The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts

Trump's VOICE: Open it to Gun Massacre Victims

The VOICE program serves the needs of Americans harmed by "illegal aliens." It was set up as part of Trump's plan to Make America Great Again. It does not serve victims of mass casualty events perpetrated by citizens.

VP Mike Pence has Lost His Innocence

Vice-President Mike Pence on the tragic deaths revealed today of 8 nursing home residents in a private nursing home in Florida, when the facility exceeded legal temperatures due to the loss of effective air conditioning:


Congressman Mike Pence (R-Indiana) on the family that requested voluntary removal of life support apparatus and subsequent passing of irreversibly brain damaged Terri Shiavo in 2005:

Washington, Apr 1 - 2005:

"I grieve with the Schindler family and millions of Americans at the death of their precious daughter, Terri Schiavo. With her death, America lost not only a precious citizen, America lost its innocence.

"Although Terri Schiavo's life may be over, the debate over the rights of incapacitated Americans is not over. Congress must right this wrong by ensuring that incapacitated Americans may not be deprived of their inalienable right to life without the assurance of the due process of law that our federal courts were established to protect. This will be Terri Schiavo's legacy."

Trump's Dream is The Wall

He needs it. He wants it. He must have it. The Wall. How about take some hostages?

What better ploy could he pull than after giving a kill date for DACA, then, if our government survives the plethora of deadlines on budgeting and debt,  demand the necessity of starting The Wall? Keep more of those hard workng, America loving, ambitious, pesky dreamers out! 

Combined Wall funding DACA legislation?

Trump Hates Harvey

Hurricane Harvey may be "the worst disaster in Texas history". Recovery may last for years due to the trillions of gallons of water that need to drain or be pumped out of Houston, the 4th largest city in America.

Trumpcare: Killed by Right Wing of GOP

Senator Moran, (R-Kansas) "Freedom - this could lead to single payer" "keep the government out of health care" "need innovative solutions".

24 Hours: Seven Deadly Sins of Republicans

Over just one news cycle, Republicans, Republican supporters and the Republican base displayed at least 7 whatever you want to call them, sins, blunders, vices, character flaws and defects.....

Robby Lobby, illegal and unethical purchase of thousands of ancient artifacts from the war torn Middle East.

Hobby Lobby is the corporation that in Burwell vs. Hobby Lobby, won the right to deny birth control coverage to women they employ due to their deep religious principles.

Bernie Savages the AHCA, is Ignored by MS Press

Bernie yesterday on Senate floor, The Hill:

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) on Thursday slammed the plan put forth by Senate Republicans to repeal and replace ObamaCare, saying the legislation "is even worse" than he imagined.

“The bill Republicans announced today is even worse than expected and by far the most harmful piece of legislation I have seen in my lifetime,” Sanders said in a statement. 

“This bill has nothing to do with health care. It has everything to do with an enormous transfer of wealth from working people to the richest Americans.”

Google search "Bernie senate health bill". Last 7 days.  You get links to Salon, the Week, the Hill, Politics USA, Bernie's twitter feed.......hmmmm... links to New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, CBS, ABC...?

Chicago Cops Live Up to Their Reputation

Bad enough that United decided to bump four seated passengers on a short hop for Chicago to Kentucky. Bad enough it was not for other passengers but for 4 United employees who United at the last minute wanted to get to Louisville fast. Even worse followed when only 3 passengers accepted offers to leave the flight.

No, what was the worst thing about it was that a Chicago cop treated a 69 year old Asian American physician like.....well like Chicago cops treat people in Chicago every day. The Obama DOJ summed the Chicago Police Department business as usual in a report from Jan. 13, 2017:

No Mr. Trump, the Ruling Makes Us Look Strong

America is strong, and the Constitution cannot be usurped by an ignorant racist buffoon like yourself and your advisors. You make America weak by attacking our courts, this court ruling shows our strength. You would seek to illicitly project your weakness as national weakness. That is a contemptible fabrication.

Trump Administration, Cyprus & Putin Billionaires

Trump's fantastic real estate deal in 2006 with Russian billionaire  Dmitry Rybolovlev:

“Maison de l’Amitie,” or the House of Friendship. It was the trophy of a Boston-area magnate, until he lost his fortune in 2004. That’s when Donald Trump scooped it up. After paying $41 million for the place in November 2004, Trump called it “the finest piece of land in Florida, and probably the U.S.” ......Trump had no intention of living there. He intended to flip it for a quick—and huge—profit. His initial asking price, less than two years after buying it, was $125 million. By the time Trump listed the property, in early 2006, the real estate market was already cooling off.... In the summer of 2008, Trump found a solution to his problem in the form of one of the world’s hundred richest men: a 41-year-old Russian billionaire named Dmitry Rybolovlev....



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