The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts

cmaukonen's picture

And the blood continues to flow.......

But what do you expect in a country where gratuitous violence, blood and mayhem make up the vast majority of the entertainment.

Where a wholly unrealistic portrayal of the Wild West™ on TV and in the movies is still very popular and there are those who not only believe it to be real but also think it should be design for how this country should be living. Albeit updated a bit.

cmaukonen's picture

My Mom passed away this morning

She did not die of cancer or a heart attack or a stroke. She did not have diabetes or any other disease. Some high BP but that is all. And she did not die of natural causes.

NO she died from the most likely cause these days after entering a hospital. She died of a hospital acquired infection.

cmaukonen's picture

The Earth vs The American Dream. At least one of them must go.

My current vehicle has hit the end of the line. The clutch and throw out bearing expired in a puff of foul smoke. This is the 5th time I have had this happen. It's a 1998 Subaru and needs other work as well. It served me will taking me up and down I95 and around central Fl. but it's time to let it go. The replacement will be of a similar sort. Newer but not new. I do not require a brand new car as I do not drive that much, but do need to on occasion.

cmaukonen's picture

Green Life Eco Fest - March 22, 2011

A little Dmitri Orlov on why our upsidedown economic system is doomed to fail and how to prepare for it. An hour long but well worth watching.

cmaukonen's picture

Whither The United States

Both the Democratic and Republican national conventions have attempted this year to show total unity to the viewing public. More so than in the past with the Democrats going to great length in casting as diverse a lineup as they could, with out importing some alien beings from Alpha Century.

cmaukonen's picture

Politics is Politics and Parties is Parties.

I would guess that most here watched at least a bit of the two political circuses that have been put on for our amusement. Of the two I think the democratic circus was much better produced with tighter production values, a more creative script and better jokes. The also did a better job of casting, though in some cases seemed a bit cast against type.

cmaukonen's picture

The Demons in our Contentious Culture and Our radical judgement of each other.

I watched Bill Moyers segment with Jonathan Haidt - a social psychologist - on the extreme positions that so many have these days both in our culture and it's manifestations in politics.

You can watch the show here. And read the transcript here.

cmaukonen's picture

What will determine the outcome of the election ?

Romney is white and Obama is black. And for a large part of the white population and even some Cuban exiles, that is all they think they need to know.


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