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    I STILL have goose bumps on my goose bumps (well, not so much goosebumps have given way to the frustration I am feeling over not being able to figure out why this post won't go through in it's entirety!)

    The very idea that Chuck Todd suggested that John McCain could have made that speech is appalling...I'm hoping he meant to say that it was a speech that wasn't terribly controversial and therefore could have been given by either party. The thought that John McCain could have come up with a speech this inspirational, let alone delivered it so passionately is ludicrous.

    Unfortunately, although it helps to energize existing supporters, I don't know that it will draw any converts to the cause. I've come to the conclusion that there are a lot of ignorant, uneducated, partisan, racist people out there who could never bring themselves to vote for Obama no matter what.

    How else can you explain a vote for McCain? Daily he either says or does something that exposes what a shallow, self-serving, void-of-principles person he is. The very idea that a thinking person could waste their vote on him leaves me speechless.

    No doubt about it, Obama has changed, softened, refined (or whatever words you chose to use) a number of positions, but that comes from being a pragmatist.

    McCain attempts to distance himself from Bush while joyfully accepting his fundraising efforts, deriding Obama for not going to Iraq, then criticizing him for grandstanding when he does, saying he wants to run a clean campaign, then resorts to all kinds of innuendos to disparage his opponent, panders to the poor ignorant people that don't know the "gas tax holiday" is a gimmick, says "my friend" when he means "you SOB" list of grievances could go on and on.

    But he's a white, veteran, moderate, w/ tons of experience in the whorehouse we call the senate (shouldn't that be reason enough to vote for Obama?) so isn't he a safer choice than this scary, liberal black man  who speaks so eloquently about hope (and, shhhhsh, he might be a Muslim?) Downright frightening...

    And in spite of it all, this race could go either way...

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