The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

    Cayman Capitalism is Dead! Long Live Legitimate Commerce!

    Okay, so maybe we're not quite there yet, but a girl can dream, right?

    Watching the veil of the Mitt Romney temple break in twain, not over Mitt's religion but from the godless way he actually makes his money--what a pleasant surprise. It's kind of comforting to know that when finally confronted with Cayman Capitalism in all its Reptilian glory...


    ...even Republicans may have decided that the Cayman isn't really an appropriate replacement for the eagle as our national symbol.

    I was pretty sure that Mitt was a shoo-in for the nomination, that his Mormonism would not be a deciding factor,  and that vast amounts of Republican wealth would carry him through.

    The one factor I did not consider, however, was that people might...wise up. Maybe finally, the price of a Republican vote has risen out of reach of the well-heeled and psychologically ruthless establishment.



    (Now the big question may be whether Democrats will lay claim to the mantle of  "representing the people" or if they'll panic and inexplicably hot-potato it back to the Republicans.)


    The one factor I did not consider, however, was that people might...wise up.

    Yeah, usually when dealing with certain segments, it's a safe bet that would not happen.

    ( A bit concerned you have maligned either the crocodiles or alligators - can't tell which the pic represents - by posting their image with the connotation they are somehow representative of the Cayman Capitalists.  I think they are safer for most to associate with than the CC's!)


    I'm guessing that's a caiman in the picture, a relative of alligators and crocodiles

    It's a relative of the crocodile.

    It's a caiman, alligator in Taino

    OK, I need a vote here--according to wikipedia (master source for all facts in the universe) Sir Francis Drake named the islands Cayman back in 1586, after the caiman.

    Is it close enough to call it good?

    I confess that I did not know the correct spelling of caiman when I made the association.....

    I've seen it spelled several ways: caiman, cayman, kaiman ... I actually have a pair of goggles named Kaiman.

    I first saw "Republican glory" where you'd written "Reptilian glory", but then after realizing my mistake I realized it was a distinction without a difference.

    Iowa Umemployment Rate: 5.7%

    New Hampshire Unemployment Rate: 5.2%

    South Caroline Unemployment Rate: 9.9%

    Florida Unemployment Rate: 10%


    While the primary rages for the Repubs, Obama and Dems will take the middle road and appeal to the moderate Dems and Independents.  Then when the General occurs it will depend on the economic trends, which currently shows a nice little trend up in consumer confidence. 

    Now that Mitt has been exposed as Wall Street, a good portion of the Dem base has been energized that weren't six months ago.

    I hope you are right about the base. I also hope the organizers will be able to take the energy and make something of it.

    "Watching the veil of the Mitt Romney temple break in twain, not over Mitt's religion but from the godless way he actually makes his money--what a pleasant surprise."

    And what do you base any of this on?  You people claiming Newt's victory as striking a blow for the 99% are deluding yourselves.  I'll refer you to my comment in a-Man's post-SC thread for my full refutation of this line of thinking. 

    I can't wait.

    Now, as Clint Eastwood might say if he were an excessively polite blogger: I don't cotton much to comments that include the words "you people," so I'd prefer that you please refrain from further comment on my thread.

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