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    This Odd Little Family...

    I don't know if it is the lull after the election and the residual euphoria, the introspection that comes when suddenly I find myself with some extra time on my hands, this mushy time of year, or the number of personal posts that have popped up lately, but I'm finding myself reflecting quite a bit lately about this odd little family we have created here at TPM.

    I know, there are those of you who are here solely to stir the pot, or for the issues only, and don't care to bond, but for many of us, this has become a family away from family, not the one given us by nature, but the one we have chosen for ourselves.

    Some have been here a long time, years maybe, and others, like myself, not so long, but long enough to have built up a rapport that exceeds that found in mere "communities."  We fight like families fight, we ask for support and give it like families...we have our crazy Aunt Harriette (don't panic, I'm not referring to you!) crotchety Grandpa Joe (you know who you are!) and cousins that could start a fight in an empty bar, others that are so funny we're falling down laughing listening to them, and yet others that have their heads so far up their butts we can hardly believe we're the same species, let alone related!  We have our wise and brilliant mothers and fathers, and brothers and sisters that are so supportive we don't know what we'd do without them.

    Our members come from so many different and diverse backgrounds and ethnicities and religions, some believers, some not. We have different economic realities, some are just starting their journeys into adulthood, others are much further along. We represent many, many careers and have an incredible knowledge base when we all put our heads together.

    We can have a glass of wine with each other whenever we want, discuss any subject under the sun any time day or night, or just sit back and listen if we want to keep up but don't feel like we have anything to contribute. We share our common interests, sometimes being a bit of an echo chamber, then fuss like cats and dogs over those things we disagree about. Sometimes we're respectful, sometimes not so much...Every once in awhile a troll or two come through. Some ignore them, others band together to chase them off. Mostly we have each other's backs.

    We share our pain, delight in each other's successes, help each other through technology glitches, come to each other's aid when we have a brain fart and can't remember where saw the article on (fill in the blank.) We've helped each other through life changing illnesses, divorces, job losses, job changes, serious accidents. We've celebrated new love, new jobs, a new President. We tease each other mercilessly. We alert each other to problems we see brewing out there in the world. We search out advice on just about every aspect of life, knowing that SOMEONE and maybe multiple someones have experienced the same thing and are anxious to share their perspectives with us. We cringe through the misspellings and incorrect word usages of some, and bask in the melodic words and phrases of others, hoping they will write more soon. We call each other out when we are being asshats (I just LOVE that term!) and encourage each other to be our better selves.

    Anyway, today I have found myself thinking about our family in the most joyous of ways, and wanted to let you know that, while I have an awesome "real world" family, I treasure you, the odd little family I have chosen for myself. I am glad you are in my life, and I wanted you know...

    P.S. Here's a little something from me to you...turn up the volume and prepare to be blessed.

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