for having lots of money. We can print any amount of money we want anyway. A society is as rich as the sum of its productive capacities, first and foremost labor, and second, the instruments of labor, i.e., physical capital.

    Whether shutting down the US empire therefore releases money is as immaterial as money itself. What matters is that it releases the labor and the means of production that are now commandeered and wasted by the death industry, and that this labor goes into things that create well-being, things we need and want.

    But that won't happen just because we stop spending on war. Under capitalism, labor can only be employed if it takes place under conditions that create profits for capitalists. The reason the US created a war economy in the first place was precisely the inability of the economy to absorb labor profitably without it. The war industry is a monopsony where the government determines the prices and the profits of the industry, and since the government is controlled by that industry, the industry effectively determines its profits as it sees fit, and "patriotism" can always be used to prevent too much criticism. That is what makes spending on war so great from the point of view of capital.

    So unless one thinks this through, the "savings" are unrealizable, and that is why there won't be popular support cuts, which will mean nothing but massive unemployment.

    Thinking this through means either finding another way to give the wealthy free money every year, or beating them down and forcing them to make less money, which will inevitably translate in a capital strike, unemployment, deflation, etc. Avoiding it will require a serious confrontation and changing the rules under which labor becomes socially useful.

    "It has become a pretty sorry business"

    Almost totally automated, the pay for "talent" (which is what they called us living, breathing parts of the system, not "people" but "talent".)
    has not gone up with everything else, either, anyone who thinks an entry level DJ job is glamorous has never seen a studio.

    I also sold advertising, organized local sports tournaments and set up trade shows for the station(s) I worked for. Ad did play-by-play at a hundred small-town football and basketball games

    The pay is lousy, and between that and the conservative programming restrictions (like I said, you can still get fired for playing "What's goin' on" or "War" or "4 Dead in Ohio) I have not attempted to re-enter the field since I left California 5 years ago, where we were working on building up local low=power radio.

    With some of the changes that they are talking about in H.R.1147: Local Community Radio Act of 2009, that may begin to change the whole radio world, for the better.

    "counter this new threat."

    It's like a deadly game of leapfrog, or a weapons vendetta, "they" build something that "we" have to match or surpass.

    I have always wondered if some of the same people aren't on both sides of that "they" v. "we" struggle, fomenting war and it's weapons for fun and profit.

    "oleeb, the biggest problem with defense spending is the sheer lack of an enemy."

    Correct. This is the natural result of decades of militarism and allowing the merchants of death to call the tune in Washington. It is precisely the problem Ike warned us all about so clearly.

    Are there threats in the world? Certainly! But there is no threat on earth that justifies even a third of the military spending we do annually. There simply isn't. Sure they can invent all kinds of potential threats and they can obviously conjure up scenarios that unrealistically warp the perception of our entire nation in order to justify the unjustifiable. But common sense tells us, for examnple, that in order to fight less than 200 Al Qaeda in Afghanistan we do not need to send hundreds of thousands of soldiers, mercenaries, CIA thugs and spend hundreds of billions of dollars. The President's own National Security advisor publicly stated that there are less than 200 AQ in that country!

    We are being lied to in the name of profit and the lies are being cloaked in patriotism and myths about a nonexistent enemy who possesses super powers and who can threaten the United States with underwear bombs, shoe bombs and other weapons that may have the potential to kill some people but which have no ability to actually threaten the US.

    The "threat" such as it is, is no greater today than it was on September 10, 2001 really. The numbers of those willling to die trying to harm American interests has grown primarily because of our invasions and occupation of Muslim nations, our support for repressive regimes in the Muslim world, and what most Muslims perceive as the US's unbalanced and unequivocal support for Israel since Bush was elected. Prior to Bush, the US was seen as pro-Israel but also as an honest broker. These are the causes of anti-American sentiment among Muslims around the world and it would be much smarter (not to mention cheaper) to simply get our troops out of Muslim nations as soon as possible and to put the entire weight of the United States behind finding a real and lasting peace between Israel and it's neighbors.

    If our defense and intelligence establishment was not putting all it's energy into fighting wars that only increase hostility toward the US they might be able to do a better job preventing major attacks on the US when they do appear. You may recall the complete, abject failure of the US intelligence and military communities to protect this nation on September 11, 2001.

    Word on the street at the time was the JFK was going to pull the troops out of Nam after the election.

    Just saying.


    And the engineers got payed even less. Almost became one but got talked out of it by a guy use to be an engineer at a radio station. We repaired TVs etc at the same place. He said he maid more money doing this than he ever got as a station engineer.


    I listened to it in college. College stations played it and a lot of others. Country Joe and the Fish, Arlo Guthrie...etc.


    booked and rec'ed oleeb.
    The US intel and military communities' abject failures to prevent the attack in 2001, and the compromised intelligence findings that led to the fraudulent Iraq invasion, were glossed over as totally unforseeable. And yet we spend more on our military than the rest of the world. The results of the last 10 years do not convince me we have gained an effective defense of our nation by giving the MIC every thing they wish for. If anything, Their need for eternal war has made the probability of another attack more likely. Their rewards were the Bush Doctrine of elective invasion of innocent nations; and the last wisps of privacy Americans had were taken away in a weekend. And the Bush approval ratings went up for a while. It is hard to argue with success.
    We also spend more than any other nation on earth for our 37th rated health care system. The point of the MIC is not defense so much as profit. We end up with an invisible protective shield of infinite strength and nothing inside to protect.
    My flip opinon is that we will never be beaten militarily. Some other nation will simply foreclose on us.
    There was a time when potential military members had to pass psychiatric and moral standards to be accepted. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b0a6iWHSWbA

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