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    Trump Shaking the Tree So All the Wacko Nuts Fall Out at One Time

    Is this a positive outcome of Trump?



    For years, I have always said that the right for one to freely express their opinion is a very positive thing within our crazy culture.

    Free expression doesn't mean that you can utter irresponsible opinions and the freedom of expression shall be limited and those limitations be defined by law such as, libel, slander, sedition, incitement, fighting words, classified information, copyright violation, trade secrets, non-disclosure agreements, public security, public order, public nuisance, campaign finance reform, perjury, and oppression.

    But... my point is beside that of the legalities. The one thing that all this brouhaha over Trumps latest crap has to deal with, as my header says, shaking the nut tree so all the wacko nuts fall out at one time.

    Now mind you, I am referring to the "less stable" wackos of the 2nd Amendment gun crowd, not the sensible  law abiding gun owners. One needs only to observe the vehement outbursts in the social media to get a firm grip on which wacko nuts to keep a tight eye on..

    Now look at the arm of that machine as Trump--and the tarp catching the nuts as social media.

    It's better to have the nuts out in the open than hiding in the branches of the tree. And as I posted here at Dag, it's not as if the warning has not been out there for quite some time.




    I just read this as T-Rump accused Obama and Clinton of founding ISIS? hahahaha

    Yeah, we have to take the good with the very, very bad.

    Oh and having to listen to the Stones whilst watching some idiotic Trump get together does not help; I assume the Stones get some money from all of this.

    Nothing is free of course; I mean it takes money to advertise and money to be able to be heard.

    And one should never yell fire in a convention center when fascists are screaming that Hillary should be shot or put in prison...hahahahahaha.

    That's all I got right now Ducky. hahah


    No amount of money can compensate - it's worse than a Justin Bieber or Pat Boone cover.

    One caveat. I'd insert  "properly" before the words "classified information".

    If nothing else  Snowden showed the  classification system needs to build in an automatic review. The Government can't be judge and jury as to what we learn about what it's doing.

    Sure there are things that ought  to remain secret.  And ones that ought not.

    Flavius ... Well...

    You can always go ahead and test this theory of yours about "The Government can't be judge and jury..." by getting some secret info and putting it out into the public for scrutiny. Other than that you'll have to take it up with the Senate Committee on Intelligence.

    Oh and have you checked Snowden's last "mysterious" Twitter thread on 5 Aug 2016?


    Scroll down through that thread and see what you think.



    Interesting, though the picayune way of getting involved feels very juvenile and pathetic. Yeah, you can release a bunch of dirty laundry rather than serious matters that early Wikileaks delivered.

    We can then debate the good or bad of the Orange Revolution and how we deal with tyrannies vs leaving governments to do what they want however bad.

    I'm rather unimpressed that the left thinks no-fly zones are horrible interventions while bombings and gas attacks and brutal rebel actions and gov reprisals on the ground are better.

    But then again they think supporting and arming the government and vast majority of people in Ukraine is the same thing as arming rebels and occupying another country's territory.

    (And if we discuss Russia's actions vs ours, will we then admit that Russia is likely behind the hacks, or still play the game of "I'm not admitting nuttin', but if it were true it wouldn't matter because we do it (or something kinda simialr) too, nyah nyah... ???

    As the wackos keep falling out from the tree, Trump is managing to alienate a historic number of Black voters. Trump is a birther ridiculed by Obama at a correspondents dinner. Trump is admired by white supremacists. Donald does not hide his racism. According to 538, Trump is polling at historically low numbers among black voters. He trails Johnson and Stein. Trump ranks fourth among the choices of black voters when they are given four choices. Trump is getting 1-2% of the black vote.



    Krugman notes that it is all about tax cuts for the very wealthy for the GOP. Other issues are unimportant. Misogyny, racism, etc. are not concerns.



    Hey RMRD ... Yeah . . .

    Misogyny, racism, etc. are not concerns.

    Yeah, There concerns are that they're willing to curry favor with bigots in the service of tax cuts.

    Recently Avik Roy, a leading Republican health-policy expert, had the personal and moral courage to admit what liberals (and political scientists) have been saying for years: “In reality, the gravitational center of the Republican Party is white nationalism.”

    Just to be clear, I’m not saying that top Republicans were or are personally bigoted — but that doesn’t matter. What does matter is that they were willing to curry favor with bigots in the service of tax cuts for the rich and financial deregulation. Remember, Mitt Romney eagerly accepted a Trump endorsement in 2012, knowing full well that he was welcoming a racist conspiracy theorist into his camp.

    All that has happened this year is a move of those white nationalists from part of the supporting cast to a starring role. So when Republicans who went along with the earlier strategy draw the line at Mr. Trump, they’re not really taking a stand on principle; they’re just complaining about the price. And the party’s top leadership isn’t even willing to do that.

    Bigots using bigots...

    And if you haven't read this. take the time and do so,

    Trump's Populist Support Message? Horse Pucky!


    Thanks for the link 

    Republicans have always been comfortable with bigots. Goldwater curried favor with white supremacists. Reagan spoke of state's rights in Philadelphia, Mississippi. Trump is more open with courting the bigots. The same crowd that cheered when when Cliven Bundy pointed guns at federal agents, cheered when Baltimore police officers were noted charged in the death of Freddie Gray.. Different skin color, different rules. Whites can challenge the state. Blacks, on the other hand, can be killed by the state. Bundy is a hero. Gray deserved to die.

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