The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
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    A Wake up Call to Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Shumer, Tom Perez and all Americans

    The #WarEagle is loose...


    Auburn University Alum Charles Barkley in Alabama at Doug Jones' Acceptance Speech.

    (my bold highlight and underline...)

    Watch and listen to the CNN interview here.

    "Well, number one, it wasn't just about me. It was about everybody down here.

    Let me tell you something, I've been in Alabama for the weekend campaigning with Doug Jones. All Roy Moore commercials was he is against abortion, he is against gay marriage, and he talks about god. Those are not three good enough reasons to be in the senate. We got a lot more important stuff, health care, we got to improve our public school system. We got to improve our roads.

    I'm just so proud of my state. They rose up today."

    "This is a wake-up call for Democrats. Democrats, I told Mr. Jones this, and I love Doug, they’ve taken the black vote and the poor vote for granted for a long time. It’s time for them to get off their ass and start making life better for black folks and people who are poor. They’ve always had our votes and they have abused our votes .. This is a wake-up call for Democrats to do better for black people and poor white people." CNN transcipt

    And this is the way Charles message is viewed at

    Barkley is also right when he says this vote is a “wake-up call” for Democrats. They will not always have the good fortune to run against a candidate who reaches Moore’s staggering levels of venality, ineptitude, and moral perversion.

    Barkley’s meaning couldn’t have been clearer: Democrats can’t take black voters, or poor voters of any race, for granted. They must offer concrete policies to improve their lives. There’s not much time to waste, either, either in Alabama or nationwide.

    More than 40 million Americans live in poverty, according to the Census Bureau. The U.S. has a higher rate of poverty than any other Western, developed country. And Philip Alston, the UN’s Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights, recently told a reporter that Alabama’s sewage disposal conditions were the worst he’d seen in a developed country. As reported:

    On Thursday, Alston visited communities in the Black Belt’s Butler and Lowndes counties, where residents often fall ill with ailments like E. Coli and hookworm – a disease of extreme poverty long eradicated in most parts of the U.S. – in part because they do not have consistently reliable access to clean drinking water that has not been tainted by raw sewage and other contaminants.

    Jones carried that part of the state decisively. But how long can Democrats count on being rescued by the very people our government is failing?


    Charles Barkley has the heart of a #WarEagle . . .



    Roy Moore forgets the parts of the Bible that focus on treatment of the poor and the foreigner (immigrant). He omits the passages that condemn slavers to Hell. Moore got several messages that he ignored. Moore was expelled from the Supreme Court twice and lost the Senate race. Instead of heeding the message that he needed to change, Moore refuses to concede. Moore received answers to his prayers but he rejects the results.k

    Evangelicals like Roy Moore, Todd Akins, and even as far back as Pat Robertson keep telling us that god will decide their election. But when they lose they never seem to accept god's decision.

    Oh Ducky, I get it.

    I just saw this post.

    That is this multimillionaire would take the time and effort and really sound like he knows of what he speaks, really got to me.

    We need folks like this to energize our voters. I was just surprised at how good Charles was at this role.

    Maybe there is hope, after all.

    Maybe Barkley aint just blowin stuff in the wind?


    Thanks for posting this OGD. I loved what Charles had to say. We'll find out if the Democratic Party establishment was listening.

    Thanks for tis post, OGD. Hopefully, those who seek to divide the Democratic Party will realize we must unite, energetically inform the public the damage the GOP is doing to the country, and earn he votes of non-white voters.

    Yup... but not just non-white voters...

    As Barkley emphasized and repeated over and over...

    "This is a wake-up call for Democrats to do better for black people and poor white people."

    And also pointed to three things to stress...

    "We got a lot more important stuff, health care, we got to improve our public school system. We got to improve our roads."


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