The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    MrSmith1's picture

    Another pre-holiday Friday afternoon at the haiku-lodeon

    This week's heap of haikus:
    Things I saw today;
    Naval ships in the Hudson,
    homeless in the streets.
    A day for baseball
    ruined by a thunderstorm ...
    puddles at third base.
     In you, I see me.
    Our thoughts are clearly in sync.
    And that makes me smile.
    Any given day,
    swirling leaves will seem confused
    by the winds of change.
    My heart belongs to
    you, my sweet, and no-one else.
    Hand me the remote.
     What, she asked, is Hope?
    Hope's the thing that blossoms
    from seeds of despair.
     To amuse themselves,
    she would sing, he'd whistle ... but
    always diff'rent tunes.
     The pre-War building
    stood in stark contrast to the
    soul-less skyscrapers.
    Double haiku:  Lush forestation
    made progress difficult, and
    hid the waterfalls.
    But ... the explorers
    finally found their way into
    this "heart of darkness."
    The ladybug clings
    to my sleeve, so I take her
    to see my garden.
    Gossiping biddies,
    griping in their rocking chairs,
    can sometimes be right.
    Demands for Justice,
    echo through millenia;
    human rights prevail.
    tanka haiku: Graceful extensions,
    limber elevations, and
    lithe, flowing movements.

    Beauty and Ballet combined
    will feed hung'ry hopeful souls.
    My world is shifting.
    Soon, I'll be no-one's son.
    Who will hold me then?



    I was reading Don Quixote the past week and I could not get past this little scene:

    "What the devil fortress or castle is this," said one, "to make us stand on such ceremony? If you are the innkeeper bid them open to us; we are travellers who only want to feed our horses and go on, for we are in haste."

    "Do you think, gentlemen, that I look like an innkeeper?" said Don Quixote.

    "I don't know what you look like," replied the other; "but I know that you are talking nonsense when you call this inn a castle."

    "A castle it is," returned Don Quixote, "nay, more, one of the best in this whole province, and it has within it people who have had the sceptre in the hand and the crown on the head."

    "It would be better if it were the other way," said the traveller, "the sceptre on the head and the crown in the hand; but if so, may be there is within some company of players, with whom it is a common thing to have those crowns and sceptres you speak of; for in such a small inn as this, and where such silence is kept, I do not believe any people entitled to crowns and sceptres can have taken up their quarters."

    The link:

    I was reading this in a real book, but the line:

    It would be better if it were the other way around...


    The world is indeed shifting!

    Maybe it would be better with sceptres in the head and crowns in the hand. hahahaha

    Sceptres and a crown ... exchanging glances ... 

    haiku: He crowned his own head
    with a heavy sceptre and
    got a royal flush.




    See, Cervantes would have liked you!

    Thanks. :-)


    It would be better
    t'were the other way around.
    Just know when to stop.



    I step outside, breathe

    Nature is wearing perfume

    Flowers are harlots

    Ooooo, I love this one!

    Thank you. The smell of flowers this morning was quite strong, so naturally I thought of your haiku-odeon!

    Flowers are harlots
    most purchased for their beauty
    this john loves them all

    LOL!  The 'flowers are harlots' meme is a popular one!!  Well done LULU!


    haiku:  Scarlet harlots thrive
    in my garden, but you should
    see their pimpernel.

    For Memorial Day ...

    He will not return.

    But his words are now my words;

    What am I saying?

    LOL, moat!


    The words we fear most;
    "We become our parents",  are,
    oftentimes, quite true. 

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