The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts

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Ute Bear Dance........a real purty mental health break

  One spring long, long ago, a man dreamt of A Bear.  It told him that if he would go to a certain place in the mountains, The Bear would teach him something that would make him and his...
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Are CIA Operatives Who Oppose Drone Attacks *Objectively* Pro-Taliban?

Some of you may have already guessed that I am haunted by drone attacks.  They have taken up residence in my brain, though to a lesser degree than the millions of pounds of explosives of all kinds that we rained...
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Problems at TPM Café (plus an update)

Please understand I love the Café for so many reasons, and appreciate that Josh keeps it up, even though he says it's not a money-maker. I don't love the software problems. I posted a blog at 7:15 EDT this evening;...
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Supreme Court Narrows Miranda, Obama Gives Legal Cover to Drone Operators

(In case you missed these tidbits)     In a split decision, the SCOTUS ruled that suspects must speak up in order to ensure the legality of their rights not to speak.  Anthony Kennedy wrote that a suspect who speaks...
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Cooperation for Kandahar: Ever More Orwellian.

  The 'summer offensive' (Hamkari Baraye Kandahar) in Kandahar will be the test case for US involvement in Afghanistan, according to Karen De Young at the Washington Post.  She reports that administration officials say that the results will be the...
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Anthro-psyops Occupation Programs: the Wave of the Future

  I wandered onto as Army website page last week in search of info about bunker-buster bombs, and read briefly about the Human Terrain Systems project (started in 2006), an 'initiative of the Army Training and Doctrine Command; career...
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Dear Diary........May 30, 2032

Dear Diary,   This will be my last entry, and I don't know if anyone will ever read it; but I feel the need to chronicle what passes for life these days.  My last entry was over three years ago, I...
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Alan Grayson's 'The War is Making You Poor Act' or: How great is this?

   Grayson is giving us a chance to have a little fun while we oppose funding of the wars In Iraq and Afghanistan; this was a real shot in the arm for me this morning.  Another war-funding bill will...
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Mental Health Break......a bird slideshow

I just put up two bird slideshows at my Posterous site for y'all; Flickr won't let me download them to Movable Type lately, so I can't blog them here. If the photos don't boot, just click on the first or...
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More Blackwater/Xe Darkness ...including a secret recording of EriK* Prince

There's been so much happening lately that it's been hard to know where to focus, and I missed all this; maybe you did too.  Pardon the cut and paste; I'm not feeling well, probably from reading all that's discussed in...


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14 years 3 months