oldenGoldenDecoy's picture

    Too Little Sun = No fun

    This will go over like a lead balloon...

    It is with extreme disgust that I write this post and say that it will no doubt be considered teterrimous by two specific DagBlog know-it-alls.

    These know-it-alls use daffy epithets to try convincing me that those who disagree with them should be cast into the outer darkness, into the abyss and should be shunned.

    Hogwash... They both know I wasn't born yesterday

    I can think of no better place to start than by noting that I profess that even these specific know-it-alls most likely regret gumming up what was once a great blog site.

    Alas, their can be no apologies or efforts at remediation that could adequately repair the damage caused by their agendas. Let me therefore say that I would suggest that the know-it-alls start talking honestly, in honest language, but that this whole screwed up mess is way beyond their abilities to be honest.

    The more I reflect on such things, the more deeply I believe that when these know-it-alls state that they can be trusted to judge the rest of us and the world from a unique perch of pure wisdom, I conclude that that exhibits a thoroughly peevishness to the nth degree. And I'll even go so far as far as to have observed that their bitter behavior is merely the latent suppression of libidinal energy stemming from self-induced anguish, I contend that they have crossed the line into post-rationalist neo-dingleberryism.

    Now that I’ve had a chance to cogitate, let me see if I have DagBlog's know-it-alls argument correct: They seem to be saying that there is absolutely no room nor place here at Dag to have fun.

    Well, they can believe whatever they want, but the rest of us should recognize that you should gird your loins and try a little levity if you intend to exert a positive influence on the type of world that people will live in a thousand years from now.

    I do avow that the know-it-alls they right and you’re wrong attitude is crafty because it leaves no room for compromise. Now there will, no doubt, be pesky, malodorous upstarts out there who will ask, So what if the know-it-alls’ eulogists prey on people’s fear of political and economic instability? That won’t affect me. Such crippled thinking is the best example there is as to why if I were to compile a list of the know it alls forays their usage of confusion, diversion, and abstractions, it would fill an entire page and perhaps even run over onto the following one. DagBlog know-it-alls enjoy watching people twist and writhe whenever they threaten to over burden and thereby drown others out with their babbling baboonisms...

    My message is clear: DagBlog know-it-alls like to posture as a guardian of virtue and manners. However, when it comes right down to it, what they seem to be pushing is both shiftless paranoid niddering .

    But again, to get back to the point, these two specific DagBlog know-it-alls seem to be saying that there is absolutely no room nor place here at Dag to have fun.


    I appreciate that you made your point of view a discussion of its own rather than adding it to others.

    I am not sure what I think about it. I will mull.

    Why do you think this topic would be interesting to the few still posting here or how you think it will inspire the lukers reading to start posting?

    What is fun for you on a blog site? What is fun for me and the reason I come here is for reasonable rational debate on the issues of the day. Those who you criticize as taking away your fun, Peracles and Arta, are the posters that are trying to engage in reasonable and rational debate, imo. You, rmrd, and the anonymous conservative poster aren't imo. I find myself almost becoming a lurker here instead of a participant and it's not because of Arta or Peracles. In fact they are almost the only reason I still read this site

    Ah... be rest assured...

    Some people may say that there isn’t sufficient evidence to prove that these know-it-alls are offering nothing more than stones instead of bread in their diatribes. The evidence is there for anyone who isn’t afraid to look at it.

    I’m sorry, but there’s no politer way to put that. I will tactfully note, however, that the know-it-alls' circulus in probando are incoherent. They are inconsistent. And yes, they are downright tetchy. That’s why I, not being a rapacious, possession-obsessed brephophagist, maintain that as the old adage goes, What counts is what you do when nobody’s watching. Well, even when nobody’s watching, I prescribe a course of action.

    Without going into all the details of how that can be accomplished, let me say simply that unsympathetic swindlers often take earthworms or similar small animals and impale them on a pin to enjoy watching them twist and writhe as they slowly die. Similarly, these DagBlog know-it-alls enjoy causing some of the Dag readers to twist and writhe whenever they're (these DagBlog know-it-alls) threatened to be over burdened and thereby drown you with their babbling baboonisms...

    Me? I just enjoy the simpler things in life and nature.










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