Nebton's picture

    Barbara Boxer shows how it's done

    The US Senate has many rules not codified in the Constitution. The most famous of these rules is the fillibuster. As was made clear by the threat of the "nuclear option" when Democrats were threatening to fillibuster judicial appointments, these rules are more guidelines than hard and fast laws. They are usually followed, but they don't have to be.

    Orlando's picture

    Congressman Alan Grayson Risking His Seat


    Last night, Congressman Alan Grayson stood up on the floor of the House and read out the number of people who died from lack of health insurance in each Congressional district represented by a Republican. It was the latest in a steady stream of very public, sometimes over-the-top statements he’s made in an effort to shine the light on Republican obstructionism in order to help get healthcare reform passed.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    In closed-door meeting, Lieberman & Blue Dogs put pressure on Ben Nelson to kill Public Option

    Eisenstadt & Joe Lieberman

    “Marty Eisenstadt” poses for a photo with Sen. Joe Lieberman - moments before Lieberman and Blue Dog Dems invaded Sen. Ben Nelson’s office for some arm-twisting.

    (Sometimes, it takes a hoaxer to uncover a real story. This is a true story as related to me by Eitan Gorlin.)

    Orlando's picture

    Writer's Block Sucks

    You know what else sucks?

    Republicans. Because they hold a minority opinion and lost an election (several elections, actually) but are holding policy hostage anyway.

    Democrats. Because they are so scared to lose their majority that they’d rather hide under their desks than to do what they were elected to do (hint: LEAD).

    Blue Dog Democrats: Because they’d rather make plays to increase their power base than do what they were elected to do (hint: LEAD).

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    We SciMoChristoSatanIslaJews demand our own Health Care Reform "Pay-for-Pray" Provision

    William K. Wolfrum made this statement to his followers at 3 p.m.

    “My friends, I have always been open about my religious beliefs because I firmly adhere to the concept that what makes this nation great is freedom of religion. Whether you are a Scientologist, Mormon, Satanist, Christian, Muslim or Jew, you have the right to worship as you deem fit.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Gay Equality will help make "Life, Liberty & Pursuit of Happiness" less of a joke

    “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.


    Michael Wolraich's picture

    What's the Matter with New York? What Doug Hoffman's Election Loss Means for America's Future

    In his book, What's the Matter with Kansas, Thomas Frank documented the emergence of an angry populist movement in the prairielands. Christian fundamentalists and anti-abortion activists had exploited the anxiety of working class midwesterners by fabricating a persuasive myth of persecution. According to the myth, a tyrannical minority of liberal elites in control of the media and judiciary seek to repress the religious practices and traditions of "regular Americans" whom they despise and disdain.

    Larry Jankens's picture

    Levi Johnston Has Deep Tweets

    Levi Johnston has some deep tweets.  Below is just a small collection of his tweets.  If you have not already, you need to follow him.

    Larry Jankens's picture

    Killed Abortionist Dr. Tiller Remembered in Stupid Cartoons Drawn by Idiots

    You can find just about anything on the internet nowadays.  And I do mean everything, I found a website dedicated Charles In Charge trivia (, I found a social network for short guys who love tall women (, I even found a website that talks about former President Reagan like he was a good president (



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