The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

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Thank you John Kerry


How can I be pleased  when I don't know what's in it? Easy.

If there are things that need fixing we can start trying to fix them.As Tom Peters said a million years ago "Do it ,fix it."

You can't fix a deal that hasn't been done.

The right of .... to go someplace

Some  of those involved in the "Process" ,maybe many of them, agree that the two sides reached a point where there was an Israeli offer which Arafat considered accepting. But the"Right of return" stood in the way.

In retrospect those optimists resembled a long ago New Yorker cartoon: two scientists stand in front of a black board covered with equations while one of them points at a spot in the middle and says "here's where a miracle occurs."

Take me out to the (fixed)ball game

Imagine a world series which was fixed. Not by the players  ("say it ain't so, Joe") but- much more efficiently-  by the umpires.

Which is what was happening in the run up to the Financial Crisis.

That's the conclusion to be drawn from the $1.5 Billion Standard& Poor's settlement.

OK,guys let's put the turkey on the table

Everything that we've written here about Ferguson missed the point. Including my "contributions"  of course. In fact them especially...A million years ago,or to be more precise,  yesterday, Erica and I had an exchange about whether  Wilson shot at Brown  while he was going away, or only after Brown turned and started back.

Somehow I'm reminded of a comment by the ceo of my company about a suggestion of mine " Who the hell cares about (what I'd just recommended).?"

There's at least one thing Ferguson,Cleveland and Staten Island

have in common.

We're looking at them in the rear view mirror.

Getting convicted for murder through the court system is a very long, carefully choreographed affair.12 citizens are chosen carefully to participate, two teams of smart people who have passed difficult bar exams make the case for and against conviction and then those jurors are sequestered and argue with one another until they reach a conclusion.

Where I disagree about Ferguson

and where I don't

I disagreed with  trashing  Florissant street. That wasn't protesting, it was rioting.

"        "          with a woman on the web today shouting that the police were killing  "our babies" Michael Brown was not a baby.But

I agree that the  police who shot the 12 year old  Tamir Rice in Cleveland were killing a baby. 

I disagree with the criticism of  Darren Wilson for telling Michael Brown to move on to the side walk

I  agree  Wilson should not have shot -and wounded- Brown when he was running away

One vote

for Obama's immigration plan. Krugmann in his  column today get's it right, as he usually does.

Surprising lack of comment here. 

That's all folks

Since the end of 2010 Obama’s only been able to do those things the Constitution permits the President to by himself.

Starting Jan 1 of next year       Obama’s only going to be able to do those things etc . etc.

You can’t lose what you haven’t got. And what Obama hasn’t got today is the same thing(s) he hadn’t got last week :a majority.

Another Halloween story?

Hmn. How do I put this.?Maybe Limbaugh ,Hannity et al are right. That at least until we have sufficiently  larger data base providing evidence to the contrary, the prudent course is to quarantine  every arrival from Ebolaland. .

Why have so many health-care professionals been infected? The easy answer is ‘because they haven’t followed the protocols’. Really? Even though they knew that they were risking their lives and possibly the lives of many others by such carelessness?



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