Richard Day's picture




    The tao that can be told
    is not the eternal Tao
    The name that can be named
    is not the eternal Name.

    The unnamable is the eternally real.
    Naming is the origin
    of all particular things.

    Free from desire, you realize the mystery.
    Caught in desire, you see only the manifestations.

    Yet mystery and manifestations
    arise from the same source.
    This source is called darkness.

    Darkness within darkness.
    The gateway to all understanding.

    The Tao Te Ching


    As we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say, we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns: the ones we don't know we don't know. And if one looks throughout the history of our country and other free countries, it is the latter category that tends to be the difficult one."


    More recently Brimelow—a former writer and editor for Forbes and National Review—founded VDARE, which Vandervoort offered the dubious praise of being “one of the most provocative web sites devoted to the immigration issue.” Named for Virginia Dare, the first child of English settlers in the New World, VDARE is described as a “white nationalist hate website” by the Southern Poverty Law Center. One of their writers, Marcus Epstein, who also worked for Pat Buchannan, pleaded guilty to randomly assaulting a black woman and calling her a racial epithet on the street in Washington, DC. A leaflet at the CPAC panel advertised a book available through the VDARE Foundation called America’s Half-Blood Prince: Barack Obama’s “Story of Race and Inheritance”, by Steve Sailer, whom Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting refers to as “a well-known promoter of racist and anti-immigrant theories.”

    The panel generally stuck to arguments that do not directly address race or ethnicity in favor of making English the national language...

    I was struck by some goings-on at CPAC last week that I did not see reported on basic cable news.

    All these folks shaking hands and smiling and being extremely courteous in their demeanor.

    Our friend Breitbart was there of course now that he is a a member of the celebrity cable club even though he is one of the lowest forms of dredge it has ever been my displeasure to view.

    So The Nation and other mag/sites show up at these fascist activities and record what they see.

    It is like seeing Buchanan finally dropped from MSNBC. It took years to get rid of that racist PRICK.

    I shall never forget his appearances on Matthews' Hard Ball when Chris would discuss the nature of this fascist's latest book: How Come Hitler Was Not All That Bad (or some such) and then Chris would just break out laughing.

    Then Pat would just break into the discussion with comments like:

    Well that Holocaust thing all took place during the latter years of the war and Hitler knew nothing about it...

    And I would shake my head and involuntarily respond to the screen:


    I mean Pat Buchanan was intimating that Adolph the Meat Tenderizer had nothing to do with one of the most serious and satanic attacks upon humanity that had ever been witnessed by man.

    Now lines are drawn in the sand and the tide erases these lines twice a day; usually depending upon where one makes one's stand upon the beach.

    We have recently seen the conservatives; who at one time drew a line in the beach with regard to the issue of abortion. First it was funding of abortions through government programs. Then it became an issue of insurance companies ever funding abortions. Then it became an issue as to certain exceptions associated with the abortion issue including rape.

    So conservatives are against abortion in all cases; even those cases where the woman experiences a pregnancy caused through RAPE.

    And then conservatives began an assault on what is dubbed The Morning-After Pill

    And now conservatives are actually taking us back half of a century and claiming that any form of birth control is against God's Law.

    El Papa wins out in a nation conceived as anti-Papal?

    Well at this CPAC debacle there were these panels of 'experts' feigning some think-tank-like professorial study group calling for English-only laws; calling for whites only immigration policies and explaining why women should not be in the military or even in the work work force.

    I am not even getting to the obscenities witnessed at this fascist meeting of felons. I mean Coulter calls our President; Flavor Flav.

    Steve King calls our President a racist and feels that he should be impeached?

    Forget that Steve King brags about getting rid of all environmentally safe mechanisms like modern light bulbs, water saving shower heads and redesigned toilets. I assume this bastard would have been against paper drives in the 50's?

    I am told that I should refrain from using the term 'fascist'.

    Of course Beck and Limbaugh and others have just under-minded the original meaning of this term which originated really with Mussolini.

    That is all I got right now.

    CPAC and the Republican Candidates and the Republican Party have drawn new lines in the sand and I just hope the tides erase them as quickly as possible.

    Maybe, just maybe, the elections coming this November will act as tides erasing this idiocy!




    Jeez. you beat me to it. Good one, Mr. Day. I was thinking along the lines of gluttony, and how CPAC was like MSG. 

    Oxy I have no sympathy for CPAC or the devil.


    You and I shall come upon greater subjects than this. hahahahahahah

    Oh, now it makes sense.  MSG literally makes me extremely ill, and after watching some of the CPAC debacle, I had the same symptoms!


    I used to love Chinese take-out in Minneapolis.

    Three wives actually loved it. hahahahahahah

    Twenty or more frickin years. hahahahaha

    I'm sorry.

    Cannot stop laughing.

    ...three.  Hmm.


    huh.  ummm.  three...



    What saddens many African-Americans is that Black Republicans can sit among the racist filth in the GOP and not complain. Romney's health care plan was little different than Obama's, but Obama is a "Socialist" in the eyes of Black Conservatives. Rev Jesse Lee Patterson has actually talked positively about Blacks being put on plantations if they don't agree with his rigid religious and political views. Allen west talked about sending fellow legislators out of the country for not agreeing to his narrow viewpoint. Any Republican victory encourages the crazy. Look at the buyers remorse going on in many states after Republican Governors were elected.

    Black Republicans get ridiculed because they stand for the ridiculous.

    I have contemplated this issue many times

    And I am sure I have crossed the line so to speak.

    But damn!

    I mean you as an individual are offered hundreds of thousands, millions of dollars for representing a side you do not believe in?

    Ending a sentence with a preposition is one thing; defending a racist tide is another!

    I am not Black. I am not even Hispanic.

    And yet whites will sell their souls for any amount of money.

    Just ask all presently sanctioned attorneys!

    I do not have an answer to this!

    I really don't.

    Justice Thomas is anathema to everything I have ever believed in my life; even when I was a church going Catholic for chrissakes.

    Scalia, the Catholic, is anathema to every single doctrine I was ever taught as a church going Catholic.

    Oh, I have lost my thought.

    Thru anger I suppose. hahahahaha

    I do not know!

    Colin Powell, Condy, Bill Crosby, Justice Tommy, there are lots of smart black people who just happen to be Republicans. Getting mad at them is just racist.

    ahhhhhhhhhhhh....Bill is a dem. Always has been. hahahahah

    Bill never served in your administration.

    Colin voted for Barry.

    How's tricks?

    And there's oft a huge chasm between being intelligent and exhibiting common sense in all ethnic groups.  FYI - Powell voted for Obama, he has stated. 

    Something to calm you down, remember the big picture, that they are the big losers:

    The right’s lost causes

    From the culture war to foreign policy, conservatives have been defeated on every front

    By Michael Lind, Salon, Feb. 14, 2012

    So actually, it makes more sense for them to be angry than you!

    As you say: Hah!


    I keep thinking back to 1955.

    I have to admit it's getting better!

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