The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
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    A New Year Begins at the Haikulodeon


    Here's this week's heap of haikus:
    As the old year wanes,
    the new year waits for its cue.
    I pace nervously.
    Because humans don't
    have reset buttons ... we had
    to invent "New Years."
     Start over once more.
    You have not failed, you've earned the
    Good to know; though you
    can't alphabetize chaos,
    you can order fries.
    An old weathered rope,
    hangs 'round a lonely fence-post;
    purpose forgotten.
     In Grandma's parlor,
    quiet domesticity ...
    and a sleeping cat.
    There, at her bedside,
    were her friends and family;
    'Welcome back from Oz.'
    Mind all aflutter,
    She left her glasses at home
    and her keys at work.
     Living with a dog,
    means there's likelihood for an
    adventure today.
    A wooden bucket
    with its bottom rotted out,
    should be redefined.
    Careless flirtations,
    imprudent actions cause pain.
    But love will survive.
    A glorious day
    seeps through my window shades, and
    makes my fears retreat.
    Sadly, I awake
    to find my dreams have ended
    and the world still turns.
    tanka haiku: 
    If what you believe,
    demands willful ignorance,
    you will not succeed ...

    for the light of truth is found
    in all that truly prospers.
    tanka haiku:
    Horizontal lines,
    adjust the Vertical Hold,
    play with Rabbit Ears.

    TVs were simple once. Now,
    we need to call Tech Support.
    What could be greater
    than coaxing a smile from a
    shy, unhappy child?
    She recalls fondly
    how one rainy afternoon
    they 'shared' an awning.
    Are you a misfit
    and conspire to rebel?
    Get in line, my friend.
    Sometimes I'm awake,
    When I should be fast asleep,
    dreaming I'm awake.
    I find solitude
    on a hand-carved wooden bench
    near the bridle path.
    He waits nervously,
    hears his cue, boldly enters ...
    "Tis I!" (sans trousers)
    Have you seen my thoughts?
    They sometimes wander through here,
    searching for meaning.



    I am in the depths

    The depths of what I don't know

    And I just got paid!


    God knows what real depths

    I would find; without the pay

    Looking for the source!


    Looking for the source?

    Aaaah, the source of real despair

    Must be disrepair


    If down in the dumps

    The beginning of the year

    What more might I fear?


    So I write my blogs

    And I feign to really count

    When I really don't


    Chin up they would say

    Things could always be much worse

    I could be lost-ed


    forever and a day

    I shall awake tomorrow

    And be less afraid


    And why tomorrow

    After all, after all I

    Have really been paid!


    The end


    (why do I do this?)

    Nice, DD.  Thanks for being in such a similar mindset.

    "Ahhh the source of real despair must be disrepair."  Ain't it the truth? 


    Rooting through garbage;
    not the same as feeling you
    are down in the dumps.



    Someone asked Orion how he became the Dag expert on SSRIs (or some question close to that) and I thought of this one:

    The job was open

    Orion showed interest

    Dag said "It's yours."

    One syllable shy in the last line. Try "Dag said, "it's all yours." 

    Other than that, really excellent, Erica!  

    P.S.  Thanks for reading my stuff.  Sometimes I think it's just DD and me having a private conversation. hahaha



    Poet Laureate
    by default? ... It could be verse.
    It might have to rhyme. 

    Oops, sorry--it was meant to be "So dag said." 

    I panicked on the delivery.

    Oh, man, I just saw this comment pop up and it's a weird one. LOL.

    I did not know that Dag is actually one homogeneous entity that answers questions. It's good to know it is.


    Hey! Who  are you calling a homo genius?  I ain't neither!  

    (Not that there's anything wrong with that.)



    Dagblog is a mush ...
    of writers who all speak as
    One.... Oh yeah, that's right.  



    Yeah. We're known far and wide as the magic 8 ball of political commentary sites.

    Knocked down or knocked up,

    English compares this with that:

    A bird in both hands.

    The song reveals the singer:

    Sad but true, honest, and mad.

    moat goes tanka ... nice.  


    Comparing this, that

    and the other, demands that

    we be judgmental.



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