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    What's been the point of HC's poison pill strategy?

    It has been fairly apparent for weeks (for those of us who weren't blinded by our candidate loyalties) that Hillary Clinton's chances of winning the nomincation are slim to none.  Now, her chances have completely disappeared.  During this time her campaign has been waging a poison pill strategy against Obama by throwing every damaging or potentially damaging thing they could at him in order to wound him so badly that they could make their electability argument. 

    But why?  What has the point been given that the chances of succeeding were so dismal at the outset?

    It hasn't taken a rocket scientist to figure out she can't win enough delegates and last night's results have, for all intents and purposes, put an end to her campaign.  She may lim along for a bit now, but she has failed in her bid to take out Obama.  The nomination is now within easy reach for him.  Even the tv pundits were finally openly saying she's been jousting with windmills for weeks, but that until last night one could make a plausible, if unlikely, case that she still had a realistic shot.

    As I see it, the upshot of her attempted take down of Obama over these past couple of months is essentially that she has damaged both herself and Obama as candidates now and in the future.  I read a newspaper column about a week ago suggesting "the Clinton's" real purpose now was to essentially ruin Obama's chances in the fall so she could run again in four years before she gets too old.  I don't want to believe that's the truth, but one has to wonder why the Clinton campaign adopted the advice of Mark Penn by waging a virtual scorched earth campaign against Obama attempting to poison white working class voters against him.

    Now, I'm not one of the Obama "movement" people who thinks he represent a paradigm shift or any of the rest of that wooly hero worship some of his followers have succumbed to.  I think he, like Hillary, is just another centrist/corporate Democrat in a new package and that if elected, it's unlikely he will bring about any substantive changes in policies and programs of the Federal government and certainly the politics of Washington will not be changed.  Nonetheless, unless something totally unforseen by everyone occurs, Obama will be the Democratic nominee for President.  The fight with the Republicans is not going to be pretty and he will need everyone's assistance to limp across the finish line ahead of McCain.  We simply cannot afford another term of Republican corruption, endless unsuccessful imperial wars, and obscene military spending and waste.  So what on earth could the rationale of the Clinton campaign be for the battle they have waged since Super Tuesday?

    Hillary finds herself now having blown millions on her unsuccessful bid for the Presidency while also having completely and forever disgraced herself, in the eyes of many of us, in terms of the tactics and appalling hypocrisy she has stooped to.  The Big Dog's reputation has also suffered as a result of the Republican style campaign conducted by Hillary's organization since Super Tuesday.  What possible rationale could have justified the course she took?  What could she have been thinking by choosing to do what she has done both to herself and to Obama?  I don't know if we'll ever really know, but I doubt any good will come of it.


    Agreed: Here's Hillary's theme song. Lyrics say it all.


    Obama does represent a paradigm shift, however, and some of us realized that a long time ago.

    Come on in, the water's fine. :-)

    When the party decides to mend fences and come together when she finally bows out her campaign will be framed as her sacrificing herself and the Clinton Legacy for the benefit of the party - to toughen up Barack Obama for what awaits him in the GE.

    If she played nice all along, Rev. Wright coming out during the GE could have been disastrous. If she played nice all along, Obama might have never learned the lesson of "Bittergate", if she played nice all along Barack Obama wouldn't be nearly a known name as he is today, that he has had to campaign hard in all 50 states and is known everywhere. Lets remember before this primary season, he was basically an unknown. If Hillary played nice, Obama might have been framed the Black candidate by the GOP, instead of battling that issue and finding his footing in the friendly confines of the Democratic primary. If Hillary played nice Obama would never be able to point to how he ran a quarter of a billion dollar campaign like it was a smooth running machine when McCain attacks his inexperience.

    Everything she did, she did for the Democratic Party and for America.

    (Of course if she carries out her planned "Nuclear Option" this line of explanation loses any believability)

    I think a key ingredient is Bill's intense anger.

    This will be the big question people will mull over: What was she thinking? Who can really know?

    Is she a vindictive, selfish person?

    Is she plotting for 2012?

    Or was she just tonedeaf and stepped over the line in an attempt to campaign aggressively?

    I don't think she has harmed Obama all that much. As the other poster mentioned, she may have helped him, by exhausting some of the GOP playbook.

    We'll see.

    She has harmed herself! I know some people don't like to hear that because if we just dont say it, they hope she can repair it, but not all of us think that way! Own it, don't ignore it!

    If that was indeed her strategy, then I will support her as a force in the Senate until we pass term limits.

    If Hillary and Barack planned this little drama to provide the basis for a 50 State Romp through the general, I will take back every mean thing I ever said and will endeavor to give her husband the benefit of the doubt, as hard as that may be.

    I want to believe that it was all part of a larger master plan. Not sure any of them are that selfless, though, besides Barack. It is hard to see him having that kind of influence on the national democratic party as the junior senator from Illinois.

    Just as she was convinced that all "those other women" didn't mean a thing to Bill, so
    was she convinced that the nomination was hers and she would BE the next President.
    Everyone assured her that the next tactic would work, or the next would, so she believed!
    Besides she belongs to the in group that prays together and knows that they are the CHOSEN ones to lead us "little people"...and unknown Barack didn't belong...and FINALLY, the race card would win the day if all else failed.

    She and Bill will be entertaining us with their rationalizations and excuses for months.

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