The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

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Trump Gov't FAA Shutdown Delayed 737 Max 8 Fix

The Ethiopian plane crash on 3/10/2019, Sunday killed all 157 people on board a recently introduced Boeing 737 Max aircraft . WaPo

Below, On how the Trump government shutdown delayed safety and software improvements that Boeing planned to introduce for the 737 Max 8 aircraft.

People are Strange, Angry, Indifferent, Jaded, Delusional

From NYT article today, Border Patrol Facilities Put Detainees With Medical Conditions at Risk:

.....Representative Raul Ruiz, a Democrat from California who is also a physician, helped secure funding for additional measures to improve migrant health after visiting border facilities where he said he saw children coughing and sneezing and infants without diapers, all packed tightly into cells with little in the way of food, soap and other basics....

McConnell Plays Victim in NC GOP Vote Fraud

McConnell on the floor of the Senate today.  He thinks playing the victim will, as usual, go over well with the Fox News indoctrinated morons of the Republican base:

Poison Pills in Trump, McConnell Wall Bill 'Compromise'

This is part of the "Great  Compromise" that Trump and McConnell made over the weekend to end the Trump government shutdown. This bill has nothing to do with the Wall or DACA.  It seeks to overhaul the immigration system to deny asylum application at the US border, make judicial review illegal, make asylum acceptance a whim of Homeland Security, and put a low limit on asylum acceptances per year with no provision for exceptions..

Orwellian name "Central American Minors Protection Act of 2019."

Some major points again:

Trump Shutdown Will End When...

How will the shutdown end? Job action, sick in, strike, walk-out by enough of the federal workforce to slow functions of their department or agency, and create a crisis for the airlines, the federal prisons, the IRS, the federal courts, food safety inspections, NASA, CDC..? name it. Your guess is as good as mine. Trump doesn't know or care about what the 800,000 federal workers do. He doesn't care about them or their families.

Trump: I am the Very Model of a Modern Major General

President Donald Trump said Wednesday that he essentially "fired" former Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis, criticizing the outgoing defense chief's service in the Marine Corps and his two years leading the Defense Department.

"What's he done for me? How had he done in Afghanistan? Not too good," Trump said at a Cabinet meeting... "As you know, President Obama fired him, and essentially so did I," he explained to reporters, contradicting an earlier statement.

Trump: A Petulant, Spiteful, Incurious Ignoramus

WASHINGTON — President Trump said on Sunday that he would remove Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, who issued a stinging rebuke of the president when he announced his resignation last week, from his post by Jan. 1, two months before he had planned to depart.

"One aide said that though Mr. Trump already had the resignation letter when he praised Mr. Mattis, he did not understand just how forceful a rejection of his strategy Mr. Mattis had issued."

When Affirmative Action was White

We had a recent discussion on the programs of the New Deal, how 'race neutral' the legislation was, passing with strong support from the southern Jim Crow states. This fact leading to some suspicion as to it's intended impacts on minority populations.

Was it, in fact, a progressive policy primarily aimed at whites, not generally disenfranchised blacks? The book below argues the New Deal and programs like the GI Bill not only were not race neutral, they actually increased the economic and educational inequality of blacks and whites, in effect, they were "affirmative action" for whites. In the book the author argues that the gap created has not yet been remedied (2006).

When You Lose an Ammon Bundy, is the Con Dying?


Ammon is the son of rancher Cliven Bundy, who was the central figure of the 2014 Bundy standoff regarding unpaid grazing fees on federally-owned public land.

The French Who Never Learned German

President Donald Trump today:

Emmanuel Macron suggests building its own army to protect Europe against the U.S., China and Russia. But it was Germany in World Wars One & Two - How did that work out for France? They were starting to learn German in Paris before the U.S. came along. Pay for NATO or not! @realDonaldTrump



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