The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
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    In Plain Sight

    I had to add LEED language to some specifications today. My wife always urges me to drive in on weekends, but I'm never sure of parking, and it was nice, so I rode the bike down to the light rail. At the station, an MTA lady explained adding a fare to the Charm Card.

    Cyclists are supposed to use the last car, and there was only a handful of people there. I'll assign them names. Across from me was Mel, a grizzled white guy about my age, wearing blue coveralls. A few seats up, in seats facing backwards, but towards me, was Trish, a thirtyish black woman, plump, hair pulled tight. Ahead of her was DeeDee, a thirtyish white woman, also a bit thick-waisted and a Audrey, twentyish white woman looking sourly at her laptop. On the other side was Brittany, a perky twentyish blonde motormouth. A few seats ahead of her was Rob, a late twentyish white guy, who could have been handsome.

    The young people were chatting animatedly, except Audrey.

    Rob asked if anyone had a tissue. DeeDee bragged to Brittany that Rob could put a tissue up through one nostril and back down the other. Brittany wanted to see that. DeeDee explained that he had snorted so much that it had eaten away a hole under the bridge of his nose. Trish didn't want to see it. Audrey rolled her eyes.

    Someone had a tissue, which Rob started rolling up. I didn't look. We got to North Street station and Brittany said, "There's Kevin!" A young black man was up on the hill above the platform. She ran over to shout at him from the door, but couldn't figure out how to open it. DeeDee and Trish also jumped up started running around waving and yelling at Kevin, too. Trish opened the top vent of the window and started yelling at Kevin to run and get on the train.

    Kevin did make it into the car, and seemed awfully popular. He said he had been headed to Timonium - the opposite way - but ... He told Rob he had something, and said something about 135. He tossed a small brown pill bottle to Rob. Rob asked if it was free. It wasn't.

    Negotiations continued. At the Mount Royal station, Audrey left without a word or gesture to any of them. She didn't have that rough meth skin like DeeDee and Rob. She hadn't interacted with any of the others, so I think she was just unlucky to be sitting there.

    I looked back over and DeeDee was drinking from another small pill bottle, and they were all commenting on how much better it was than the other stuff. Kevin told DeeDee that she really knew how to suck. Much laughter. Rob asked Brittany how old she was, then DeeDee asked how long she had been on dope. She said since 15. I'd guess just weed, because her skin was still pretty smooth.

    Mel stood up at Lexington Market and shook his head at me before stepping off.

    DeeDee started talking about somebody who had soo much money - a fistful of fifties and hundreds.

    They all got off at University Center, and I was glad to see them go.

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