The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
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    Hawaii's Forgotten Internment Camps

    I didn't really know how to share this one with you guys. I didn't think it belonged "In The News" but I didn't really have commentary to add to it. Here it is nonetheless.



    The organization mentioned - Japanese Cultural Center - has a Facebook page.


      Jeez, I always heard that Japanese in Hawaii weren't interned. Forgotten history, indeed. I had a professor, a World War II veteran, who was outraged when I said that the internment of Japanese-Americans didn't make it wrong to fight Hitler. Well, that isn't relevant, but it still pisses me off so much that I had to mention it.

    I guess we were wrong! I think a big reason why the Nazis stand out as so evil is because their ideology, their figurehead, their form of dress all seemed inordinately bizarre and deranged.

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