The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
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    It Ain't no Bailout: it's a Robbery! And we are the victims!

    The more I consider it, the more convinced I am that the common people of the United States have absolutely nothing to gain from the alleged rescue of the financial industry.  There's all this chicken little rhetoric being bandied about regarding how "our" economy is at risk and so forth just like before the Spanish American or Iraq Wars.  It's all lies designed to gain legitimacy for an illegitimate and unjustified course of action.

    All this sudden hysteria about having to take quick action is a red herring designed to get us to buy into the preposterous idea that if we don't allow them to rob us and payoff the most irresponsible, foolish and reckless crowd of financiers in American history that somehow things will be worse.  I don't think it is in any way an exaggeration to say this is a simple robbery in broad daylight but it doesn't have to take place if only we object.  Anyone with eyes can see what is going on here as long as you don't fall for their bullshit story.

    Well ya know what?  I'm one of the little people and it is no more "our" economy than it is "our" interests that are threatened by third world nationalism.  It is "their" economy and "their" interests that we are always supposed to be all worked up about and has been now for 30 or more years. In return for our backing and support of "their" interests our wages have stagnated, our jobs have disappeared and our schools and communities have been left to rot on the altar of "their" profitability.  What real difference will it make in the lives of average Americans if the "financial industry" goes sour?  Very little indeed.  You can make an argument of the negative effect on workers, etc... when industry slows down but we are already living with all that.  It's only with this consensual rape of the taxpayer we will also have to pay off "their" bad debts while being unable to support our families or educate our kids or go to the doctor when we need to.  Fuck that!  Yes, the finance interests have employees, but bad times won't mean they all lose their jobs.  It could, however, mean that for once, the rich guys asses get handed to them and maybe they FINALLY lose THEIR jobs!  That's a cause for joy not a cause for alarm!  The system that has bilked us all and screwed us daily for years needs to be exposed for the utter and complete failure it is.

    I think that would be a good thing to see the Wall Street Welfar seekers go down in flames and I have no problem at all saying so.  Screw those bastards just as they've screwed us for decades.  They deserve to be horswhipped and imprisoned for what they've done.  A little financial discomfort won't hurt em.  It may actually be good for them.

    So folks, don't fall for this rhetoric about how the world will come to an end and "our" economy will go into recession.   The recession has been here for years for most of us.  It's time the Wall Street boys and their ilk get a taste of it.  The average American has no more at stake here than we do when they gin up the propaganda machine for starting a war so they can attempt to seize Iraq's oil to enrich the very same interests.  It's hype, bullshit, lies!

    Don't let them rob the American people under the guise of saving "our" economy.  It's all a lie.  Let them crash and burn.  The lives of the common people will be unaffected.  In fact, refusing to bail out those assholes will mean the average man and woman will be better off because we won't have another Trillion dollars in debt to pay off on top of the rest of the messes we are being asked to cleanup now that the wealthy predators have finished gorging themselves.


    And could you tell me when Democrats are going to start fighting the class war? They better start soon. Harry Reid represents the middle class about as well as General Custer.

    You mean General Arnold don't you?

    So do we want Healthcare or Wealthcare?

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