Blog Posts

Linda Ronstadt Reads TPM and Eric Ward; Joins In Natl Day of Action Against Arizona's Arpaio; TPM Meetup?

(Disclaimers: (1) I don't know if she of the beautiful voice actually reads TPM and/or the Cafe's Eric Ward; (2) Ronstadt did not organize the upcoming day of action, just joined up with it; (3) I was not attempting to...

In case of thread deletion...

... here is the comment I posted on Resistance's "I, RESISTANCE, APOLOGIZE..." thread.   Resistance, as one who has debated/discussed - or, tried to - with you on a number of occasions, and who was just (over on my most-recent...

Arizona Supreme Court Decides To Referee the Maricopa County Mud Fight

WHAT A MESS!  A quick recap:  Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio and Maricopa County Attorney have been investigating, indicting, interrogating and intimidating just about anyone they can.  Using the nation's 5th-largest court system for most of their actions, they have indicted...

CBO's Analysis of Republicans' Big Healthcare Game-Changer: Tort Reform

I just re-watched my two Senators yapping (with others) about how the Republicans have not had a chance to put their reform proposals forward, how they can "do something", etc.  And, through all of the Republican outcry, they keep coming...

Forget ASU-UA! Sarah Palin-Garrison Keillor would be a REAL "Duel In the Desert"

For a moment, forget the big rivalry football game next week, THIS could really be something!  Last night, while picking up some - OK, a LOT of - toilet paper, I learned that my neighborhood Costco is going to be hosting Sarah...

We're Definitely NOT In a "Get Smart" Episode; However, Satires Are 'Blowing Up' On the Right

First, I see that Rush, Ledeen and Co. are trumpeting a SATIRICAL piece about Obama's college thesis ( ).  A few minutes later, I come across the story on Media Matters that Glenn Beck has tweeted about Pelosi bringing a vote...

Not So Fast, Joe diGenova/Victoria Toensing/Joe Arpaio/Andrew Thomas!; Oops, Republicans Already Drained Public Pool Advancing Political, Religious Causes!

Two weeks ago, we were buzzing about "TV-lawyers-cum-DC-GOP-Power Couple" Joseph diGenova and Victoria Toensing dropping into Cactus Country to help outta-control Sheriff Joe Arpaio and cohort/County Attorney Andrew Thomas push forward their hasty arrest-before-indictment of County Supervisor Don Stapley.  (Zach...

NRA Pres. and His Telemarketers: I'll Give You The Truth When You Pry It From My Cold, Dead Lips

In Phoenix this year, NRA (Natl Rifle Association) Executive Vice-President Wayne LaPierre quoted Mark Twain and told us that there were three kinds of lies ("plain old lies... damned lies... and statistics.")*  His set of damned lies that he wanted...

Can This GOP Representative Get Any More Sleazy?

Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) continues to amaze me - this time with his unethical slicing-and-dicing of Pres. Barack Obama's words in his book, The Audacity of Hope.  I clicked on an ad which brought me to the "Right To Work...



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