The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Richard Day's picture



    Mac added a comment to Erica.

    Erica if you recall has been nuts on this gun 'thing'.

    And I made a comment on that blog and it got lost-ed in my computer stream thingy.

    I began my lost comment with the words:

    I just do not have the energy to complete another blog on this subject....

    Piers Morgan has been described by me in not so wonderful words.

    But Piers has taken on the subject of weapons of mass destruction in such a manner as to create a new wonder in this man.

    Let us discuss weapons of mass destruction he says. Those are my words but these words most clearly describe his intent!

    You know how rush or beckerhead or a number of other arseholes just beat the dead horse?

    Well Piers is beating a war horse that refuses to die. And I admire him for this effort.

    If rush and beckerhead and a number of other radio bastards can make a buck fronting for the corporate bastards that really run this country; why cannot Piers take on the gun lobby?

    I do not see Piers as being your regular hypocrite!

    I see Piers as standing up to the gun lobby, as he puts it and he is unrelenting!

    How can you not love this guy?

    I admit, I fell in love with the guy when Ms. Brown sung that song on the Brit's version of reality singing.

    I know he has been indicted (metaphorically at least) for problems involving the unlawful recording of certain communications between the elite members of the Brit aristocracy.

    But damn!

    This guy is standing up for a principle.

    He really is!

    Anyway back to my comment at Dagblog that never took.

    Mac embedded a video of Piers interviewing (or attempting to interview) a right wing gun nut psychopath.

    This interview is all over the web; on both the left wing sites as well as the right wing sites.

    Alex Jones is out of his fricking mind.

    Oh, but you might alert others that I have never been licensed as a therapist let alone a psychiatrist.

    Well that is all fine and dandy.

    But we are discussing the issues concerning the killing of children in the Kindergarten (oh but they were one month into the first grade?).

    We must stop for a minute for some music or I will not be able to complete my thought.




    There are battle lines being drawn...


    Guns, guns and more guns

    Alex Jones can be accused of a number of 'sins' that is to be sure.

    I would note that you might see this bugger if you bother to view the 'documentaries' of my ex-governor from time to time.'s_Conspiracy_Theory_Series

    Alex Jones believes that there are criminal conspiracies that resulted in the attack on the Twin Towers in NYC or the Oklahoma bombing or a number of other terrorist attacks upon our nation.

    Mac's embedding of the 'interview' by Piers of Jones should send anyone to the phone or the email or the twitter or Facebook or any one of a number of communication devices available in order to denounce this NAZI prick.

    Jones had to be 'led out' of the building where Piers holds his interviews; as a protection against Jones.

    Then, as I attempted to disclose in my comments, Jones goes to his hotel room and makes two, not just one but two, videos concerning this confrontation with Morgan.

    The NYPD is conspiring to kill him; kill Jones that is.

    Two hours before Matthews opined about this issue, my lost comment noted the idea that mental illness should be taken into consideration with regard to permitting certain individuals from acquiring weapons of mass destruction.

    These videos taken by Jones underline the aims of the 'Biden Commission on Guns'.

    I have witnessed rush breaking down; I have witnessed beckerhead breaking down.

    Watch about five Law & Order episodes and you will see that a number of police investigators will note that some suspect slugged his tenth grade teacher in the mouth and therefore that fellow who is now 35 years of age selling insurance must be a prime suspect in the murder!

    Or that this 'suspect' once was charged with shoplifting or had been charged with 'assault' or ….

    So this essay concerns two different issues.


    If I am going to speak with a mental illness counselor; whether she be a psychotherapist or a psychiatrist or whatever; that person might be authorized by law to violate the doctor/patient privilege and inform the authorities that I should never own a gun; that I should never be around children; that I should never be allowed in a car; can count the ways.

    Of course I should never have a gun anyway. hahahahah


    Would anyone really wish that Jones or rush or beckerhead or savage have access to weapons of mass destruction?

    I certainly have heard rush break down.

    I certainly have witnessed beckerhead break down on the air.

    Savage breaks down on the air all the damn time.

    Jones is not only escorted out of Morgan's show but he produces two videos representing a psychopath with paranoid delusions. The NYCPD is out to kill him.

    If push comes to shove, should any of these crazy folks be allowed to own as much as a BB gun?

    Personally, I do not believe that any of these folks should be allowed butter knives without adequate adult supervision!

    We now have as many weapons available as we do population.

    If we are really going to keep psychopaths away from weapons of mass destruction; I already know that folks like Jones and Limbaugh and Becker and Savage will be able to acquire weapons of mass destruction.

    On the other hand, if my old shrink (who is retired I think) wrote on some government sheet that I should not have access to a weapon—well I could give a damn because I have no need or desire to seek a weapon unless I was confronted with a rush or a beckerhead or a savage or a Jones!

    This all just struck me when Matthews pointed out that Jones should not be allowed to have any weapons.

    Because Jones is obviously mentally ill.

    And Jones is obviously mentally ill.

    But so is rush and beckerhead and savage and akin and murdock and bachmann and a host of others.

    This mental illness standard is never going to work.

    Now, if one has been convicted of some violent crime (and what exactly is a violent crime?) maybe we could make sure that person should not be able to acquire weapons of mass destruction.

    I was just struck by how mentally ill Jones really really is; and I acquired this knowledge by simply watching his interview with Piers and his subsequent paranoid videos.

    Are we really going to procure the testimony of some Psychiatrist that Jones should not be an owner of over 50 weapons of mass destruction due to Jones' mental illness and thereby receive an order of competent jurisdiction to that effect?


    It aint gonna happen.

    And this mental illness standard as a panacea is a waste of time!

    I do know this.

    Jones is a danger to himself and to others.


    I know this.

    Rush has actually violated the Patriot Act by telling his listeners to go to Denver and disrupt the Democratic Convention by burning cars and such.

    Beck has actually violated the Patriot Act by telling people that he will pay for the bullet that kills Michael More.

    Jones has declared war upon the United States of America.

    We did incarcerate a fellow who asked his viewers to kill Federal Judges.

    As a matter of fact this was friend of not only Jones but also Hannity!

    Matthews felt that Jones has fulfilled a role in this discussion of gun control.

    He felt that Jones ensures that the American populace will see the light somehow through this psycho's message.


    We just saw our babies killed in a school room.

    I will continue to demonstrate my real depression concerning the matters that took place at Newtown.

    I cannot help myself.




    DD, thank you for your thoughts--I need time to process them and I am tired.

    Hope to post something in the morning.

    Oh Erica, you are a sweetheart.

    And forgiving too!

    Sometimes it takes me weeks to unravel what I am attempting to say!

    And I wrote it!


    If rush or beckerhead had the weapon of mass destruction, do you think they would hand them over, if we said please?

    If the republicans finally took control of all three branches and pronounced the end of all democrats; would they hear our pleas of "please don't do that".

    We could march in front of the capitol with signs in protest, while they stick it to us, hoping they'll have a conscience?   

    "What term limits"?

    Oh Resistance; give it up for chrissakes!



    People are crazy





    Do you really believe the majority of people think about God?

    If they did we wouldn't be in this mess.


    Well Resistance, I would like to take a break from dark matters to say that I am very glad that Billy Currington was nice to that old guy and got the money and wrote the song because he is CUTE, CUTE, CUTE!

    Made my day. (As it were.)

    I love his music.

    The other video was insightful at the beginning when it showed the pot heads and other drug burn outs.

    It makes me ponder; our offspring may have been more affected than we thought.  

    Could it be these maniacal, mass murderers have been made/created by us.

    We are now reaping the affects, of the selfish 60's ????? 

    On a sad note: My daughter was just diagnosed with breast cancer, could it be the genes I transferred, were mutated by drugs?

    Responsibility lies not in the banning, but making a decision to use. 

    I don't know on the gene mutation question--I don't think theres any conclusive information as yet. It's probably not worth beating yourself up about...

    I hope your daughter will be ok--hopefully she got an early diagnosis and is receiving good care!

    Thanks Erica

    She found the lump herself, and didn't delay in getting a confirmation.

    Needs chemo and radiation.  even if they remove the breast or both.

    Dickon! That's crazy video isn't it, and Alex Jones is crazy, he is so crazy it's hard to believe he has a radio show and maybe even a wife! I can't believe he has listeners, oh man, what kind of person listens to a crazy man? I can only expect they are other crazy people. The fact is the first people who should lose their access to all firearms even bb guns and legos in the shape of guns are Alex Jones and all his listeners.

    We absolutely need comprehensive reform, but we aren't going to get that, people are limiting themselves to talking about magazine sizes and while that matters it only one piece of what needs to take place. The question is, why is it that so many Americans believe the myth that our legally elected government is going to attack us or whatever it is they believe. See I think all these crazy statements by these people are excuses, they know damn well nothing like that is going to happen, but they are actually threatening the existence of our democracy by believing that they can unseat a legally elected government, and that is what is most worrisome, because that is the real intention behind all this paranoia.

    Glad you enjoyed the video though, it is very enlightening, you should check out the second half of the interview, it's up on CNN somewhere, because it is just as crazy as the first part.

    It sure reminds me of the American history lessons I was taught about the Civil War.

    The voices of reason are asking what’s going on. (Something happening here) and the expressed sentiments at the beginnings of the Civil War are a repeat of . (No you're wrong/ no you are)

    Eventually Independent States would be forced to subjugate themselves again to (the new monarchy) Federal Control and now, individual liberties would lose out to Federal control.

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