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Is the separation of church and state being threatened-again?

The separation of church and state is one of the most important changes made to our government. It allows all people to practice whatever religion they choose, while preventing them from making any established religion in the government or abolishing religion altogether.

FurudeRikaChama's picture

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: 2 Explorers of Darkness: Does it hit or miss?

I have been an avid video game player for ages. I have played a lot of games, but I played mostly Pokemon when I was younger, and play it occasionally. I would like to review the game mentioned above, and discuss my pros and cons for the game. 

Does it hit the mark, or does it miss?

FurudeRikaChama's picture

The Humanity in Star Trek

One of the best shows of all time is undoubtedly Star Trek. I've been kind enough to offer a few links that represent Roddenberry's love of humankind above all else.

In this episode, Data is led back to his homeland and his evil side, Lore is revealed as well.

FurudeRikaChama's picture

A different kind of cartoon: Anime

Remember those cartoons like Scooby-Doo you watched as kids? Remember how they were always funny and silly, with no continuing plot? Are all cartoons for children? Some of you probably still watch cartoons, and are made fun of for it.

If you didn't know, let me tell you that not all cartoons are for children. There are Japanese cartoons, called anime, that differ greatly than their Western counterparts. They differ greatly in three ways: the storytelling and plot, the artwork and design, and the content and genre.

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The most bizarre commercials

Commercials are probably the most annoying thing ever to come into existence. But, they're everywhere: the internet, magazines, TV. Nowadays, there's not a place you can't go to without seeing a commercial.

Most commercials are quite forgettable. But, there are some that are just plain bizarre and disturbing. This is a list of the most bizarre commercials.

This is a creepy commercial about an insane doll. Everyone in the commercial goes insane after hearing her laugh. I wonder if the maker of this doll is the Joker.

FurudeRikaChama's picture

The pointlessness of NCLB: Why it's hindering education, not helping

We all hear about it every year. Ever since George Bush passed this law, there has been a constant, constant demand for children to get higher scores on standardized tests. They say children need to get the best grades on tests possible. But, is it really a worthwhile law?

The basic principle of NCLB is that they want every child in America to get the same scores on standardized tests by 2014, which is only three years away. My first estimate of this law is....


FurudeRikaChama's picture

Personal Information

Well, let's see. Aside from being trapped in an ever-repeating world for over 100 years, and constantly dying and being reborn. I am smarter than I look.
I grew up in Hinamizawa. I am an orphan who lives with her best friend in a small house along with my cousin Hanyuu. When I'm not on the internet, I enjoy attending after-school club with my friends, and reading.


Member for
13 years 3 months

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