The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts

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Midnight Musings

I was visiting synchronicity's latest post. I left a comment to a comment rmrd0000 made and then noticed DD left a comment. I appreciated his comment. I got a chuckle. Nothing unusual, there. And for reasons I can't explain, I responded to DD's comment which made reference to my comment. DD offered a funny response to that comment and ocean-kat and PP responded, respectively, to DD's comment. Both also funny. (To be perfectly accurate, I think I'd have to include an additional comment from DD.

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Independence Day

It's been suggested here at Dagblog and elsewhere that focusing so much attention on Edward Snowden is distracting us from the important work of holding our government accountable for the misdeeds Snowden has helped to expose. And while I agree the narrowly framed hero/villain back and forth has some limits, I think it begs a broader, more thoughtful conversation about our evolving attitudes toward Patriotism, especially in the context of foreign policy, as we continue racing through the 21st Century. The eve of the 237th anniversary of the approval of the Declaration of Independence seems like as good a time as any to jump into the fray.

TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
CreativeJust Curious barefooted204 years 5 months ago
Reader blogBernie's best . . . but HSG247 years 3 days ago
Reader blogA Plea to my Fellow Progressives HSG407 years 2 months ago
Reader blogBernie or Bust? HSG3107 years 5 months ago
Reader blogWhite Lives Matter PeraclesPlease1107 years 8 months ago
Reader blogElection Day (Night) Thoughts PeraclesPlease487 years 8 months ago
Reader blogWho Really Benefits From All The Political Infighting? oldenGoldenDecoy147 years 12 months ago
Blog entryJust a Thought (Democratic National Convention) Doctor Cleveland898 years 14 hours ago
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Reader blogChanges in the democratic primary system? ocean-kat638 years 1 month ago
Blog entryThe Romney Paradox (and the Crybaby Bishops) Doctor Cleveland558 years 1 month ago
Blog entryCan Bernie Sanders Overhaul the Democratic Party? Michael Wolraich808 years 1 month ago
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Reader blogSouljahing On PeraclesPlease618 years 3 months ago
LinkHillary wins Wyoming PeraclesPlease158 years 3 months ago
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Blog entryElizabeth Warren's History Lesson HSG98 years 10 months ago
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