tmccarthy0's picture


    Hi Daggers? Or Dagsters? Or umm, okay whatever you want to be called. 

    First, I love you all, we've all fought tooth and nails over the years, and it's been fun sometimes and other times horrible, maybe because I mostly like you all. So right now I am not going to give into fear, I'm not going to relive this election either. What happened has happened. It sucks so much. But we need to move forward and quickly.

    Natasha Gural's picture

    Remembering An Unlikely Soldier

    My father, Michael William “Brother Mike” Gural, was a pacifist humanist. But being born into abject poverty to factory worker immigrant parents in Newark, NJ., in 1926, he enlisted as a Medical Administrative Corps (MAC) Officer with Army Serial #12102416 at Ft.

    2018 and repealing Afrocare

    After losing sleep and bouncing off walls for two days I am ready to fight back against Trump---to think about 2018 and beyond. Fighting back means getting the brain to avoid its propensity for "story" and focusing on facts and action plans. Trump can achieve big parts of his non-economy agenda through executive action and getting his nominee(s} confirmed in the Senate. Conservative judges will appease a large part of the religious right but not to suffer reverses in 2018 and beyond he has to deliver both additional red meat to his base plus economic success to everyone else. Obviously he can deliver red meat easily. But if he overdoes, and especially if he doesn't deliver on the economic front, 2018 might not be a cake walk for him and Republicans. 

    White Lives Matter

    As we were fretting whether 88% vs 92% of blacks would vote, we missed out on the "missing white vote". Ridiculous as Trump asking black voters to vote for him, he asked - directly if not obscenely.

    Sure, we tackled issues that affected white lives, but we didn't directly address "hey you, over there, I'm talking to you".

    We have advocacy for blacks, Hispanics, LGBT, Catholics, Jews, Muslims, and so on. But advocacy for white Protestants, or "Evangelicals" always takes on the tone of talking to the Klan, an implicit distaste and condemnation.

    Michael Maiello's picture

    Making Trump Normal (Again)

    I don't watch a lot of cable news anymore but I obviously did last night and tonight I tuned into Anderson Cooper 360 and whatever Don Lemon's show is called, for coverage of the protests that have sprung up in New York, Chicago, Seattle, Austin, and other major cities.  The message of tonight's coverage echoes the message of Hillary Clinton's concession speech.  All they are saying is give Trump a chance.

    Michael Maiello's picture

    Today is National Moron Day

    No way to be nice about this.  If you voted for Trump, I don't want to hear it.  You're a moron.  I retain a smidge fo sympathy for third party voters but if you voted Trump, you're dumb and will reap the results.

    But I am also mad at some other stupid idiots out there.

    We have to start with the Clinton campaign, which begged me for a dollar, every day since the start of the primaries, and then blew an easy lay-up.

    Then we have the national media, especially NBC, which created and nurtured Donald Trump and turned him into an uncontrollable force.

    Ramona's picture

    America, What Have You Done?


    Last night, against all odds, against everything that's holy, Donald Trump was elected president of the United States.  A vile, cruel man who flaunts his fame and fortune, who exacts revenge in the form of name-calling and slander, a man who has a history of lying, cheating, and ruthlessly attempting to destroy anyone who goes against him, will be, as of January 20, 2017, the most powerful man in the world.


    Wed Morning: The New Nothing

    The lesson of Brexit - the grudge candidate doesn't have to offer anything real, just the role of representing those with an axe to grind - he can represent more than 1 incompatible causes.

    All Hillary's policy papers are useless - the people never cared, they didn't want details, they didn't want to know if it would even work. They wanted to feel someone was listening to them. Hillary halfway got there, but she kept shifting to answers, solutions - they just wanted a slavish advocate. Be clear: everything she did to make things more concrete hurt her. Trump could say anything and everything, in 1 sentence, and it didn't hurt him, while her details just provided more fodder to attack. Okay, even where he was specific they didn't care. You know how Bad Boys are - they can do anything.

    Election Day (Night) Thoughts

    My kid convinced me to hit a café at 3 or 4 am to watch whatever results roll in. Will be a brutal day tomorrow, but a memorable experience, so....

    16 years ago I had a 2-day trip to a conference, and spent all evening in the hotel calling home, fretting over the results that kept changing... and then for the next 2 weeks... and then it was over. #NeverAgain

    Saw a Bill Kristol piece talking about his pride in #NeverTrump. As the voting statistics roll in with Republican and Democratic votes close to even, I still wonder how much #NeverTrump is baked into the GOP side. I'd doubt there are that many people going to vote for Trump just cause they hate Hillary - stay home, Jill Stein, Gary Johnson, McMullin....

    Natasha Gural's picture

    How a Feisty Woman Fends Off Smears and Dirty Tricks: Channeling Geraldine Ferraro for Hillary Clinton

    I remember watching and reading campaign and election coverage in 1984, and believing that Geraldine Anne Ferraro would become the first female vice president of the United States. Growing up in liberal Western Massachusetts, I had no reason to doubt it would happen. If not with Walter Mondale’s campaign, then in another four years we’d have a woman VEEP. Over the years, I grew increasingly confused by how our country seemed to tread backwards, as if Ferraro’s rise to prominence was just some blip in the system. As a 13-year-old in 1984, I never imagined that I’d have to wait until I had a child of my own to see a woman president.

    “The polls indicated that I was feisty, that I was tough, that I had a sense of humor, but they weren't quite sure if they liked me and they didn't know whether or not that I was sensitive,” Ferraro said after the defeat.

    I guess today’s feisty woman is nasty.

    Richard Day's picture


    Live Election blogging with the one and only Dick Day...

    Joan of arc miniature graded.jpg


    Doctor Cleveland's picture

    Vote for American Democracy. Vote Hillary.

    This Tuesday, I want to ask you to vote for something bigger than a person. I ask you to vote for the future of our country. I ask you to vote, as an American, for our democratic republic and for the constitutional political system that has preserved us from civil violence for the past hundred and fifty years. I ask you to keep faith with the American experiment. The best and only way to do that this year is to vote for Hillary Clinton.

    Vote for a country where we don't jail the loser of an election, or threaten to jail our political opponents.

    Michael Wolraich's picture

    Trump’s Filthy Touch

    A few years ago, Donald Trump co-wrote a book called The Midas Touch—named for the legendary King Midas who could turn anything he touched into gold. Mr. Trump also has the power that transform whatever he touches, but precious metal is not his forte. Instead of gold, everything Trump touches turns to shit.


    Junkie Times - RNC not responsible for Trump?

    Okay, as a sign of a true Political Junkie looking for that last minute relief, a sense that no more shakeups are going to drop, or if they do, in the right direction (Hillary says "stop clicking on 538" - easier said than done).

    Does last minute news really change voter choices? Not really, but something blockbuster could, while turnout trends are much more important. Even early voting isn't as critical as who shows up on Tuesday, but with up to 40 million votes early this year, its significance is ever greater.

    MrSmith1's picture

    A Nearly Saturday Friday Afternoon at the Haikulodeon

    If you need a laugh,
    ask a child what adults say
    when they're whispering.

    Danny Cardwell's picture

    We Don't Owe The Democrats Our Vote!

    Attention Wolf Blitzer and President Obama: Black people don’t owe the Democrats our vote on November 8th. I found myself in the familiar position of yelling at the television like a madman. President Obama was a guest on the Tom Joyner Morning Show (11/2/16) when he said, “I’m going to be honest with you right now, because we track, we’ve got early voting, we’ve got all kinds of metrics to see what’s going on, and right now, the Latino vote is up. Overall vote is up.


    The FBI Book-of-the Month Club

    NYT: Right-Wing Book Was A Source For FBI Inquiry Into Clinton Foundation from TPM. A preliminary FBI inquiry into the Clinton Foundation initiated this summer was based in part on Peter Schweizer’s book “Clinton Cash,” the New York Times reported Tuesday. Peter Schweizer is a right wing political muckraker whose other books include Architects of Ruin. which blames The Poors for the 2008 world wide economic collapse, because liberals forced Wall Street to rake in billions in bonuses by making liar loans to people who couldn't afford it, and Do As I Say (Not As I Do): Profiles in Liberal Hypocrisy, self explanatory on its right wing ideology.

    Ramona's picture

    Hillary, You Need To Stop Attacking Trump

    Dear Hillary,
    In only a few days we'll finally know which of our nation's two candidates has won the presidency.  No secret that I'm rooting for you, and that I have no earthly use for Donald Trump, but I'm begging you to stop talking about him. Right now.


    Trade in Places: Nissan v Tesla

    Aside from politicized malfeasance, the last few days have also seen 2 contrasts in trade and business.

    Elon Musk announced his intent to vote on merging his Tesla car company with SolarCity new energy, once again mesmerizing us with his audacity in rolling out new concepts and prototypes - Hyperloop, Gigafactory, and of course SpaceX. But it's not all hoops and mirrors - Tesla turned its first profit this quarter, despite all the risks. Amazon in comparison has taken years to turn eyeballs/user base into a profit, despite pioneering cloud computing and other distribution breakthroughs.

    jollyroger's picture

    It is mischief to hold a mirror up to ugly

    A heroic angel who permits us one of those occasional moments of pride in the species is currently charged with criminal mischief in Canada because she provided water to thirsty animals on the way to slaughter.

    Anita Krajnc gives pigs water near a slaughterhouse in Burlington, Ont. Krajnc is on trial charged with criminal mischief charge for her act.


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