The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    jollyroger's picture

    The kryptonite broke neck rehab motivation haiku

    Spring's therapists.  Each

    Cuter than the law allows




    Jolly is back!

    You get better Jolly!

    Too much sanity around here lately; and look where sanity gets ya!

    You get better Jolly!

    Thx.  thtz the plan.

    Hey, Pirate; nice ta see your ornery face again.  Here is a healing  (((hug))). 

    signed, stardust.

    fortunately, the chance location of the lesion permits me to return the hug--they say a few inches up & I hug not, neither do I walk.  Nor breathe, for that matter,,,I appreciate being lucky, but I don't want to need so much luck.

    ( Captain Hazelwood, Captain Hazelwood, you better get up here...)

    Welcome back Jolly!  Keep exercising those typing fingers here. I'll send some lucky vibes your way. :)

    Lisette has me at the computer even as we speak.

    Feel better, jolly. I've heard that reading great books helps. ;)

    This could be a legacy media breakthrough moment...paper & ink--what a concept

    "Legacy" media is superior to "Nefangled" media for the basic reason that it REQUIRES NO BATTERIES.


    Genghis's book is near the cookies. Surely you've OPENED it?

    It opens?  No wonder I  couldnt find the "on button" to get it lit up!

    I'm glad we had this little chat...

    Shouldn't you be exercising or something?



    lisette drove me like an animal this pm--also typing is good for waking the nerves up

    Hmmm, sounds like a professional.

    Why, yes, I believe she is...

    This reads much better than the similar A Farewell to Arms. And the use of font size to indicate meaning is far more avant garde.  Easier time-wise on the reader, too!  All in all, I give it an enthusiastic thumbs up. Wink

    May the force be with you.

    and, it has kiga


    thanks, and I'll sit in papa's pew anytime...



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